
Friends who have been taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time should pay attention! In these 3 cases, it is recommended to stop taking the medicine immediately!

author:GP online

With an ageing population, hypertension has become a fairly common chronic disease. In addition to lifestyle improvement, the use of antihypertensive drugs is the main means of regulating blood pressure levels.

Adhering to the standardized application of antihypertensive drugs can not only help stabilize blood pressure within a reasonable range, but also play a role in protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and effectively reduce the risk of some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular emergencies.

However, there are also many noteworthy points in taking antihypertensive drugs, and patients need to observe the changes in their bodies in time, especially if there are the following 3 abnormal changes, they need to stop taking the drugs immediately and seek help from a doctor.

Friends who have been taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time should pay attention! In these 3 cases, it is recommended to stop taking the medicine immediately!

If there are 3 abnormal changes in antihypertensive drugs, the drug should be discontinued

1. Abnormal liver function

The metabolism and excretion of antihypertensive drugs require the involvement of the liver and kidneys. If you take antihypertensive drugs for a long time, there is a chance that liver function will be damaged. Therefore, it is recommended that patients who need to take medication for a long time should go to the hospital regularly to carry out liver function index examinations, and once abnormalities are found, they should seek help from doctors in time and adjust the treatment plan.

2. Abnormal kidney function

Long-term use of antihypertensive drugs can also cause chronic damage to kidney tissue, and even lead to glomerulosclerosis and kidney failure. If your body has shown symptoms of abnormal kidney function such as hematuria and edema of the limbs, it is recommended to stop the drug immediately and seek help from a professional doctor in time.

3. Persistent hypotension

The purpose of taking antihypertensive drugs is to lower the patient's blood pressure level, but if the drug is taken excessively, it may cause the blood pressure level to be too low, causing dizziness, fatigue, collapse and other symptoms of low blood pressure.

Friends who have been taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time should pay attention! In these 3 cases, it is recommended to stop taking the medicine immediately!

In addition to taking medicine, how to stabilize blood pressure?

1. Control your weight within a reasonable range: Studies have shown that for overweight and obese hypertensive patients, for every 1 kilogram of weight lost, the average blood pressure can drop by 1 mm Hg. Therefore, it is important to control a reasonable weight in order to stabilize blood pressure levels.

2. Eat less sodium salt on weekdays: The more salt people consume, the easier it is for sodium ions to accumulate in the body, resulting in higher blood pressure levels. Studies have shown that a reduction of 1 gram of salt per day can reduce average blood pressure by 1-2 mm Hg. Therefore, patients with hypertension should strictly control the total daily salt intake, which should not exceed 5 grams.

3. Schedule 30 minutes of exercise every day: As long as you keep exercising every day, even very low-intensity exercise can lower blood pressure levels. Elderly patients with hypertension should pay attention to the fact that exercise should not be rushed, from simple to complex, low intensity to medium and high intensity, step by step, and the specific exercise methods can be brisk walking, yoga, tai chi, etc.

How can I reduce the side effects of taking blood pressure medications?

First of all, moderate exercise is important. It can positively promote systemic circulation and substance metabolism, improve the overall immunity of the body, and reduce the side effects of drugs to a certain extent.

Second, pay attention to the choice of antihypertensive drugs. Compared with some short-acting antihypertensive drugs, long-acting antihypertensive drugs have the characteristics of longer duration of action and relatively fewer side effects. Therefore, if conditions permit, long-acting antihypertensive drugs can be selected under the guidance of a professional doctor.

Friends who have been taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time should pay attention! In these 3 cases, it is recommended to stop taking the medicine immediately!

Finally, the dosage is also particular. As a drug, the higher the dose, the greater the side effects. Therefore, when you first start taking medication, it is recommended to start with a small dose, and don't always think that you can "do it in one step". In addition, in fact, the more doses taken, the more beneficial the disease control, it is easy to backfire.
