
In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

author:Newspaper man Liu Yadong
In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

To prevent getting lost, the elevator goes directly to the safety island to report Liu Yadong A

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

In 1994, Ukraine signed a "Memorandum of Agreement" with the United States and Russia, confirming the complete destruction of nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

Three years ago, Ukraine inherited part of the military strength of the former Soviet Union through an independence referendum, including about 1,300 nuclear weapons, but due to the constraints of various forces, Ukraine implemented a policy of "non-nuclear, neutral, and non-alignment", destroyed all nuclear weapons in just three years, and reduced hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

The former third nuclear power has become an "ideal country" in the eyes of the world's anti-nuclear activists, but it has ushered in an unknown fate.

In the spring of 1994, in Hebron in the West Bank, an Israeli Jew, armed with an automatic rifle, broke into the Ibrahim Mosque and opened fire on more than 1,000 Palestinian Muslims gathered in the temple, killing 29 people and wounding 125 on the spot.

The murderer, Baruch Goldstein, was beaten to death by angry Palestinians after the crime, and a new round of unrest broke out between Palestinians and Israelis. In the aftermath, Palestine banned Israelis from entering the Arab community in Hebron, and the Israeli authorities demanded that Palestinians leave the area.

At that time, the hatred between Palestine and Israel had been going on for many years, and no one knew when the conflict would end.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲ 1994 movie "Chongqing Forest". Source: Film and television stills

In 1994, Zhu Ling, a girl from Beijing, began her junior year of campus life at Tsinghua University. According to the singer Li Jian, who studied at Tsinghua University during the same period, she was a very handsome classmate.

In the winter of that year, Zhu Ling began to have strange symptoms of poisoning, and her physical condition deteriorated rapidly, and on the evening of December 11, she insisted on participating in the performance of the Tsinghua Folk Band while she was ill, and played the guqin song "Guangling San".

In 1994, Nie Shubin, a young worker from Shijiazhuang, went to work in the factory as usual. Later, relatives and friends recalled that Nie Shubin was timid and introverted by nature, born with a stutter, and was not good at arguing with others. In today's words, he is an ordinary "worker".

But this summer, a female corpse found in a cornfield near the factory will change Nie Shubin's fate and freeze his life before he is 21 years old.

Time is like a bullet, shuttling through the wilderness of history, and many years later, it is in the center of the eyebrows, forming a fateful closed loop.

Looking back suddenly, 1994 was 30 years ago.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

In the vast history of China's reform and opening up, 1994 is known as the "year of reform", "the year of tackling tough problems" and the "critical year".

In 1994, the annual GDP was 4.38 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.8 percent over the previous year.

According to the 1994 Statistical Communiqué on National Economic and Social Development, the main problems of economic development at that time were: excessively high market price increases, lagging behind in agricultural development, and some state-owned enterprises still facing many difficulties in production and operation.

Economic development is advancing rapidly, and key projects have sprung up from the ground, attracting attention at home and abroad.

In this year, the "Oriental Pearl" radio and television tower was completed on the bank of the Huangpu River in Shanghai.

"Oriental Pearl" and the Bund across the river, the tower is 468 meters high, 11 spheres of different sizes, high and low, connecting the blue sky and the grass, constituting the artistic conception of "big beads and small beads falling on the jade plate" in Tang poems.

Since then, the "Oriental Pearl" has become the business card of Shanghai, and once ranked first in Asia and third in the world. Under the tower, the old Shanghai of the ten-mile ocean field seems to be a glimpse of time, and above the tower, the fashion style of the magic capital is unobstructed, and the flowers are like a brocade.

▲Shanghai Oriental Pearl. Source:

This year, Unit 1 of the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant, China's first large-scale commercial nuclear power plant, was put into operation.

After the reform and opening up, the economic construction of the Pearl River Delta region is in full swing, but the power supply is still lagging behind. In 1984, during his inspection of Shenzhen, Deng Gong gave instructions: Shenzhen should do two things well, one is to build a nuclear power plant, and the other is to run Shenzhen University well.

