
6 tips for middle-aged and elderly people to warm up their bodies to help you warm up throughout the winter

author:Dr. Zeng is a general practitioner of internal medicine

Whenever winter comes, many people will encounter a common problem - persistently cold hands and feet.

Especially for many female friends, although this may seem like a trivial problem, but in fact it may affect the quality of our daily life, we may not be able to sleep, and we don't want to do anything, so how to deal with it?

6 tips for middle-aged and elderly people to warm up their bodies to help you warm up throughout the winter

1. Why do you have cold hands and feet?

Cold hands and feet are a common physiological phenomenon, especially when the temperature is low or the body is in a special state, many people will experience this.

First of all, let's understand the causes of cold hands and feet from a physiological point of view. The body's temperature regulation center is located in the brain, which maintains body temperature within a relatively stable range through nervous, endocrine and other systems. When the outside temperature drops, the thermoregulatory center instructs the skin's blood vessels to constrict, reducing heat loss. Since the blood vessels in the hands and feet are smaller, the skin temperature drops faster, so the hands and feet are cold.

Pathological factors can also cause cold hands and feet. Some diseases such as hypothyroidism, anemia, Raynaud's disease, etc., can affect the body's blood circulation, causing peripheral blood vessels to constrict, resulting in cold hands and feet. In these patients, symptoms are more pronounced when temperatures are colder.

In addition, certain factors in life can also cause cold hands and feet. For example, spending long periods of time in an air-conditioned room, overwork, and an unbalanced diet can all contribute to dysregulation of body temperature. In addition, women may also experience cold hands and feet due to changes in hormone levels during special periods such as menstruation, pregnancy, and postpartum.

2. Remember these six tips for a warm winter

1. Reasonable diet is well matched

Diet is an important factor in influencing body temperature. In winter, calorie intake should be appropriately increased to maintain nutritional balance. Eating more foods rich in protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, such as dates, walnuts, peanuts, sweet potatoes, etc., can help improve the body's ability to tolerate cold.

2. Regular exercise is essential

Proper exercise can enhance the body's resistance and metabolism, improve blood circulation, and thus reduce the phenomenon of cold hands and feet. Winter exercise should choose suitable items, such as tai chi, jogging, walking, etc., and it is advisable to sweat slightly.

3. Keep warm in place

Wearing warm clothing is an essential measure to prevent cold hands and feet. Middle-aged and elderly people can choose wool, down and other materials of clothing, the effect of warmth is better. In addition, wearing accessories such as warm gloves, scarves, and hats can also be effective in keeping out the cold.

6 tips for middle-aged and elderly people to warm up their bodies to help you warm up throughout the winter

4. There are many benefits of soaking your feet in hot water

Soaking your feet in hot water for 15 to 20 minutes each night can help stimulate blood flow to your feet and reduce the symptoms of cold hands and feet. Adding Chinese herbs such as mugwort leaves and safflower to the water further enhances the feeling of warmth.

5. Avoid sitting still for long periods of time

Sitting quietly for a long time can easily lead to poor blood circulation and aggravate cold hands and feet. Middle-aged and elderly people should appropriately increase the amount of activity in winter and avoid maintaining the same posture for a long time.

6. Pay attention to psychological adjustment

Feeling down can lead to a decrease in the body's resistance and aggravate cold hands and feet. In winter, keep an optimistic and positive attitude, participate in some social activities, and regulate your mood.

6 tips for middle-aged and elderly people to warm up their bodies to help you warm up throughout the winter

3. Traditional Chinese medicine health preservation helps to warm up the winter

1. Massage acupuncture points: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that massaging certain acupuncture points can promote blood circulation and relieve cold hands and feet. For example, massaging acupuncture points such as Zusanli, Guan Yuan, and Qi Hai, and insisting on massaging for 10-15 minutes a day will help improve the body's resistance.

2. Gua sha therapy: Gua sha on the back, legs and other parts can stimulate the meridians, promote blood circulation, and relieve cold hands and feet. When gua sha, pay attention to the appropriate gua sha oil to avoid skin damage.

3. Moxibustion therapy: Moxibustion has the effect of warming the meridians, driving away cold and dehumidification. Moxibustion can be chosen in the winter months to strengthen the body's resistance. Commonly used acupuncture points are Shenque, Zusanli, Guan Yuan, etc.

6 tips for middle-aged and elderly people to warm up their bodies to help you warm up throughout the winter

Fourth, warm up tips in winter

1. Hot water bottle: When you go to bed at night, you can put a hot water bottle next to your bed to provide constant warmth to your body. The use of a hot water bottle is simple, just pour the hot water into the bag and seal the bag. During use, be careful not to overheat the hot water bottle to avoid burning the skin.

2. Warm baby: When you go out, you can stick a warm baby on your back or abdomen to provide a short period of warmth to your body. Warm Baby is a self-heating product, and the chemicals inside will start to heat up by simply tearing open the package. When using, please take care to avoid sticking directly to the skin to avoid burns.

3. Electric blanket: Turn on the electric blanket before going to bed to provide warmth to the bed and help you fall asleep. When using an electric blanket, make sure the power supply is safe and operate it correctly according to the instructions. Do not use an overheated electric blanket while sleeping, so as not to affect the quality of sleep and physical health.

4. Heater: Using a heater indoors can quickly raise the indoor temperature and relieve cold hands and feet. There are many types of heaters, such as desktop heaters, vertical heaters, etc. When using, make sure that the heater is kept away from flammable materials and follow the product instructions.

6 tips for middle-aged and elderly people to warm up their bodies to help you warm up throughout the winter

5. Be alert to the diseases behind cold hands and feet

1. Hypothyroidism: Thyroxine is a key hormone that regulates metabolism, and if the secretion is insufficient, it will lead to a decrease in metabolism. A low metabolism causes the body to produce less heat, which can cause cold hands and feet. In addition, hypothyroidism may be accompanied by other symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, muscle weakness, etc.

2. Raynaud's disease: Raynaud's disease is a vascular disease, which is mainly manifested by peripheral vasoconstriction. In cold environments, vasoconstriction increases, resulting in cold hands and feet. Raynaud's disease can have an impact on a person's daily life, with symptoms such as color, temperature, and pain in the fingers and toes.

3. Anemia: Anemia refers to the fact that the amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood is lower than the normal range, resulting in a decrease in the blood's ability to transport oxygen. In a state of hypoxia, the metabolism is affected, which may lead to cold hands and feet. Patients with anemia may also experience symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, and paleness.

4. Cardiovascular diseases: Cardiovascular diseases include coronary heart disease, hypertension, cerebral infarction, etc., which will affect blood circulation. When the heart is unable to pump blood effectively or the blood vessels are blocked, blood circulation is blocked, resulting in cold hands and feet. In addition, cardiovascular disease may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as chest pain, dyspnea, edema, etc.

5. Neurological diseases: Certain neurological diseases, such as diabetes, Parkinson's disease, etc., may lead to impaired neurological function. Abnormal nerve conduction can affect the constriction and dilation of blood vessels, causing cold hands and feet.


Cold hands and feet in winter is a common physiological phenomenon, through the above five aspects of the explanation, I believe you have a deeper understanding of how to deal with cold hands and feet.

In daily life, we should pay attention to diet, exercise, warmth, psychological adjustment and other aspects of recuperation, combined with traditional Chinese medicine health regimen, to live a warm and comfortable winter. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the underlying diseases behind cold hands and feet, and seek medical diagnosis and treatment in time to ensure good health.