
Audio makes or fails, mobile phones lead the way, and an old song is hard to forget

author:Audio game geek

Text: The return of the Holy Demon of Fighting

Although it has been about seven years since I did this digital self-media "audio game machine geek", the specific time must be unclear, and now we will take "seven years" as an example, in this "seven years", we will always insist on 5 articles a day

Audio makes or fails, mobile phones lead the way, and an old song is hard to forget

However, due to the current environment, in order to better improve the quality of articles, the number of articles has been reduced from 5 to 3

But the overall thinking has not changed, that is, "persist every day, without any holidays", if you want to ask what prompts us to persevere for a long time, the answer comes from "learn from the way of heaven Xi just imagine that the sun rises every day, there is no rest, right" and we are to "Xi learn from the sky", this is the root, but also the essence.

Audio makes or fails, mobile phones lead the way, and an old song is hard to forget

But today, it has nothing to do with the insistence of the "audio game machine geek", but if you insist on a relationship or association, there must be, and the most fundamental relationship is "what is the reason why we can persist for such a long time?"

Regarding the fundamental answer, we reluctantly give a summary point, that is, as the title says, "audio creates success or failure, and mobile phones lead the way", but whether it is audio or mobile phones, there is a root thing that cannot be ignored, and many people must not believe it when it comes out, it is a song, the song title "Hometown Cloud", I believe most people must have heard it.

Audio makes or fails, mobile phones lead the way, and an old song is hard to forget

Probably it started when we were still 20 years old, when I was Xi studying in other places, so I could only go home during the Chinese New Year, and my personality was more focused on "friendship", so my friends around me would often use "Xiao Guan Yu" to evaluate me

At this moment, I unconsciously heard the music that my colleagues had to listen to every night, called "Hometown Clouds", and I thought the melody was good, so I began to listen to it, and then during that period of time, I relied on the "Hometown Clouds" every day to listen to it repeatedly, so as to relieve the "friendship and sadness" in my heart.

Audio makes or fails, mobile phones lead the way, and an old song is hard to forget

Many people may say that this has something to do with self-media, but in fact, it does not seem to be on the surface, but if you look down, you will find that it has a lot to do with it.

Let's just say that every piece of music resonates with us, and that's an indisputable fact!

Therefore, in the future, we will choose to work in "Toluene", which is a company that focuses on making audio equipment

Audio makes or fails, mobile phones lead the way, and an old song is hard to forget

Therefore, it follows that the removal of "toluene" is purely out of interest, and many people may say at the moment, "We have raised ourselves, because it is not surprising that people now choose jobs based on their interests and preferences"

Audio makes or fails, mobile phones lead the way, and an old song is hard to forget

But there is one thing you should pay attention to, "At that time, it was like 2015, I believe many people know how much the general monthly salary is, right?" But our monthly salary in "toluene" is only 2,000 yuan, such a low salary, why prompted us to be happy to do it, the answer is "interest", on the one hand, "true love music", on the other hand, "true love headphones and various audio equipment".

If you want to ask when did the number "Audio Game Monster" originate? The answer is undoubtedly from "Toluene", because at that time we were also doing well in "Toluene", called "B fan", I believe that many people have read the article of B fan, that is, they will know that there is also a "Return of the Holy Demon of Fighting", that's right, it's me

At the same time, there happened to be a person in charge of self-media who wanted me to settle in.,At this moment, we just settled in.,The initial name was "Audio Monster".,Later, I found out that the name was a singer.,So it was changed to "Audio Game Machine Monster" until now.。

Audio makes or fails, mobile phones lead the way, and an old song is hard to forget

If you want to ask us why we changed "mobile phones" in the middle of the process, the answer is actually very simple, but it is not for "profit" like the current mobile phone bloggers, but also for interest, so you will find that in our article we do not talk about mobile phone configuration, but like to focus on what values point behind mobile phones, which is very important!

Audio makes or fails, mobile phones lead the way, and an old song is hard to forget

Although many ordinary people think it is nonsense, in our opinion, it is purely due to "different levels of cognition". And most of the "interest" of mobile phones has to start with "ancient Nokia", because we were a very great "god of flashing and finding firmware" back then, which is not boasting at all.

Audio makes or fails, mobile phones lead the way, and an old song is hard to forget

So, if you want to ask about the difference between mobile phones and audio, it's very simple, mobile phones are "feelings" for us, audio is "interest" for us, and it is impossible to deviate from the two key words when writing about any product.

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