However, the construction of nuclear power plants lacks the necessary funds, technology, equipment and management experience. At that time, Hong Kong, which is adjacent to Shenzhen, was also facing the problem of lack of electricity, so the two sides hit it off, and in addition to importing technology from abroad, they also adopted the method of "joint ventures, borrowing for construction, and selling electricity to repay money", first borrowing from foreign banks to build nuclear power plants, and then selling electricity to Hong Kong, selling 70 percent of the electricity to Hong Kong, and obtaining foreign exchange to repay the loans.

According to Zan Yunlong, the "son of nuclear power" who is preparing to build the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant, "90% of the entire power station is borrowed money. The relevant departments vividly compared this plan to "borrowing money to buy chickens, borrowing chickens to lay eggs, and selling eggs to pay back".

This year, after 40 years of investigation and demonstration, the construction of the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River officially began.

As early as Sun Yat-sen's "Founding Strategy", the idea of building the Three Gorges Project was mentioned. For the development of flood control, power generation and shipping in the Yangtze River basin, countless scientists, engineers and workers have devoted their efforts to this project of the century that has gone down in history for decades.

On December 14, 1994, the groundbreaking ceremony of the Three Gorges Project was held in Yichang, Hubei Province. Since then, after more than ten years of construction, the world's largest hydropower station has been born, and the majestic Three Gorges Dam stands in the Xiling Gorge.

As the so-called "more erect the stone wall of the Xijiang River, cut off the clouds and rain of Wushan, and the high gorge out of the Pinghu." The goddess should be unharmed, and the world should be shocked. ”

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲Three Gorges Dam. Source:

The pace of the times is majestic and heroic, and China is undergoing earth-shattering changes.

In 1994, China's total foreign trade exports increased by 31.9 percent over the previous year.

When China further joined the global market, the United States, as the only remaining superpower, had just experienced the victory of the Cold War brought about by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and achieved the harvest and suppression of Japan, the second largest economy, through the Plaza Accord and the Japan-US Semiconductor Treaty. The world political pattern during this period was known as "one superpower and many powers".

Sixteen years later, China has overtaken Japan to become the world's second largest economy.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

The spring breeze of reform is blowing all over the land, and the lives of the Chinese people have changed greatly.

In 1994, in order to alleviate the situation that the central government had been unable to make ends meet since the late 1980s, the reform of the tax-sharing system was introduced. In July 1994, the Decision on Deepening the Reform of the Urban Housing System was promulgated in order to cooperate with the reform of the tax-sharing system. Later, this year was called the first year of housing market reform.

After 1994, local governments have accelerated the promotion of the land transfer system, and land has begun to become an important means of making money, attracting investment and attracting investment, and China's real estate is about to start a period of rapid development. Twenty years later, in 2014, the country's land transfer income reached 4.29 trillion yuan, a figure 100 times that of 1995.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲From 1985 to 2014, the fiscal revenue of the central government and local governments accounted for the proportion of national fiscal revenue. Source: Internet

In July 1994, the Company Law came into effect, which promoted the development of joint-stock enterprises in mainland China and the reform of state-owned enterprises.

After 1994, with the reform of state-owned enterprises, the sudden, large-scale "laid-off floods" and "unemployment floods" throughout China's cities and towns were the major challenges facing Chinese society. Yu Hui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, noted in his article that between 1995 and 2006, the number of state-owned enterprises dropped sharply from 88,000 to 25,000, and the number of employees fell from 113 million to 64.2 million.

In 1994, 17 years had passed since the resumption of the college entrance examination, and there were 637,400 college graduates that year. In August of this year, the central government organs recruited civil servants for the first time, which is the so-called "national examination".

