
Last day of 2023: May you survive all the hardships and have a smooth road for the rest of your life



The years are easy to pass like water, and time is always the most hurried.

However, in the blink of an eye, 2023 has come to an end, and there is only one day left.

Looking back at the road you came, maybe you have experienced the mud of wind and rain, maybe you have gone against the wind under the difficulties of life, or you have survived a difficult time alone......

Fortunately, time is always moving forward, and whether it is good or bad, the dust will be settled.

In the new year of 2024, everything will have a new beginning, may you survive those hardships, and the rest of the road can be turned into a smooth road.

Last day of 2023: May you survive all the hardships and have a smooth road for the rest of your life

A few days ago, I swiped a short story shared by writer @李筱懿 on her social account:

She said that in the past, she was a person who was extremely prone to internal friction, because she always liked to chew on her past over and over again:

For example, she once gave her heart and soul to a friend, but the other party never gave the same response, or she once devoted herself to a certain work, but the final result did not go her way.

Because of these unwillingness and regrets about life, she is full of obsession with the past, and always looks forward to going back to the past and winning back a game for herself.

Last day of 2023: May you survive all the hardships and have a smooth road for the rest of your life

In the comment area, many netizens sighed that they had also had such a state of mind.

Or I am unwilling to work hard but still have not finished things, or I regret the fate of those who have delivered my sincerity but have not been able to exchange for true love, or I can't let go of a glorious chapter that has passed......

Even if you know that things have passed and the situation has changed, you still can't help but get entangled with the past.

It's a pity that life has always been a one-way street, which can allow you to look back occasionally, but never allow you to go back.

Always nostalgic for the past, you will only let yourself draw the ground as a prison and miss the more exciting next stop on the road ahead.

In the new year, let all the people and things in the past stay in yesterday, and don't let the haze of the past affect the sunshine in the future.

Only by turning over the old people and old things can we embrace the long and bright future.

Last day of 2023: May you survive all the hardships and have a smooth road for the rest of your life

On the Internet, there is a highly praised video of a blogger named @Doll recording Wuxi in the early hours of the morning with his camera:

At half-past three, all the convenience stores were already stocking, and the hamburger fast food restaurants were starting to be lit up, preparing the necessary ingredients in full swing.

At 4:27 a.m., all the garbage trucks in the city were cleaning up the garbage on the roadside one by one, and the cleaners were sweating like rain in the night.

Uncle workers, who deliver food, ride electric motorcycles through the cold streets, and in the vegetable market, many shopkeepers count their dishes.

At five o'clock in the morning, after a busy night's work, the roadside fried skewer shop was just about to close its stall and go home, and the sound of pots and pans clinking could be heard in the breakfast shop on the corner, waiting for the first customers to arrive.

These busy figures are the ordinary scene of countless migrant workers day after day.

Last day of 2023: May you survive all the hardships and have a smooth road for the rest of your life

Suddenly I remembered a sentence: "The world is not a pure land, and everyone has its own suffering." ”

Who is not the people who walk through the red dust with the burden of life on their shoulders, and they are busy all day long for the broken silver?

No one's life will always be smooth, and behind every job, there will be unknown grievances and bitterness.

It's just that some people choose to complain about the sky, and some people choose to upgrade all the way to fight monsters, and it is difficult to pass the passes, and it is difficult to walk step by step.

But please believe that although life may be bitter for a while, it will never be bitter for a lifetime, rather than complaining, it is better to adjust your state of mind.

Turn those unwillingness to live into the motivation to move forward, make good money, live hard, add some sugar to your days, and step on every ditch and bump set by fate.

Last day of 2023: May you survive all the hardships and have a smooth road for the rest of your life

An authoritative organization once made statistics, saying:

In this lifetime, people will meet about 29.2 million people.

But most of them will eventually return to the sea of people, and only a handful will remain.

is like what Uncle Li said:

"Life is a rare reunion, only parting. ”

The older I get, the more I understand the meaning of this.

We really can't leave too many people in our lives, some people come just to see a scenery with you, and some people have been walking side by side, which is already a great luck.

When fate comes, they will part ways, it is useless to keep it, and it is useless to force it.

All we can do is to allow anyone to leave the scene at once, and to look down on every point of gathering and separation.

Last day of 2023: May you survive all the hardships and have a smooth road for the rest of your life

In the new year 2024, please face all the relationships in your life with a new attitude.

