
There are two abnormalities on the face, which remind you that the kidneys are calling for help

author:Medica Media

To judge the health of a person's kidneys, it can be known through physical performance. Because the human body is very wonderful, different states and different health conditions show different characteristics. If you take it lightly and don't do the same thing, the disease will become more serious after the signal is missed, and finally threaten the patient's life and health. You should know which facial features represent kidney disease, and if you have oneself, you should control the disease in time.

There are two abnormalities on the face, which remind you that the kidneys are calling for help

1. Puffy face

Whether the kidneys are strong or not can be known by looking at the face, and if there are features of facial puffiness, it means that the kidneys are calling for help. The kidneys are important organs, which function normally, can smoothly produce urine, excrete urine, drink enough water, improve metabolic ability, and excrete excess water and harmful substances.

However, if there is no reasonable response to the invasion of kidney disease for a long time, metabolic disorders, acid-base imbalance, and edema will be manifested after water and sodium retention, which can be found by observing one's face, puffy eyelids, edema of the lower limbs, less urine output, and changes in color and smell after urine concentration, which are all early warnings of diseases.

There are two abnormalities on the face, which remind you that the kidneys are calling for help

2. Abnormal complexion

If you find that your face is dull, you can't keep the skin color of your face normal, and you lose your original ruddy state, which means that you have kidney disease.

Whether the kidney function is normal or not is related to the health status of other organs, some people have kidney disease, other multiple systems, multiple organs will be damaged, resulting in abnormal metabolism, which will affect the internal environment, the accumulation of harmful substances, and the circulation can not be maintained well, the original ruddy complexion can not be maintained, and may show a dull complexion, or even pale or yellowish. If the person feels discolored and the face is not good, it means that there is a lesion in the internal organs, and kidney disease needs to be suspected.

What are the other signs of kidney disease?

If the kidneys are damaged and there are many symptoms after the disease invades, it is necessary to judge whether there is a disease in combination with other conditions in the body, and if the cause is not clear, it is the most direct way to go to the hospital for examination.

Some people's kidneys are damaged, there will be abnormal digestion, decreased appetite, oliguria and anuria, proteinuria or hematuria, and many people have back pain and fatigue, which are the characteristics of kidney disease.

There are two abnormalities on the face, which remind you that the kidneys are calling for help

To sum up, whether there are special changes in a person's face can help judge the health status, kidney function is reduced, and the face will have the above characteristics when calling for help, including facial changes and facial puffiness. In either case, you should see your doctor right away.

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