In 1994, 4,400 candidates took the first national examination and applied for 490 civil service places in more than 30 national agencies. At that time, the media called "10,000 people rushing to take the civil service examination", but in October 2023, the number of people who signed up for the 2024 national examination and passed the qualification examination reached 3.033 million, and the ratio to the number of employment plans was about 77:1, a record high.

In 1994, there was a novel gadget that came into the lives of thousands of households, that is, health care products.

In 1994, during the TV broadcast of the World Cup in the United States, there was an advertisement of "Sleeping Lion Waking Up" that attracted the attention of the audience, which integrated Chinese cultural elements such as lion awakening, the Yellow River, and suona, but promoted a health care product - Sun God. In order to spread out from the local market, the sun god also seized the advertising space of local newspapers.

Founded in the same year, Sanzhu is also a rapidly rising health care product giant, with sales of 8 billion yuan just two years after its establishment. Sanzhu's main marketing method is to go to the countryside, and paint Sanzhu's advertisements on rural telephone poles, walls, and even toilets. Under its strong marketing offensive, some consumers were affected, forming the concept of "I'd rather eat less meat than drink three plants", and the sales of three plants also rose.

In addition to these giants, the popular health products at that time also included the "Chinese Turtle Essence" endorsed by the famous Chinese track and field coach Ma Junren, and the "Life Nuclear Energy" launched after buying the secret formula from Ma Junren.

Ma Junren's "Ma Jiajun" is a well-known sports star in the 90s, and has won numerous awards on the track and field. But later, "Ma Jiajun" fell into a doping scandal, was condemned by all parties, and soon disappeared from the public eye.

According to statistics, in 1994, there were as many as 28,000 kinds of health care products on the market, with annual sales of 30 billion.

In the same year, China's first formal Advertising Law was promulgated and began to be implemented the following year, and the wildly grown health products were remediated on a large scale. The efficacy of products such as Helios and Sanzhu was questioned, and their market share declined rapidly, and they completely declined within a few years. I saw him rise up a tall building, and I saw him collapse.

Speaking of life changes. In 1994, the Internet quietly opened the door to China.

This year, China became the 77th member of the Internet with full access to the Internet.

In the same year, the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences set up the first WEB server in China and launched the first set of web pages in China, and the Computer Network Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences completed the setting of the China National Top-Level Domain (CN) server.

Seven years before this groundbreaking moment, computer expert Professor Qian Tianbai sent the mainland's first e-mail, the content of which was translated into Chinese: "Over the Great Wall and into the world." ”

Nearly three decades after China's access to the Internet, in 2023, the number of Internet users in China will reach 1.079 billion.

When the Internet first came to China, many people did not have access to it. But the following year, a distress message was sent from Beijing to the world by Pei Zhicheng, who wanted to seek help from a foreign medical expert about the condition of his classmate Zhu Ling.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲At present, China has entered the 5G era. Source:

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

In October 1994, Tsinghua student Zhu Ling suffered two temporary blindness and blurred vision for several days. Under the examination of Tsinghua University doctor and Tsinghua University's designated hospital, no cause was found.

At the end of the year, Zhu Ling began to have strange symptoms, severe stomach pain and hair loss, although he got better after medical treatment and returned to school Xi, but a few months later, Zhu Ling's condition deteriorated again, and after suffering from hair loss, abdominal pain, and joint and muscle pain, he fell into a five-month coma.

Later, we all knew that the cause of Zhu Ling's bad luck was thallium poisoning caused by someone deliberately poisoning.

But while Zhu Ling was in a coma, the hospital did not find the cause at first. As a result, Zhu Ling's high school classmates, Pei Zhicheng and Cai Quanqing, students of Peking University's class of '92, translated Zhu Ling's medical history and related examinations into English, and sent distress emails abroad through the network newly established by Peking University.

In her investigative report, "Forty-five Years of Zhu Ling," Chinese journalist Li Jiajia said that this was the first case in China of asking for help on the Internet.

