
On January 6, the Xiaohan solar term, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, and there are two ways to eat winter storage vegetables

author:Feng'er Kitchen

January 6 is the 24th solar term of the small cold solar term, the characteristics of the small cold is that the day is getting colder, the midwinter "39" is basically in the solar term, so there is a "small cold better than the big cold" said. Before and after the "39th" of Xiaohan, the heat in the deep soil is also exhausted, and although the sunlight and heat increase slightly, it is still unable to make ends meet, so there is the lowest temperature of the year. This period is the best period for people to start eating winter storage vegetables, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, two ways to eat winter storage vegetables.

On January 6, the Xiaohan solar term, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, and there are two ways to eat winter storage vegetables

1. Northeast sour cabbage

Sour cabbage is a winter reserve dish in Northeast China, a traditional pickled vegetable with regional characteristics, pickled with Chinese cabbage, every household will draw several large vat of sour cabbage, sour cabbage retains the nutrients of the original vegetables to the greatest extent, rich in vitamin C, amino acids, dietary fiber and other nutrients, contains a large number of normal lactic acid bacteria in the human intestines, has the effect of maintaining the normal physiological function of the gastrointestinal tract, there are many ways to eat sour cabbage in Northeast China, you can stew big bones with sauerkraut and sauerkraut dumplings, today I will share a pork sauerkraut stuffed dumplings made with Northeast sour cabbage, a very famous local delicacy in Northeast China, no less famous than mushroom stewed chickenWhen you go to the Northeast, you must try authentic sauerkraut dumplings, or you can make dumplings with sour cabbage made by yourself, and it is also very good to make them at home.

On January 6, the Xiaohan solar term, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, and there are two ways to eat winter storage vegetables

Ingredients: 500 grams of flour, appropriate amount of pork belly filling, a little Northeast sauerkraut, minced green onions, minced ginger, a little salt, a little soy sauce, a little peanut oil.

On January 6, the Xiaohan solar term, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, and there are two ways to eat winter storage vegetables

1. Take out an appropriate amount of Northeast sour cabbage from the jar, many people may not be pickled in Northeast sour cabbage, you can also buy ready-made sour cabbage, and wash the purchased sour cabbage in clean water, pinch the water, and chop it into minced pieces.

On January 6, the Xiaohan solar term, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, and there are two ways to eat winter storage vegetables

2. Add minced ginger, salt and soy sauce to the pork belly filling, stir well, add peanut oil to lock in the taste, then add minced green onion and mix well. Add the chopped minced sauerkraut, stir well, and the sauerkraut pork filling is ready.

On January 6, the Xiaohan solar term, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, and there are two ways to eat winter storage vegetables

3. Take out the dough and knead it evenly, knead it into a small agent and press it flat, roll it out into a thin dumpling skin with a rolling pin, and put an appropriate amount of filling. Pinch the hands tightly, the dumplings are wrapped, repeat the steps of wrapping the dumplings, wrap all the dumplings and put them on the curtain, put water in the pot and boil over high heat, after boiling the dumplings, gently push the dumplings with a spoon to make the dumplings move, prevent the dumplings from sticking to the pot, cover the lid, cook and take out, the sauerkraut pork dumplings are delicious, and the taste is more fragrant when you make them yourself.

On January 6, the Xiaohan solar term, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, and there are two ways to eat winter storage vegetables

2. Dried lentils

Our most common lentils, also called eyebrow peas in the south, lentils produce a lot after autumn, when the fresh lentils can't be eaten, they will be hung on the rope and dried into dried lentils, stored, and wait until the winter when there are few fresh vegetables, take them out and soak them, the stew has a unique flavor and is super delicious, much better than fresh, and it is still a flavor dish in the restaurant.

On January 6, the Xiaohan solar term, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, and there are two ways to eat winter storage vegetables

Ingredients: a pinch of dried lentils, an appropriate amount of pork belly, green onions, ginger slices, a pinch of salt, a pinch of soy sauce, a pinch of peanut oil.

On January 6, the Xiaohan solar term, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, and there are two ways to eat winter storage vegetables

1. This is the dried lentils that are dried by themselves in early winter, the drying process is super simple, the lentils are picked and washed, boiled in boiling water, put in cold water to fully cool, remove the beans in the pods, cut the mouth with scissors and hang it up, dry it for 3 days, put it away and seal it, and take it out to eat during the cold period.

On January 6, the Xiaohan solar term, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, and there are two ways to eat winter storage vegetables

2. Soak the dried lentils in cold water, soak them for about 3 hours, and soak them in advance when you eat, the soaked lentils are soft and tough.

On January 6, the Xiaohan solar term, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, and there are two ways to eat winter storage vegetables

3. Put peanut oil in the pot and heat it, put in the pork belly and fry the fat, then put in the green onion and ginger slices and fry until fragrant, pour in the soy sauce and fry evenly to improve the flavor and color, the dried lentils are the best with pork belly or pork ribs, the lean meat fat is too little, the taste is a little worse, put all the soaked dried lentils into the pot and fry well, pour in a little water to boil, change to low heat and simmer slowly for about 10 minutes, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, and collect the juice to get out of the pot. The dried lentils are very well cooked, and they can be removed from the pot as long as they are stewed, and the stewed dried lentils are very fragrant, and it can be said that they are better than the meat in the dish.

On January 6, the Xiaohan solar term, Xiaohan has the traditional Xi of eating winter storage vegetables, and there are two ways to eat winter storage vegetables

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