
What are some useful audio file merger tools? One-click splicing of audio clips!

author:Fengyun software

Audio file merging tools play an important role in multiple scenarios, and these tools allow users to merge multiple audio files into a single audio file. In some cases, the audio file may be split into multiple parts due to recording errors or corruption. Use the audio merging tool to reassemble these parts into a complete file. For some recording files, users can edit and merge these clips to get the complete audio content to preserve.

What are some useful audio file merger tools? One-click splicing of audio clips!

Method 1: Fengyun Audio Processing Master

After opening the Fengyun Audio Processing Master software, the user can choose to turn on the audio merging function in the software.

What are some useful audio file merger tools? One-click splicing of audio clips!

Then the user clicks to add a file or drags a file to join through the audio merge, and there will be an operation prompt when we enter the audio merge interface.

What are some useful audio file merger tools? One-click splicing of audio clips!

The added file format can be different, and the user can also edit the paragraphs that need to be merged in the software, and then arrange the order of the audio to process it.

What are some useful audio file merger tools? One-click splicing of audio clips!

方法二:Adobe Audition

In Adobe Audition, we can open the audio file and add it to the timeline.

What are some useful audio file merger tools? One-click splicing of audio clips!

After editing these, extracting the desired clips, and moving the audio position to stitch together, the finished content can be exported.

What are some useful audio file merger tools? One-click splicing of audio clips!


We can search for audiotoolset in a web browser, open the web page, and choose to merge audio.

What are some useful audio file merger tools? One-click splicing of audio clips!

Let's add the audio to the web page, merge and edit the audio, and download and save the file after editing.

What are some useful audio file merger tools? One-click splicing of audio clips!

The audio file merging tool has a wide range of application value in audio editing, creation, management, and sharing.

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