After sending out the distress email, Pei Zhicheng and others received more than 2,000 responses from 18 countries and regions. After the judgment of overseas experts, Zhu Ling's symptoms were suspected of thallium poisoning. Thallium is a highly toxic chemical that can cause lesions in the central nervous system, gastrointestinal system and kidneys.

After receiving advice on the Internet, Zhu Ling's family and friends found Professor Chen Zhenyang, a medical expert, and did a test, and the results showed that "all the specimens have a high thallium content, which is thousands of times higher than that of healthy people." On the same day, Professor Chen Zhenyang issued a test report, believing that Zhu Ling was poisoned by thallium twice.

After confirming the cause of the disease, Zhu Ling was discharged from his body through Prussian blue treatment, which specializes in thallium poisoning, and he woke up from a five-month coma, but his body was left with serious sequelae, almost completely paralyzed, blind in both eyes, and severe brain damage. For many years after that, Zhu Ling was bedridden, completely lost his ability to take care of himself, and could only live under the round-the-clock care of his parents.

This talented woman from the Department of Chemistry of Tsinghua University, who loves poetry and music, has forever stopped in 1994.

After Zhu Ling's case, the relevant units opened an investigation, and the truth was once "about to come out", and the biggest suspect was also locked, but the case could not be closed due to lack of evidence and other reasons. Since then, every time a similar case occurs, the case has caused heated discussions on the Internet, but to this day, the murderer has not been brought to justice, and the truth has not been revealed.

On December 22, 2023, Zhu Ling died of a brain tumor attack at the age of 50.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲ Zhu Ling (1973-2023). Source: Internet

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

In 1994, because of a case, Nie Shubin, a young man from Hebei, changed his fate.

In August 1994, a rape and murder case occurred in the western suburbs of Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province: Kang Juhua, a 35-year-old female worker at the Shijiazhuang Hydraulic Parts Factory, was reported missing. The autopsy report showed that the deceased had been raped before his death.

In September, Nie Shubin, who also worked at a local factory, was summoned by the public security bureau in charge of the case, and was later detained and arrested as a suspect in the case. The basis for the police to arrest Nie Shubin was mentioned by the masses, "he was riding a blue mountain bike".

The following year, Nie Shubin was sentenced to death. At that time, it was the 95th year of the crackdown, and the second instance "filed the case in the Provincial High Court on April 20, was arraigned on the 22nd, the verdict was issued on the 25th, the death penalty order was issued on the 26th, and the death penalty was killed on the 27th."

In the appeal, Nie Shubin repeated three times: "Please let me be a new person." ”

Until January 2005, the real murderer Wang Shujin was arrested as early as Xingyang, Henan, and was later transferred to Guangping County, Handan City, Hebei Province. During this period, Wang Shujin confessed to four rape and murder cases and two rape cases committed between 1993 and 1995, including the "1994 rape and murder case in a cornfield in the western suburbs of Shijiazhuang", and Nie Shubin was wronged.

In December 2016, the dust finally settled on Nie Shubin's case, and Nie Shubin was wronged and acquitted.

This year, Nie Shubin's mother Zhang Huanzhi is 73 years old, she still remembers that after a trial in March 1995, she saw her son in the small room on the second floor of the court, and when she heard her mother's call, Nie Shubin covered her face and cried, turned around and shouted: "Mom!"

Zheng Chengyue, the former deputy director of the Guangping County Public Security Bureau, who was the first to disclose the "one case and two murders" incident to the media and overturn the case for Nie Shubin, recalled: "When I was in class at the (China) University of Political Science and Law in 95, I often heard Mr. Jiang Ping talk about the legalization and humanization of law enforcement. ”

On May 5, 2022, Zheng Chengyue passed away due to illness. In December of the following year, Zheng Chengyue's mentor, Professor Jiang Ping, a famous Chinese jurist, died at the age of 94. Luo Xiang, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, posted a Tibetan poem on his personal public account to mourn Jiang Ping, and the beginning of each sentence is connected as: "Jiangping is eternal, and the rule of law is in the world." ”

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲Nie Shubin (1974-1995). Source: Internet

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

Fate is unpredictable. No one knows which will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

On June 6, 1994, a Tu-154 aircraft numbered B-2610 of China Northwest Airlines (later merged into China Eastern Airlines) was to fly Flight 2303 from Xi'an to Guangzhou.

