
Four tips to help cultivate a strong child

author:Canopy's mom

How to cultivate a child who has a strong heart and can become a character when he grows up, today I will teach you a universal formula, which is very simple, as long as you insist on doing it with these four methods, within half a year, you will definitely see a new transformation of the child.

Four tips to help cultivate a strong child

1. Give children a sense of control

The standard answer to a child's small requests in daily life, such as whether he can ride a bicycle for a while and then do his homework, whether his father can play with me for a while, etc., is "yes". Let your child make his own decisions on non-principled issues, and develop a sense of control over what he has to say. In this way, the child's ability to control will be enhanced, and the sense of responsibility will naturally emerge.

Four tips to help cultivate a strong child

2. Stimulate children's sense of self-worth

Involve your child in solving problems and feel that they are needed. For example, ask your child for help or offer advice on how to solve a problem to develop his thinking and acting skills.

Four tips to help cultivate a strong child

3. Give your child a sense of trust

When you notice that your child is doing well, praise and encourage them in a positive way. By affirming your child's good behavior, let him feel trusted and build self-confidence.

Four tips to help cultivate a strong child

4. Give children a sense of belonging

No matter what mistakes your child makes, do it right for the right person. Do not deny the child's personality, but tell him that you love him, but do not like his wrong behavior. Give the child the power to correct mistakes and trust him to know that no matter what happens, he is still a beloved baby.

The above four methods can be done by most parents. But be careful, if you work hard well in the early stage, don't lose patience in the later stage, otherwise the previous efforts will be wasted.

#Educational Methods# #Parenting Experience# #Attention Training# #Nurturing Children# #家长必读#