
Historical regrets: Jordan retired twice and missed 347 games, and the dream of Mr. 40,000 was shattered

author:Liu Zhanyuan

A meeting point of history

On the basketball court, there is an indelible legend, his name, Jordan, a legend who is always on the NBA scoring charts. If we take a closer look at his career, we will find that it is full of twists and turns and coincidences, as if the intersection of history destined him to become a legend full of regrets. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the superstar's scoring legend and the ones that could change the course of history.

Historical regrets: Jordan retired twice and missed 347 games, and the dream of Mr. 40,000 was shattered

I. Jordan's All-Time Score Ranking

Jordan, the artist on the basketball court, is firmly in fifth place on the NBA's all-time scoring list, but it seems to be just a tiny footnote to his career. Imagine that without two unexpected retirements and a 347-game absence, he would have been on track to become the first player in history to reach 40,000 points, surpassing all else.

Historical regrets: Jordan retired twice and missed 347 games, and the dream of Mr. 40,000 was shattered

II. Effect of two decommissionings

Two retirements, like two violent earthquakes in basketball history, caused Jordan to miss a lot of games. The first time was at the first peak of his career, while the second time made him miss out on more opportunities. These two retirements are like a tragedy, and we can't help but reflect, if it weren't for these two lost times, would Jordan have already surpassed the current top of the score?

Historical regrets: Jordan retired twice and missed 347 games, and the dream of Mr. 40,000 was shattered

III. A staggering figure of 347 absences

What is even more embarrassing is the absence of 347 games. At critical moments, Jordan stayed away from the court, which became a big regret for the peak of his history. This absence of drama seems to be doomed, leaving an indelible regret for a career that could have been more brilliant.

Historical regrets: Jordan retired twice and missed 347 games, and the dream of Mr. 40,000 was shattered

IV. The price of missing out on the pinnacle of history

With two retirements and absences, Jordan failed to surpass Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to become the top scorer in history. The price seems too heavy to make us wonder if history should have been more glorious.

V. Career scoring per game surpasses Chamberlain

Despite his retirement and absence, Jordan still averaged more points per game than basketball superstar Chamberlain. This showcases his amazing scoring prowess, and one can't help but revel in the performance of the scoring artist.

VI. Data revealed by ESPNStats&Info

What is staggering is the data from ESPNStats &Info, which reveals that more than 10,000 points can be made up for the absence time. Such a number makes people wonder, what kind of legend would Jordan's career be without these twists and turns?

VII. Overall score or likelihood of reaching 42,743 points

Data analysis shows that without retirement and absence, Jordan's total score could reach a staggering 42,743 points. This number is almost unbelievable, and the lost games have left the door of history only a thin line.

VIII. Questioning the length of the peak

IX. The possibility of James becoming Mr. 40,000

At present, James stands at a new historical juncture and may become the first player to break the 40,000-point mark. Suspension and age seem to have been an obstacle to his feat. Will history repeat itself again and leave a potential legend to regret?

Historical regrets: Jordan retired twice and missed 347 games, and the dream of Mr. 40,000 was shattered

X. James could be the sorry Mr. 40,000

While James is on track to surpass Jordan, suspensions and getting older may be obstacles to achieving that feat. Perhaps, James will become a Mr. 40,000 full of regrets, a peak that is almost within reach, but in the end it is unattainable because of the irreversibility of time.

Historical regrets: Jordan retired twice and missed 347 games, and the dream of Mr. 40,000 was shattered

A choice of fate

On the basketball stage, every legend has his own destiny choice. Jordan's scoring saga is full of dramatic twists and turns, while James faces many unknowns on the road to history. Perhaps, it is these twists and turns and unknowns that make basketball an eternal topic, and every fan is eagerly looking forward to the birth of the next legend. The intersection of history will ultimately determine who will leave an indelible footprint on the temple of basketball. XI. James' Challenges and Regrets

As James progresses to the top of the all-time scoring charts, he faces a mix of challenges and regrets. Despite his physical fitness and skills, the suspension and age are still stumbling blocks to his 40,000-point feat. Perhaps, this is the inevitable hurdle on the road to the top, an indispensable challenge on the road to legend.

