
DeFi masters disclose the 2024 investment list, see if there are any coins you bought?

Editor's note:
The author of this article, FIROUTE 2 FI, is the growth officer of Silent Protocol and a partner of Bybit, and in the article, he shows his bullish cryptocurrencies in 2024, covering multiple project categories such as L1, L2, AI, DEX, etc., compiled by BlockBeats as follows:

Hey friends!

Today, I'd like to show you a watchlist of tokens that I think will perform well in 2024. Note that I haven't talked much about $SOL here, but that doesn't mean I'm not bullish on it. It's just that for me, it's part of a core portfolio of BTC, ETH, and SOL.

2023 is coming to an end, and it's time to look ahead to the new year.

Like everyone else, I'm very optimistic about 2024. The reason is that the BTC spot ETF is most likely to be approved in January, while the BTC halving is in April. On top of that, we will be doing a Dencun upgrade to Ethereum in Q1 2024.

One of the key features of Dencun is the inclusion of an Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 4844, also known as "proto-danksharding".

It allows the Layer 2 (L2) rollup network to temporarily store certain transactional data using a new format called "blobs." Blobs can be deleted after 18 days, significantly reducing transaction fees for Tier 2. This is a highly anticipated upgrade for L2s such as Arbitrum and Optimism.

Anyway, I'd like to list some of the tokens that I think will be strong next year. It will be interesting to see the prices after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.


Let's start with Layer 2 projects. As I mentioned, proto-danksharding (EIP 4844) will go live in the first quarter of next year. Layer 2 projects should grab bids for this story (which we've actually seen happen), but I think there's going to be a new wave in Q1. Among these tokens, I think Canto is the one with the most potential. Not many people know it will be L2 with an mcap of around 200m. Very low compared to others. I hinted at Canto a few days ago with this tweet (the price has since increased by 50%).

DeFi masters disclose the 2024 investment list, see if there are any coins you bought?

Metis has an mcap of almost 400m, and to be honest, I don't know much about METIS, except that a lot of influencers are bullish on it. Still on my research list.

EigenLayer will launch next year, and repositioning is the new narrative. I already talked about this a week ago, but I will repeat it here.

As far as airdrops go, I think the best opportunity on EigenLayer is to deposit swETH (Swell). The protocol doesn't have a token yet, so you can airdrop Swell tokens and Eigenlayer tokens. Lido already has a token. The same goes for all other EigenLayer pools: RocketPool, Coinbase (base token), StakeWise, Origin, Beacon (Binance has BNB), Ankr, and Stader.

However, I do think Stader ($SD) is underrated. With an mcap of only $30 million (TVL $330 million), they rank fourth in terms of deposit amount on EigenLayer (ETHx). The Stader team is constantly building. They will soon transition to a model similar to Rocket Pool, but validators can borrow SD. SD holders can lend to validators and receive a share of the earnings from validators.

PICA is another interesting option. This is $SOL's re-staking protocol. As soon as this story started running, the token went up 4x.

JTO is Solana's liquid staking protocol. The token was airdropped and has been heavily sold since then. Currently $2.28.

FXS recently halved with a liquid staking narrative and an ETH narrative, and if ETH performs well, the coin could run stably in Q1 2024.


It's the latest buzzword. The fourth quarter of this year is really an AI narrative, and you've probably seen tokens like TAO, RNDR, FET, AGIX, OCEAN, PRIME, and more.

I'd say that the whole list is working well, but to me one of them looks pretty cheap, i.e. $MOZ. With a market cap of just $10 million, Mozaic leverages artificial intelligence and LayerZero technology to provide an automated yield farming strategy.

Even though the FDV is a bit high, the $PRIME looks good too. However, PRIME is full of AI and game narratives. A lot of people are bullish on the crypto game in 2024. I'm not one of them, but I do find it very interesting.

Layer 1

As with Layer 2, I think L1 will continue to perform well. So far, SOL and AVAX have made tremendous progress. However, these are not what interests me the most.

For me, it's INJ, SUI, SEI, FTM, CANTO (again), and Monad (launching in 2024). There may be more L1s that have yet to be launched. Keep your eyes open here.

I'm already in love with $SEI. There's something about this community that makes me very optimistic.


So far, we've seen $RUNE rise 6x. We also have DYDX, SNX, JOE.

Personally, I'm most bullish on $RBN (AEVO coming soon) and $RBX.

Ribbon is quite low in price and is not yet up and running, and will soon convert 1:1AEVO. New tokens, new charts, new believers, maybe there will be a good performance.

$RBX is just $50 million in SGD with a market cap and good marketing. Given the valuations of DYDX and SNX, I definitely think it has potential as well.

$UNI also broke out of the 500-day range, and several large traders, including Eugene (Binance's top trader), are bullish on it.

Other items

I could go on and on listing the categories one by one. There are a lot of interesting projects in this area, but I wanted to keep this article relatively short and actionable. This is my last coin and I think it did well in the Bulls.

MINA:$Mina is a privacy protocol that provides an elegant solution using advanced cryptography and recursive zero-knowledge techniques. $Mina drastically reduces the amount of data that each user needs to download. Instead of validating the entire chain from the start, participants use recursive zero-knowledge proofs (or zk-SNARKs) to fully validate the network and transactions. Nodes can then store small proofs instead of the entire chain. I think that as ETH gets the attention in Q1, privacy concerns will also be taken seriously.

SYN: Synapse is the token that everyone is talking about in 2021. It's a cross-chain bridge and still has a lot of users (myself included). When I bought a CANTO the other day, I used a Synapse bridge.

TIA: It's hard to be pessimistic about the most significant events of 2023 so far. Celestia improves scalability by separating the 3 core functions of the blockchain. Celestia is an exciting new technology that addresses the core scaling problem of today's blockchains. Its modular architecture provides developments in scalability, flexibility, and interoperability, enabling developers to build blockchain applications for mass adoption. Celestia's approach to data availability and scalability provides innovative solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing the blockchain industry today.

KUJI: Kujira is an L1 blockchain built on Cosmos. It is the "blockchain of real profits". You're better off comparing it to what $LUNA wants it to look like, but it's better. In fact, $KUJI was originally built on Terra (Kujira launched in October 2021), but when $LUNA crashed, it went a new route. They have different products that generate revenue, which will be owned by $KUJI stakers. Lending platforms, DEXs, clearing protocols, liquidity engines, cross-chain staking protocols, stablecoin $USK, and platforms to launch projects and tokens on Kujira. $KUJI is a bet on DeFi, and I believe this will once again be a powerful narrative in the next bull market.

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