
There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

author:Dr. Wang's Health Talk

There is a silent threat lurking all around us, and it is a cerebral hemorrhage – a cerebrovascular disease that can inadvertently take life or cause severe disability.

Although the occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage is often sudden, in fact, it is not without warning.

Just as a dangerous storm is preceded by a warning of dark clouds, a cerebral hemorrhage has its own "warning system" that signals us of danger through a series of warning signs.

There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

These signals may be subtle and may be masked by daily fatigue or minor ailments, but their appearance is undoubtedly a distress signal from the body.

1. Silent alarm of cerebral hemorrhage

In the quiet of the night, when the world is asleep, it quietly stealthily - a deadly crisis, waiting for an opportunity to strike, ready to attack.

This insidious killer is what we call a cerebral hemorrhage.

It doesn't knock on the door in advance, it doesn't give any grace, but it does emit some subtle signals, like lightning in the dark of night, that signals the coming storm.

There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

Sudden headache, which is one of the most typical precursors of cerebral hemorrhage.

Unlike ordinary tension headaches or migraines, this headache is like a piercing pain, sudden and unpredictable, like a sharp blade cutting through the brain with impunity.

It is a cruel warning that is often misinterpreted as an ordinary discomfort, thus missing the golden time for healing.

And in this battle with God, every second cannot be ignored.

And that's just the beginning.

Over time, this hidden killer will be accompanied by many other signals, like a playing card being revealed.

There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

The numbness of the limbs, the slurred speech, every small change may be a distress signal from the brain.

Although they seem to be independent, they are secretly connected, and together they paint a picture of the impending crisis.

2. Warnings about body language

Imagine you're enjoying a leisurely afternoon, and suddenly an arm seems to be in the grip of an invisible force and loses its senses, and that feeling is like it doesn't belong to you anymore and becomes numb.

It's not a science fiction plot, it's a biological signal from a cerebral hemorrhage that the connection between your brain and body may be being disrupted.

There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

Numbness in a limb, especially if it occurs suddenly and is concentrated on one side of the body, can be direct evidence that blood is no longer flowing smoothly to a certain part of the brain.

It's a rush SOS signal in body language, and it could mean that brain cells are experiencing the pain of ischemia, begging for first aid.

Speech disorders are another dramatic portent.

A person may suddenly find himself speaking slurred, or unable to speak at all, as if the coordination between the tongue and the brain has been truncated by a mysterious force.

There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

This is not the usual stuttering or the usual knotting of the tongue, but a sudden, uncontrollable confusion of speech.

This may be because the area of the brain responsible for language function is being attacked, silently screaming for emergency evacuation.

Both of these appearances, numbness and speech impairment, are ways in which the body communicates with the outside world in a rapidly changing internal environment.

They are the telltale sign of a cerebral hemorrhage, a hidden killer, and an outward manifestation of an internal conflict that cannot be ignored.

Treating these signals as trivial can lead to serious consequences.

Because in the world of cerebral hemorrhage, ignoring the information conveyed by the body is equivalent to opening the door to disaster.

There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

3. The secret signal of vision and balance

In our day-to-day lives, everything that seems ordinary – from the first rays of the morning sun to the starry sky at night – depends on our eyesight.

However, when the field of vision suddenly appears to be a flickering speck, or a blur, as if a shadow is quietly falling on the canvas in front of us, it may be that our retinas are sounding the alarm.

This is not a shadow effect, not a hallucination, but an abnormality that may indicate cerebral blood flow.

Visual abnormalities, such as temporary vision loss or loss of visual field, may be a cerebral hemorrhage announcing its presence and telling us that it may be quietly destroying a part of the brain.

Another signal that is often overlooked is vertigo, the sense of instability that makes people feel like the world is spinning.

There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

When you feel a bout of dizziness when you stand up, or lose your balance for no apparent reason, it could be that there is a problem with the communication between your inner ear and your brain.

The chaos of the balance system, perhaps a malfunction in the area of the brain responsible for coordination, is struggling to tell us that it needs help.

This feeling of vertigo, if not caused by a simple quick get-up, but for no apparent reason, could be a red flag for brain health, and it's time to take action.

These secret signals of vision and balance are signs of a cerebral hemorrhage, an invisible destroyer.

There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

After the numbness and speech impairments we discussed earlier, anomalies in vision and vertigo add a new dimension to our cognitive atlas.

They are fireworks signals from the brain and body in the internal struggle, telling us that this silent battle is going on.

They require us to not only listen to our voice, but also to observe its signs in order to identify problems earlier and act quickly.

Fourth, from drowsiness to coma

In the hectic pace of everyday life, feeling sleepy can seem like a common thing.

There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

But when drowsiness becomes abnormal, when it is no longer the natural result of a sleepless night, but rather an irresistible urge to sleep after adequate sleep, this extreme sleepiness may be an alarm from the brain.

This excessive lethargy is not a sign of laziness, but may indicate that the brain is going through a crisis.

It may be a direct reflection of the lack of blood supply to the brain, the roar of neurons in the absence of oxygen, and the red alarm of consciousness.

More severely, when drowsiness develops to a state that is difficult to wake up, or even coma.

A coma is not a simple sleep, it is a deep state of asympathy, where the brain is telling the world: "The system has collapsed." ”

There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

In this state, the lights of consciousness dim and the activity of the brain slows down to the most basic functions that can sustain life.

Every minute and every second in this situation counts, and any delay can lead to irreversible damage.

We've previously discussed limb numbness, speech impairments, blurred vision, and imbalance that are all signals that the body is trying to communicate with us, and now, we're faced with emergency signals at the level of consciousness – from irresistible drowsiness to complete coma, a direct manifestation of the escalation of the conflict.

There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

Combined, these alarms form a warning map of brain health, reminding us that in the shadow of the specter of a cerebral hemorrhage, our every feeling and reaction should not go unnoticed.


After navigating the twists and turns of the healthy labyrinth of cerebral hemorrhage, we are now standing on the threshold of the exit.

From numb physical signals to chaotic verbal alarms, from distorted vision to imbalanced alarms, to red alerts of consciousness – this series of body languages forms the bonds of life and closely links our health and safety.

There are 7 "precursors" before a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, and if more than one occurs, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible

These signals are not isolated events, they are a holistic call, part of our own protective mechanisms, a reminder to pay attention to the subtle changes in our bodies.

They represent a dialogue between the body and the brain, and are an alarm bell for the life maintenance system.

In this silent battle, our alertness, knowledge, and timely response are our strongest shields.