On this day, it rained lightly in Xi'an, but it did not affect the flight. The crew are all "veteran drivers" with many flight experiences, and they have successfully completed many flights before without missing a single miss.

It was supposed to be a normal day.

At 8:13, B-2610 passenger plane took off from Xianyang International Airport. Twenty-four seconds after being off the ground, the crew reported that the plane was fluttering and constantly making abnormal noises. Three minutes after takeoff, it flew over the urban area of Xi'an, and within a few minutes after that, the plane fluttered 20 degrees to 30 degrees, and by 8:17 it could no longer maintain the attitude of the aircraft. In the panic, the captain Li Gangqiang reported the situation to the ground tower command center three times through the radio walkie-talkie, saying: "Report, we have now completely lost manual control of the aircraft. ”

After that, the crew briefly turned on the autopilot, but still could not stabilize the plane, and the plane made an irregular turn to the right.

At 8:23, the runaway plane disintegrated at high altitude and then crashed into Mingqi Town, Chang'an County, Xi'an. There were 160 people on board, including 146 passengers and 14 crew members, all of whom were killed. The wreckage of the aircraft and the remains of the victims were scattered in wheat fields, rice paddies, fish ponds and river beaches within a two-kilometre radius.

This is a tragedy in the history of Chinese aviation.

After the incident, after investigation by the relevant departments, the cause of the accident ruled out factors such as explosives explosion and man-made sabotage.

The truth of the matter is that before the plane took off, two plugs on the autopilot mount were plugged into each other backwards. This action caused the aircraft to sway uncontrollably after takeoff, and eventually disintegrated in mid-air due to the movement of the aircraft beyond the capacity of the aircraft's structure. At that time, the mainland's civil aviation department had limited conditions, and lacked experience in repairing and maintaining passenger aircraft and taking measures to prevent mistakes in emergency situations.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲Media coverage of the Northwest Airlines Flight 2303 crash. Source: Internet

Beyond the sky, hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the earth, another "accident" is also happening.

In 1994, the first celestial impact event in the solar system was observed.

In mid-to-late July, the comet named Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter, with a yield equivalent to 750 times the total global nuclear weapons stockpile, and the "scars" of the impact could be observed for months afterward.

This also confirms Jupiter's title of "space vacuum cleaner". The largest planet in the solar system is 2,000 to 8,000 times more likely to have a comet impact than Earth, and without Jupiter, the chances of other planets in the solar system being hit by celestial bodies would be greatly increased, and it might be difficult for Earth to give birth to complex life.

Perhaps, the birth of humanity itself was an "accident"?

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲Comparison of planets in the solar system. Source:

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

Back on Earth, it was a year of bright stars.

On June 17, 1994, the opening match of the World Cup in the United States started as scheduled.

The emergence of teams such as "Germany" and "Russia" reflects the changes in the political landscape of the world over the past few years.

On July 17, South American giants Brazil and European powerhouse Italy stood on the stage of the final.

Italian Baggio carried the whole game in this World Cup, saving the Italian team from fire and water many times, and after coming to the final of the Rose Bowl in Los Angeles, the Italian team fought with the Brazilian team until the 120th minute. The two sides went on penalties, and with Italy already playing two, Baggio was the last to come on, and he had to score this penalty.

Whistle blow, bang!

The crowd watched Baggio's spot-kick fly over the crossbar and erupt in the cheers of the Brazilians, leaving the ponytailed blue Italian with a lingering melancholy back.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲ 1994 World Cup, melancholy Baggio. Source: Internet

In 1994, there was also good news for Chinese football.

