
The Lakers' three trade plans were exposed, and Grant DeRozan and Murray were all trade partners

author:Xiao Wang to talk

The Los Angeles Lakers' new season doesn't seem to be going well, with the team not starting the season well after winning last season's NBA championship, with a 3-7 record. In the face of the team's recent decline, Lakers management is desperate to bring in an All-Star caliber player through a trade to improve the team's overall strength. Recently, it was revealed that the Lakers have approached the Bulls' DeMar DeRozan, the Hawks' Drew Murray and the Trail Blazers' Jerami Grant in hopes of trading for one of these players.

The Lakers' three trade plans were exposed, and Grant DeRozan and Murray were all trade partners

DeRozan, Murray, and Grant are undoubtedly the top players in the league, each with their own strengths. DeRozan is the quintessential two-end breakaway scorer with good physical condition and is the leading scorer on the Bulls. Murray is an excellent playmaker on the defensive end, with good interior coordination skills, and can share the playmaking task for James. Grant, on the other hand, is an All-Star caliber power forward who can provide solid interior support for the Lakers.

The Lakers' three trade plans were exposed, and Grant DeRozan and Murray were all trade partners

Whichever player joins, it will greatly enhance the strength of the Lakers and help the team quickly stabilize its momentum and return to victory. After all, no matter how strong James and Davis are, it is difficult for them to stand alone. The Lakers are in dire need of a third big name, and taking DeRozan, Murray, or Grant would greatly increase the chances of the Lakers winning the championship.

The Lakers' three trade plans were exposed, and Grant DeRozan and Murray were all trade partners

Specifically, DeRozan's addition is most likely to directly improve the Lakers' scoring firepower. He can share the offensive pressure for James and Davis and is a super-efficient scorer. Murray, on the other hand, could enhance the Lakers' backcourt organization and defense, freeing up James to focus more on scoring. And Grant's addition will provide strong interior support to fill the Lakers' shortcomings in the free throw area.

The Lakers' three trade plans were exposed, and Grant DeRozan and Murray were all trade partners

Of course, none of these deals will be easy to achieve. The Bulls, Hawks, and Trail Blazers will all offer tough exchange terms, and the Lakers will have to pay a corresponding price. According to the report, in order to get DeRozan, the Lakers may need to send young player Reaves and a first-round pick. To get Murray, you have to give up Hachimura and Russell. And trading Grant even requires Reaves, Hachimura and a first-round pick as chips.

The Lakers' three trade plans were exposed, and Grant DeRozan and Murray were all trade partners

It's a tough choice. But in exchange for a third All-Star to increase the probability of winning the championship, perhaps the price is still within an acceptable range. After all, the Lakers are currently in a slump and are in dire need of a new change. If you continue to be depressed like this, it will be difficult to even enter the playoffs.

The Lakers' three trade plans were exposed, and Grant DeRozan and Murray were all trade partners

In contrast, restraint in trading and maintaining the status quo is more risky. James and Davis are in their prime and must seize the moment to make another game. Seeing that they are entering the twilight, the Lakers have no chance of turning over. Management must act decisively, even at a painful cost, to add another trump card to the Lakers.

The Lakers' three trade plans were exposed, and Grant DeRozan and Murray were all trade partners

There is no doubt that the addition of DeRozan, Murray or Grant will greatly increase the probability that the Lakers will advance to the playoffs and even win another championship in the new season. Despite the high cost of the trade, it is still the best option for the Lakers at the moment. Let's wait and see what the Lakers ultimately decide. In any case, a new Laker is bound to be born. Harry Potter always said that I hope that in our hearts, the Lakers management should also uphold this belief and fight for the top again without hesitation!