
was thrown away, and the mainland students will be based on netizens


Be cautious when making friends online...

Last Saturday, December 23, a young man was found lying in the open space in Fanling Wai, Hong Kong, frozen and purple, and after a police investigation, it was revealed that he had participated in a drug party the night before.

was thrown away, and the mainland students will be based on netizens

It is understood that the deceased, surnamed Hui (22 years old), was from Dongguan, studied for a master's degree in Hong Kong, and rented a sublet room in To Kwa Wan.

He had earlier met a 51-year-old gay man surnamed Guan who worked as a security guard through a dating app. Kwan Nan and a male student surnamed Cheng (20) were close friends and lived together in the Fanling Wai village house in question.

Last Friday (22nd), they and 3 other people, a total of 6 people, met to have a party in the village house unit, and it was not ruled out that they were involved in private activities, during which it was suspected that the deceased was injected with methamphetamine by Guan Nan and another man surnamed Zheng (62 years old), who worked as a waiter, and the victim fell into a coma and died, and was carried outside the house by 5 people to abandon the body.

At about 8 a.m. on the next day (23rd), the police received a report from a villager that someone had fainted and confirmed that the man had died. The case was initially classified as a body discovery case, but due to the suspicions at the scene and the lack of identity documents on the deceased, the Police launched an in-depth investigation.

Until the 24th, the parents of the victim were unable to get in touch with their son, and they came to Hong Kong from Dongguan to report his disappearance to the Hung Hom Police Station.

Informant: I thought he was drunk and froze to death!

Mr. Zheng, who found the body, said: "I thought that the canal (the deceased) was frozen to death, and the villagers were urinating all day long, and I thought that the canal was drunk and lying low and freezing to death." ”

Due to the cold weather on the night of the winter solstice (22nd), Mr. Zheng said: "Because you personally freeze to the black sun of your lips, ears, and hands, you are basically Xi to freeze to death, and on the night of the 22nd, you are wearing pants and a black sweatshirt. ”

Mr. Cheng revealed that the deceased was found with his head facing the passage, his feet facing inward, his face facing the sky, his ears, lips and hands blackened, and he was wearing only black briefs and a black sweatshirt.

As far as Mr Cheng knew, the deceased was not a Fanling Wai tenant but had gone to a tenant's flat to have fun. He quoted villagers as saying that noise nuisances were caused in the village from time to time, and notices prohibiting drunken disturbances were posted around the village.

was thrown away, and the mainland students will be based on netizens

When the police arrived at the scene, the body was covered with a white cloth and was apparently dead. The vacant lot was littered with construction waste, and the bodies were set aside.

According to people familiar with the matter, when a canal worker went to Fanling Wai at about 8 o'clock last Saturday (23rd) to start construction, he saw a young man lying in the open space opposite the village house, so he notified the villagers. The villagers saw that the victim was unconscious, so they called the police.

was thrown away, and the mainland students will be based on netizens

Police subsequently arrested three persons on suspicion of illegal handling of bodies, two of whom were also involved in manslaughter and drug trafficking, and will conduct further investigations. #实话实说#