This year, the Chinese Football League A (the predecessor of the Chinese Super League), which has been established for 5 years, established a professional model and launched the first professional league. The fierce competition brought by the market once made the football game more exciting, and the large number of outstanding talents cultivated in the next few A-A sessions also brought the Chinese team into the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea.

In 1994, Dalian Wanda won the first championship after the professional reform of A-A, and then dominated the A-League for a time.

A few years later, Wanda announced that it had parted ways with Dalian and retired from football. At the press conference, the CEO of Wanda said angrily: "The Chinese Professional Football League has been running for 5 years, and although there has been progress, there are too many dark sides on the field...... Based on the current situation, it is not enough to engage in football, so I officially announced that after this year's league, Wanda will permanently withdraw from Chinese football as a protest. ”

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲In 1994, Dalian Wanda won the cup. Source: Internet

In 1994, the Chinese men's basketball team was still the hegemon of Asia.

In this year's Men's Basketball World Championships, the Chinese team was divided into the "Group of Death", and the three opponents in the group stage were the United States team led by the "Dream II Team", the European powerhouse Spain team and the South American powerhouse Brazil team.

In this World Championships, the "golden generation" players composed of Hu Weidong, Gong Xiaobin, Sun Jun, Liu Yudong, Li Nan and others were not afraid of strong opponents and broke through from the group stage for the first time and broke into the quarterfinals. Among them, the Jedi counterattack against the Spanish team has always been talked about.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲ 1994 Men's Basketball World Championships. Source: Internet

In 1994, the 12th Asian Games came to Japan, and Asian athletes gathered in Hiroshima.

In the half-month competition, the Chinese delegation took the lead in the medal table with 125 gold, 83 silver and 58 bronze medals.

But for many Chinese viewers, the biggest controversy of the Asian Games came in the women's singles final of table tennis on October 13. The two players against each other are Deng Yaping of the Chinese team and Tomori Koyama of the Japanese team.

Koyama Zhili, formerly known as He Zhili, was the No. 1 seed in the world women's table tennis when she was on the Chinese table tennis team, but in the eyes of the leadership, she was known for being "disobedient". Five years before the Asian Games in Hiroshima, Ho Zhili married an engineer in Osaka, Japan, and took her husband's surname, and then represented Japan in competitions.

At the Hiroshima Asian Games, He Zhili defeated Chinese Taipei's Chen Jing and Qiao Hong of the Chinese team in a row, entered the finals, and competed for the gold medal with Deng Yaping, and finally won the gold medal.

Since the strength and conditions of the Japanese table tennis team are far inferior to those of the Chinese team, the famous writer Ye Yonglie said in his evaluation of the game that this time it was a small self-employed person who defeated a large state-owned company.

Chinese fans were very disgusted with He Zhili representing the Japanese team, especially when they saw her shouting "Yo West" in Japanese after every goal she won.

Until around the turn of the millennium, criticism of He Zhili still caused heated discussions from time to time, and later gradually faded out of the news field with her retirement.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲ He Zhili. Source: Internet

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

In 1994, in the words of an old artist, it was "the flowering of both genres and genres".

This year, many international classics that have entered the annals of film history have made their debut, among which the familiar ones are "Forrest Gump", "The Shawshank Redemption", "This Killer Is Not Too Cold", "Pulp Fiction", "The Lion King" and so on.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲ "Forrest Gump". Source: Film and television stills

This year, Chinese films also showed world-class strength.

Zhang Yimou, one of the representatives of the "fifth generation of directors", filmed his masterpiece "Alive" in this year.

