
The ending of the workplace comedy "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" is ideal after all, and the reality is often cruel

author:Idle drunken mountain people

On December 29, 2023, the New Year's Day movie "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" was officially released, which tells the story of fitter Hu Jianlin (played by Dapeng) who was transferred to the group headquarters to become a gold collar by mistake, exposed the corrupt executives of the factory at the group's annual meeting, and finally kept the factory. The film shows the chaos in the workplace and the plight of workers in a relaxed and humorous way, and also conveys a kind of positive energy and hope, which has won wide acclaim from the audience, and the current Douban score is as high as 8.1 points.

The ending of the workplace comedy "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" is ideal after all, and the reality is often cruel

However, is the ending of the film really so beautiful? Can Hu Jianlin's "heroic" behavior really change the fate of the factory? In reality, can migrant workers really realize their dreams and values through their own efforts and courage, just like Hu Jianlin?

Hu Jianlin's "heroic" behavior is not reasonable

The climax of the film is Hu Jianlin's exposure of the factory's corrupt executives in the form of rap at the annual meeting, which aroused resonance and applause from the audience. This scene is undoubtedly very explosive and relieving, making the audience feel a kind of resistance and victory of beating workers. However, such behavior is unlikely to happen in reality, and it is unlikely to have a good outcome.

The ending of the workplace comedy "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" is ideal after all, and the reality is often cruel

Hu Jianlin's rap was written based on his experience and investigation in the factory, and he exposed the internal problems of the factory, not the problems of the group. Here, if the chairman is not a former senior management of the factory, there may not be much reaction to the dark box operation between the executives.

Moreover, Hu Jianlin's rap not only risks offending his boss and colleagues, but also risks being prosecuted by the law. Although his rap is supported by evidence, he did not report it through formal channels and procedures, but performed a spontaneous performance in public, which can easily be regarded as a slander and rumor-mongering, which brings trouble to himself. Moreover, his rap did not receive the recognition and support of the group's top management, but only caused an emotional reaction from some employees, which did not really solve the problem, but could intensify the conflict and lead to a greater crisis.

The ending of the workplace comedy "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" is ideal after all, and the reality is often cruel

The fate of the factory does not depend on Hu Jianlin, but on the market and policies

At the end of the film, Hu Jianlin's rap aroused the attention of the group's top management, and the group decided not to lay off employees, but to reform and invest in the factory to bring the factory back to life. This scene is undoubtedly very warm and touching, making the audience feel a kind of happiness and hope for workers. However, is this really such a happy ending, and can the fate of the factory really be changed by Hu Jianlin alone?

The ending of the workplace comedy "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" is ideal after all, and the reality is often cruel

In reality, the fate of the factory does not depend on Hu Jianlin, but on the market and policies. Although Hu Jianlin's rap exposed the corrupt executives of the factory, he did not solve the fundamental problems of the factory, that is, the factory's products and technology have lagged behind the market demand and competition, the efficiency and quality of the factory have been unable to meet the requirements and expectations of customers, and the cost and profit of the factory have been unable to maintain normal operation and development. These problems are not the problems of one or two executives, but the problems of the entire industry and the market, which need to be fundamentally reformed and innovated, not solved by a single show and protest.

Although the group's decision temporarily saved the factory from crisis, it did not change the essence of the factory, that is, the factory is still subordinate and subordinate to the group, and the factory is still subject to the group's arrangement and command. The real way out of the factory is to liberate itself from the control of the group, establish its own brand and market, and cultivate its own talents and technology, so as to truly realize the transformation and upgrading of the factory.

The ending of the workplace comedy "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" is ideal after all, and the reality is often cruel


Therefore, the ending of "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" is an ideal after all, and the reality is very cruel. Although the film gives the audience a fantasy of resistance and victory for the workers, the reality is often not the case. The above is all the content of this article, if you like this article, welcome to like and collect and follow~

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