
After the age of 60, there are fewer three kinds of words, three kinds of people are rare, there are fewer places to go to three places, and there are fewer three kinds of stupidity

author:Jingqiu reads

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Life is a dream, white clouds and dogs.

Wrong, right, right, grievances, and grievances, but the sun and the moon are silent, and the water passes without a trace.

Those who are difficult to abandon are just a little obsession.

After the age of 60, after years of precipitation and ups and downs in life, we finally understand: life needs to be blank, life needs to be simplified.

There are some things that you don't need to say again, some people don't need to say goodbye, there are some places that it is better to go less, and there are some stupid things that you must not do again.

1. Say less than three things

1. Words of complaint

After the age of sixty, one should learn to be a person who does not complain.

Complaining is like a poison that not only destroys your will, but also erodes your body and mind.

It is inevitable that there will be unsatisfactory things in life, but always talking about these and saying them to others will not only not help, but also make people annoying.

If you complain too much, you will become negative and pessimistic.

Instead of spending the rest of your life complaining, adjust your mindset and face every challenge in your life positively.

After the age of 60, there are fewer three kinds of words, three kinds of people are rare, there are fewer places to go to three places, and there are fewer three kinds of stupidity

2. Arrogant words

As we get older, we should be more humble and low-key.

Don't be arrogant and arrogant just because you have achieved a little bit or have had some brilliant experiences.

Arrogant words are not only easy to offend people and make many enemies, but also make themselves fall into a quagmire of blind self-confidence.

You must know that "there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky", and maintaining a heart of awe is what the wise do.

3. Words of right and wrong

At this age, you should understand that the world is not black and white.

Everyone has their own position and point of view, and we don't have to force others to agree with us, nor do we have to talk about the merits of others behind our backs.

"Sit quietly and think about your own mistakes, and don't talk about others", saying less about right and wrong is not only respect for others, but also protection for yourself.

After the age of 60, there are fewer three kinds of words, three kinds of people are rare, there are fewer places to go to three places, and there are fewer three kinds of stupidity

Second, it is rare to see three kinds of people

1. Snobbish

Snobbish people only have interests and status in their eyes, and their attitude towards others depends entirely on how much benefit the other party can bring to them, or how high their status is.

Associating with such people will only make you feel tired and bored.

Because they will never understand what true friendship and love are, they will only fall into the trap when you need help and flatter when you succeed.

So when you reach the age of sixty, try to stay away from these snobs.

2. The ungrateful

In life, there are always some people who like to take advantage of others, but are not willing to pay any price.

You help them in their difficult times, but they kick you away when they succeed.

They forget that you were good to them, but they only remember how much wealth and status they have now.

For such ungrateful people, we should stop losses in time and stay away decisively.

Because associating with such a person will only make you feel chills and disappointment.

After the age of 60, there are fewer three kinds of words, three kinds of people are rare, there are fewer places to go to three places, and there are fewer three kinds of stupidity

3. People who are not right-minded

People with bad intentions are often good at disguising themselves and deceiving others.

They look like upright men and gentlemen on the surface, but behind the scenes, they are doing shady things.

They will do whatever it takes to achieve their ends, even at the cost of harming innocent people.

Associating with such a person is undoubtedly seeking trouble with the tiger.

So when you reach the age of 60, be sure to keep your eyes open and recognize everyone around you.

3. Go to three places less

1. The Land of Right and Wrong

The land of right and wrong is often full of quarrels and strife, and instead of enjoying peace and tranquility, you will be drawn into endless strife.

At this age, we should learn to stay away from right and wrong and stay quiet.

It is wise to choose a suitable place to retire and enjoy the rest of your life.

2. Gambling establishments

A gambling establishment is a place full of temptations and pitfalls.

Here, you may lose your family and lose money because of your greed, or you may ruin the happy life of yourself and your family because of your addiction to gambling.

When we reach the age of 60, we should cherish our hard-earned money and stay away from gambling establishments.

After the age of 60, there are fewer three kinds of words, three kinds of people are rare, there are fewer places to go to three places, and there are fewer three kinds of stupidity

3. Fengyue Place

Although Fengyue place can bring people short-term excitement and happiness, it is a bottomless pit in the long run.

Not only does it consume your money and time, but it can also take a toll on your physical and mental health.

At this age, we should pay more attention to health and wellness, rather than chasing those ethereal stimuli.

So, be sure to stay away from the Wind Moon area.

Fourth, commit three kinds of stupidity

1. The stupidity of overworking for your children

Many parents still can't let go of their children when they become adults, and they have to intervene in everything.

As a result, not only do children feel disgusted and depressed, but they also make themselves exhausted and physically and mentally exhausted.

In fact, at this age, we should learn to let go and let our children face the challenges and difficulties in life on their own.

Only in this way can they truly grow and become independent, and we can enjoy a relaxed and happy old age.

After the age of 60, there are fewer three kinds of words, three kinds of people are rare, there are fewer places to go to three places, and there are fewer three kinds of stupidity

2. The stupidity of blind investing

As they grow older, many people begin to pay attention to their pension issues and begin to carry out some investment activities.

However, some people blindly follow the trend because of their lack of investment knowledge, or follow the advice of others to make high-risk investments.

As a result, not only do you not get the expected benefits, but you may also lose all your money.

Therefore, after the age of 60, before carrying out investment activities, you must fully understand the market situation and risk tolerance, and make prudent decisions to avoid losses caused by blind investment.

3. Stupidity that doesn't pay attention to physical health

The body is the capital of the revolution and the cornerstone of enjoying life.

But many people ignore physical health issues for the sake of their careers and families when they are young.

In old age, a variety of chronic diseases and health problems begin to appear.

This not only affects the quality of life, but may also shorten the life expectancy.

So when you reach the age of 60, you must pay attention to your physical health.

Regular physical examinations, reasonable diet, and moderate exercise are all effective ways to maintain good health, and only with a healthy body can you enjoy life better.

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