Zhang Yimou believes that Yu Hua's original novel has the unique life outlook of Chinese people who "have a lot of debts and no worries, no resentments". After reading the novel, he felt: "Seeing that at the end, Fugui led an old cow to walk away slowly at dusk, I thought, hey, interesting, after experiencing so many pains and disasters in life, and finally he walked away very calmly alone, such a kind of fate endurance will make people sublimate a kind of emotion." ”

In May 1994, the film "Alive" premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. Although Zhang Yimou wanted to tell the story of the past as easily as possible, he still made many people cry. The actor Ge You became the first Chinese actor to win the Cannes Best Actor with his superb acting skills.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲ The opening of "Alive". Source: Film and television stills

After "Alive" shined at the Cannes Film Festival, in September 1994, the Venice Film Festival, which is also one of the three major international film festivals next door, also gave birth to a Chinese actor - Xia Yu, who was only 18 years old.

Xia Yu won the award for playing the actor "Ma Xiaojun" in the movie "Sunny Day", and the director of this movie is Jiang Wen.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲ "Sunny Day". Source: Film and television stills

It was also a sunny day for Chinese films.

Stephen Chow, the "King of Comedy" of Hong Kong films in the 90s, launched three masterpieces this year: "Jiupin Sesame Official", "The King of Destruction" and "Domestic Ling Ling Paint". Later, his works continued to be disseminated on television and the Internet, bringing joy to countless audiences for 30 years.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲ "Nine Sesame Officials". Source: Film and television stills

Another representative of Hong Kong films, Wong Kar-wai, is known for his slow work and meticulous work, but he released two movies in 1994: "East Evil and West Poison" and "Chongqing Forest". Of course, the reason why these two movies were released in the same year may be because the former took too long to shoot, and it took 3 years to shoot. So, after this year, the audience remembered Ouyang Feng's sorrow, as well as the can of canned pineapples that were about to expire.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲ The crew of "East Evil and West Poison". Source: Film and television stills

This year, the two "kings of kung fu" are in the year of fighting, Jackie Chan has "Drunken Fist 2" and "Red Fan District", Jet Li has "Jingwu Heroes" and "New Shaolin Five Ancestors".

In terms of TV series.

In 1994, the enduring CCTV version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was launched.

The filming of the 94th version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" lasted 3 years, cost a huge amount of 170 million yuan, and used more than 400,000 extras, which was unprecedented in scale at that time.

▲ 94 version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Source: Film and television stills

Although the investment in the play is 170 million, most of it is used for costumes, design, props, production, setting up venues, selecting locations, etc., and only about 5% is left, which is used for the expenses of the crew and the remuneration of the actors.

After three years of filming, the main actors (Tang Guoqiang, Bao Guoan, etc.) are only paid 225 yuan per episode.

Now, the salaries of celebrities are rising faster than housing prices, but few people can make a film and television drama with the attitude of polishing artwork like the crew of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Jin Yong's martial arts drama is also one of the most remade themes in those years.

In addition to Hong Kong TVB, in 1994, Taiwan, China launched the Taiwan TV version of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer".

Revisiting this version of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", you will find that not only the plot has been changed very interestingly, but the casting is also very storytelling.

At that time, Ye Tong originally only played Yin Susu, and the role of Zhao Min was Yuan Jieying, but Yuan Jieying wanted to transform into a singer and release records at that time, so she pushed this role. Ye Tong had no choice but to agree to the crew's request and continue to play Zhao Min.

Because her role as Xu Xian in the same period "The Legend of the New White Lady" is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, many friends still don't understand why Zhang Wuji chose to spend the rest of his life with Zhao Min.

"Roaring Sect Master" Ma Jingtao brought the heart-rending performance in Qiong Yao's drama to Zhang Wuji. Chen Xiaoxuan, who played "Xiao Zhao", later broke the news in "Kangxi is Coming" that he was frightened by his exaggerated acting skills at that time and went back to insomnia for several nights.

Of course, the most classic of this version is Sun Xing's version of Yang Xiao and Zhou Haimei's version of Zhou Zhiruo.

Zhou Haimei's version of Zhou Zhiruo really gave this character a soul, and was called "the most beautiful Zhou Zhiruo" by many audiences. It is said that when Jin Yong saw her in person, he couldn't help but sigh: "I knew that it was you who would play Zhiruo, so I changed the ending to Zhang Wuji and Zhou Zhiruo together." ”

At the end of 2023, actor Zhou Haimei died at the age of 57 due to ineffective medical treatment. Now, the rivers and lakes of Jin Yong's martial arts have gradually disappeared.