XII. Comparison of the changing times

Looking back at the scoring legends of Jordan and James, one can't help but think about the impact of changing times on the way the game is played and the performance of players. The game was more physical in the Jordan era, while James rose to prominence in an era that was more technical and tactical. Such changes in the times have made the two legends show completely different styles in different basketball atmospheres.

XIII. 面对质疑的传奇

The length of Jordan's career peak has been questioned, and that questioning is perhaps one of the biggest controversies about his scoring legend. Are we too much in pursuit of the perfect length of the peak? Perhaps it is this little flaw that makes his legend more colorful and closer to human nature.

XIV. Dirk: Another hero with all-time scores

When discussing the all-time scoreboard, we have Dirk Nowitzki, the superstar from Germany. Although he transitioned to become a more versatile player late in his career, he also made a strong mark on scoring. Dirk's scoring legend may not be as brilliant as Jordan and James, but his persistence and contribution are just as worth remembering.

XV. The loneliness and glory of the road to scoring

The road to scoring is a road full of loneliness and glory. Every legend has left their footprints on this path, interpreting the love of basketball and the desire to win with countless goals. Whether it's Jordan's elegance, James's strength, or Dirk's persistence, each legend has achieved its own scoring legend.

XVI. Future Possibilities

As time goes on, will there be new legends rising in the future? Perhaps in the next era, more players will push the limits of scoring and set new all-time records. The world of basketball is full of possibilities, and every young player has the opportunity to write their own legend.

XVII. Basketball Legends and Cultural Influences

Basketball legends don't just stop on the court, they permeate every aspect of culture. Jordan's "flyer" image and James' participation in social activities all show their social influence outside of basketball. This influence has not only shaped the cultural symbol of basketball, but also made basketball more than a sport and a global cultural phenomenon.

XVIII. Combined with cultural appreciation

The basketball of the Jordan era is like a stirring symphony, playing the youth dream of a generation. And James, in this era of information explosion, is like a leader in social reform, leading the transformation of basketball culture. The contribution of these two legends in basketball is not only the pinnacle of statistics, but also the cultural eternity.

XIX. Talking about the evolution of basketball in the context of technological advances

Advances in technology are also changing the face of basketball. From handcrafting in the Jordan era to data technology in the James era, basketball has evolved in unprecedented diversity. This advancement in technology has both allowed players to analyse more training tools and made the game more tactical and sophisticated.

XX. Future Possibilities

In the long history of basketball, the scoring legends of Jordan and James are just one chapter. In the future, there may be new legends rising and breaking records, but their influence will forever be etched in the halls of basketball. Basketball is not only a sport, but also a culture, a link between the times, and every legend is performing their own legendary events on this big stage.

XXI. The splendor of the alternating eras

At the turn of the times, there will always be the glory of one generation withering and the glory of another generation coming to the fore. Just as in basketball history, Jordan's brilliance gradually faded in the rise of James, and whether James can inherit the glory of basketball for the next generation is a topic that basketball fans are talking about.

XXII. Love and passion, the immortal charm of basketball

Whether it's running passionately on the court or doing charity off the court, love and passion have always been the immortal charm of basketball. Both Jordan and James have passed on this passion in their own ways, making basketball a forever young sport.

XXIII. Looking to the future of basketball

The future of basketball is full of possibilities. The continuous advancement of technology and the continuous emergence of players will inject new vitality into basketball. Perhaps one day in the future, a new legend will emerge, inheriting the torch of Jordan and James, and continuing the legendary events of basketball.

The immortal light of a basketball legend

In the long history of basketball, the scoring legends of Jordan and James are immortal lights, illuminating the dreams in the hearts of every basketball fan. Their events are not only legends of scoring, but also portrayals of humanity, hard work and passion. Basketball, because of such a legend, has become a kind of belief and an eternal charm.

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