For those who treat you well and cherish you, be a little more gentle and patient, whether it is a phone call to say hello, or make an appointment to meet them, in short, use your sincerity to repay their true feelings.

And for those who want to leave, you don't have to be overly sentimental, and you don't have to force them to stay, smiling and watching them leave is the best ending you can give this fate.

There may be fewer people around, but the people who stay are becoming more and more important.

Those who come cherish it, those who go abandon it, do not owe every encounter, and live up to every sincerity.

Last day of 2023: May you survive all the hardships and have a smooth road for the rest of your life

Have you ever had a time like this in the past year?

obviously didn't want to attend the party, but because he was afraid of being said to be unsociable, he forced himself to participate;

Obviously, you still have something at hand, but you still can't refuse other people's requests, for fear that others will think you are unkind;

Or maybe he was obviously wronged, but because he was afraid of embarrassing the people around him, he pretended not to care, and only secretly grieved in the dead of night......

You always take others very seriously, take yourself very lightly, and often even embarrass yourself for the sake of other people.

But you know what?

In this world, you are the most important thing, except for yourself, the rest is just a passerby.

Last day of 2023: May you survive all the hardships and have a smooth road for the rest of your life

Remember the familiar broadcast before each take-off of the plane:

"In the event of an emergency, put on your own oxygen mask before you go to help others. ”

You can care about other people's feelings, but only if you take care of yourself.

In the days to come, please be sure to be kind to yourself, be a little better, put yourself above everything else, give priority to taking care of your body, and give priority to managing your emotions.

No matter how busy you are at work, no matter how difficult your days are, don't overdraw your health, remember to eat three meals a day on time, don't always stay up late, try to divide your time between sleep and all the things you love.

When you encounter troubles, you can allow yourself to be angry for a while, and you can also vent your emotions appropriately, but don't keep getting along with yourself.

You know, it's hard to buy a limited edition of gold for you, and only when you start to love yourself sparingly, will everything good in this world continue to flow to you.

Last day of 2023: May you survive all the hardships and have a smooth road for the rest of your life

Some people say:

"At a certain age, what really determines the quality of your life is actually your family. ”

When I was young, I thought that happiness was infinite possession, with a car and a house, and endless family wealth.

After walking halfway downhill, I realized that most people's happiness is just a lamp for you.

In that place called home, no matter how late it is, there will always be someone who will look forward to your return, take a picture of the dust and mud of life for you, and take all your fragile and embarrassing emotions.

It doesn't need to be magnificent, as long as the family is harmonious and beautiful, and the lights are amiable, it is the luck of this life.

But too often, we get the order backwards.

Those who are unsatisfactory in life, unsatisfactory in work, in front of outsiders, we can always properly control our emotions.

When I came to my family, I couldn't help but pull the trigger of my emotions:

Obviously, if an outsider asks the same question, he can respond appropriately and patiently, but if a loved one asks two more questions, his patience will be exhausted, and he will even blurt out some ugly words, which will hurt their hearts.

Last day of 2023: May you survive all the hardships and have a smooth road for the rest of your life

But the most tender emotion in this world is the closest family member.

Elderly parents, if you care and be patient, you will get their laughter and laughter;

The partner next to you, if you are more tolerant and understanding, what you will gain will be the other party's inseparability in this life;

Young children, you have a little more respect and companionship, and you win an indestructible parent-child relationship.

In the new year, please use the most tender heart to pay tribute to those who love you the most, shut the bad mood out, run the family with your heart, fill the home with laughter, and let all the family get together with warmth.

Last day of 2023: May you survive all the hardships and have a smooth road for the rest of your life

I like Yang Jiang's words very much:

What is in the past and what cannot be passed will eventually pass. In the end, the years will make it light for you.

Those days that have passed, let it go with the wind, the good and the bad, all turned into memories of the past.

In the new year 2024, please continue to live well, don't complain about the bumps on the road, don't blame the years for the waste, may you survive the bitterness, and wait for the candy that life sprinkles.

I hope that you will treat every encounter in your life with a sincere heart, leave your sincerity, dispel falsehood, and only walk with the right person for the rest of your life.

Always remember to put your feelings and emotions first, manage yourself and your family with your heart, and start the next splendid journey of your life with a better attitude.

Click [Follow] to light up your 2024, and I hope that all your future roads can lead to a bright and bright future.