
Sun Dongxu sells yogurt, and a move makes him shout: I didn't drop the yogurt, why did I drop it

author:Lucky Sunshine SRk


Sun Dongxu, a name and an identity, jumped into people's field of vision from behind the camera in an instant. Sun Dongxu, who sells yogurt, this turning point has turned people's perception of him upside down. He is no longer the high-flying actor, but an unbelievably ordinary stall owner.

Sun Dongxu sells yogurt, and a move makes him shout: I didn't drop the yogurt, why did I drop it

This change, as if it was an awakening of a dream, subverted people's impression of Sun Dongxu in an instant. He used to be a superstar on the stage, and his aura of wine and wine made him high, like an insurmountable god. However, the reality is cruel, whether it is an actor or a roadside vendor, everyone needs to run for a living.

Sun Dongxu sells yogurt, and a move makes him shout: I didn't drop the yogurt, why did I drop it

The picture of Sun Dongxu selling yogurt is like a shocking oil painting, which makes people see the ordinary life behind the actor. The sign in front of the stall reads "Sincere yogurt, a bottle of thirst quenching", revealing between the lines the hardships of an ordinary person who lives hard. And Sun Dongxu, he did not indulge in the past because of the glory of the past, he chose to start over and chose a hard-working life.

Sun Dongxu sells yogurt, and a move makes him shout: I didn't drop the yogurt, why did I drop it

The scene of him throwing yogurt is like an ordeal in life, an irreversible drama. The hand that dropped the milk may have performed many joys and sorrows on the screen, but at this moment, it is a spiritual release in the life of an ordinary person. He is no longer the figure who plays the role, but an individual who exudes true emotions.

Sun Dongxu sells yogurt, and a move makes him shout: I didn't drop the yogurt, why did I drop it

"I didn't drop the yogurt, why did I drop it. This sentence seems to be a self-talk in his life, and it is also a question to the world. In front of the camera, he bid farewell to the illusion of drama and chose his true self. Perhaps, this moment is the beginning of his inner peace and his liberation from the shackles of his former aura.

Sun Dongxu sells yogurt, and a move makes him shout: I didn't drop the yogurt, why did I drop it

This story is no longer the legend of an actor, but the history of the struggle of an ordinary person. His life, like a quiet melody, fills the air and makes people intoxicated. Perhaps, everyone's life has some unexpected turns, and Sun Dongxu interprets the true meaning of life with the ordinariness of selling yogurt.

At this moment, Sun Dongxu's heart exuded a warm light, allowing people to see the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature. Sun Dongxu, who sells yogurt, may have become a beautiful scenery on the streets and alleys, and every smile he has made is the most sincere response to life. This ordinary turn has made Sun Dongxu more real and stronger, an individual who is no longer limited by stage roles.

Sun Dongxu sells yogurt, and a move makes him shout: I didn't drop the yogurt, why did I drop it

Perhaps, this story is not a luxurious drama, but it shines with sincerity in the ordinary. On the street selling yogurt, Sun Dongxu found his own stage, and every day on this stage is the most beautiful moment of his life.

Sun Dongxu sells yogurt, and a move makes him shout: I didn't drop the yogurt, why did I drop it

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