
The referee report was released, the Lakers' victory was stolen, and James stepped on the line to score three points

author:Nerd basketball

In yesterday's NBA regular season battle, the Lakers and the Timberwolves had a matchup of ups and downs. The score was very different, and the Lakers lost 106-108. It was a thrilling match, especially in the crucial final moments, and it was a breathless experience. The Lakers kept chasing the win until the last minute. And in this game, a legendary star, the 39-year-old Jade, presented fans with a top NBA performance on his birthday night. He is like a lion on the field, powerful and resolute, pushing the limits again and again, which makes people marvel.

However, the game of basketball is not only a stage for players, but also the referee's decision to play a crucial role. In this game, the fate of the Lakers in the final moments was affected by the referee's report. According to NBA official sources, the referee report for the last two minutes of the game has been released, which involves two missed decisions, both of which are unfavorable to the Lakers.

The referee report was released, the Lakers' victory was stolen, and James stepped on the line to score three points

With just 55 seconds left in the game, Reeves was struggling to defend Edwards' breakaway. However, a malicious pull from Gobert threw Reeves off balance, causing Davis to collide with Edwards unexpectedly. According to the referee's report, this was a glaring omission and a Gobert offensive foul should have been awarded. However, the mistake left the Lakers passive on the defensive end, giving the Timberwolves an easy chance to score.

The referee report was released, the Lakers' victory was stolen, and James stepped on the line to score three points

With just 46.4 seconds left in the game, Vanderbilt showed amazing breakaway ability and attacked the basket. However, Downs unexpectedly grabbed the basket while defending, an action that caused the basket and rebound to vibrate, causing the basketball to bounce unnaturally. It was seen as a missed decision and should have been whistled for Downs jamming. The penalty error cost the Lakers the opportunity to close the gap and allowed the Timberwolves to maintain their lead.

The referee report was released, the Lakers' victory was stolen, and James stepped on the line to score three points

It is worth mentioning that the penalty of James's three-point shot, which fans are concerned about, has also come to an end. According to the referee's report, James' 2-point shot with 2.3 seconds left in the game was the right decision. The referee's explanation for the report is that after being reviewed by NBA replay center officials, there is no clear and conclusive visual evidence to prove that the referee on the court made a mistake, so the penalty has not been overturned. As James lifted his heel for a jumper, replays showed his right foot moving forward with the tip of his shoe touching the three-point line. If a player's shot is a three-pointer, he cannot touch the three-point line until the ball leaves his hand.

In fact, there is a subjective judgment of the referee here. The referee blew a two-point shot, so the evidence can't overturn this conclusion, so of course there is nothing wrong with that. If the referee starts with a three-pointer, then the evidence cannot overturn this conclusion, then it is a three-pointer.

The referee report was released, the Lakers' victory was stolen, and James stepped on the line to score three points

Despite the Lakers' unfair penalty treatment in the game, James' outstanding performance still deserves praise. He was still able to play at such a high level at the age of 39, showing his basketball talent and professionalism. Although the game was lost, James' performance undoubtedly brought endless surprises and touches to the fans.

Overall, the game was full of ups and downs and twists, and the referee's decision also had an impact on the result. Despite the injustice suffered by the Lakers, James's outstanding performance and his fighting spirit in the game are still admirable. Let's hope that the Lakers can regain their winning streak in future games, while also looking forward to James continuing to create miracles on the basketball court.

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