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲ Zhou Haimei's version of Zhou Zhiruo. Source: Internet

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

In 1994, in the moving music transmitted from TV and tapes, some people remembered the masterpiece of campus folk songs "You at the Same Table", some remembered the good wishes "I Wish You Peace", some remembered the "Letter to Home" written to his parents, some remembered Andy Lau's most brainwashing song "Forget Love Water" in addition to "Wishing you prosperity", and some people remembered the song "Spring Story" that praised reform and opening up and the glory of all things.

On December 17, 1994, in less than half a month, the year ended.

On this day, the Hong Kong Hung Hom Coliseum staged the "Rock and Roll Chinese Music Power" concert, which was the climax of Chinese rock music.

This year, Cui Jian, a pioneer of Chinese rock music, released another pioneer album "Eggs Under the Red Flag".

Zheng Jun, who signed a contract with Red Star Production Company two years ago, finally released his debut album "Naked", in which "Back to Lhasa" and "Cinderella" are still classic works by word of mouth.

Xu Wei, a fellow villager who is one year younger than Zheng Jun, took the train to Beijing with his works, and was favored by the Red Star Production Society with his extraordinary talent.

This year, Moyan Culture signed Dou Wei, He Yong and Zhang Chu, and produced three albums respectively: "Black Dream", "Junkyard" and "Lonely People Are Shameful".

On December 17, 37 musicians, including the "Three Masters of Magic Rock" and the Tang Dynasty Band, came to Hong Kong to perform.

The Hung Hom Stadium was packed, and the audience was crazy with excitement, going crazy for nearly three and a half hours.

The next day, Hong Kong and Taiwan media reported on the performance in an unprecedented layout: "Rock and roll soul, shocking Hong Kong" and "Hung Hom, very Chinese"......

In 1994, it was already 30 years ago

▲Group photo of the three heroes of Moyan: Zhang Chu, He Yong, Dou Wei. Source: Internet

After a night of madness, people didn't come back to their senses for a long time, and everyone invariably asked the question: "What the hell is going on?"

Looking back now, for everyone who lived through 1994, what really happened in that dream year?

Reference: Jiang Wen et al., Birth (The Birth of a Film), Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House, 2005

Wang Bin: "Alive: Zhang Yimou", People's Literature Publishing House, 2011 Gao Yuan: "Singing Youth to the End: 1990-1999 Chinese Rock and the Life of a Cultural Group", CITIC Press, 2015 Wu Xiaobo: "Thirty Years of Turbulence", CITIC Press, 2017 Li Jiajia: "Zhu Ling's Forty-five Years", Chunshan Publishing Company, 2019

National Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Communiqué of the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China on National Economic and Social Development in 1994, February 28, 1995

Ministry of Civil Affairs, "Changes and Evaluation of China's Social Assistance System", Chinese Government Portal, December 31, 2005

Shanghai Municipal Office of Local Chronicles, "Oriental Pearl": Shanghai Radio and Television Tower, October 28, 2009

Li Xiaomin, "Zan Yunlong, the "Son of Nuclear Power": The Son of China's Nuclear Power Entrepreneurs, Not the Son of a Loser", Nanfang Daily, December 12, 2010

Min Dahong, "1994: China's Internet "Breaks the Ground"", People's Daily Online, April 15, 2014

Ye Kai, "The Secret of Land Income Rising 100 Times in 20 Years: The Government Monopolizes the Primary Land Market", China Business News, August 31, 2016, CCTV, "Today's Statement": "Nie Shubin Case" Ten Years Investigation, December 10, 2016

This article is reprinted with permission from the WeChat public account: Favorite History, the author Nan Chao Ziyun, edited by I am Ai Gongzi