
In ancient times, "close marriage" has always been popular, why do cousins marry cousins, but rarely give birth to mentally retarded children?

author:Ah Jie has something to say

Friends who have watched costume dramas are no strangers to the scenes of cousins getting married in film and television dramas, such as Wang Yuyan and his cousin in "Dragon Babu", Jia Huan and Wang Ziteng's daughter, Emperor Han Hui and his niece, Emperor Wu of Han and his cousin, etc., their unions are all close relatives marriage.

In the cognition of ancient people, there is nothing wrong with cousins and cousins getting married, but it is a kind of behavior of intimacy, in the era of material scarcity and backward medical care, everyone is not aware of the potential harm of close relatives marrying and having children.

However, in the modern society with advanced science and technology, the harm of consanguineous marriage has become popular, and everyone knows that the possibility of deformities in children born of close relatives is extremely high.

In ancient times, "close marriage" has always been popular, why do cousins marry cousins, but rarely give birth to mentally retarded children?

Many people are very curious: since the marriage of close relatives will give birth to deformed children, why in ancient times, cousins still loved to marry cousins, and there were very few deformed children born from their union? Could it be that in ancient times people had a miracle cure to prevent the birth of deformed children?

1. Family arranged marriage, men and women "rarely see the world"

This is not the case, the ancients did not have a magic remedy, nor did they have a unique home remedies, and the three reasons why cousins love to marry their cousins and "do not give birth" to deformed children are thought-provoking!

(1): Family marriage. In feudal societies such as 369, in order to consolidate the family status, some families usually "send" each other's immediate family members to each other's families as marriage ties, so as to stabilize the family power with blood inheritance.

In ancient times, "close marriage" has always been popular, why do cousins marry cousins, but rarely give birth to mentally retarded children?

Friends who have watched "Shangyang Fu" have doubts about the mutual love between Wang Huan and Zilong: these two are cousins to some extent.

In order to win over the power, some families with big businesses usually introduce cousins who are familiar with each other, and some civilian families will also tend to be cousins who know each other well!

In a society where men are inferior to women, most women are not allowed to show their heads, and their parents decide their marriages, so they have no opinions about their marriages.

In addition, in the era of material scarcity, the distance is far away, the transportation is inconvenient, and there are almost no cross-city and cross-provincial relationships between men and women, and the distance limits their perception of other young people of the same age outside. Many men have seen cousins of the same age since childhood, and it is not surprising that they have feelings for each other in the relationship of playmates who "get along day and night".

In ancient times, "close marriage" has always been popular, why do cousins marry cousins, but rarely give birth to mentally retarded children?

To a certain extent, "I have never seen the world" restricts the choice of mates for men and women in these restricted mansions, and there is no grass at the end of the world, but unfortunately they do not know, which is not difficult to understand the phenomenon that some dignitaries and nobles will bring back concubines when they travel abroad.

For women, even if they meet their favorite men, they must uphold the women's rules of three obedience and four virtues, and it is almost difficult to "divorce" or "elopement", and the entire era is extremely exclusive to women who "violate women's morality".

Li Qingzhao and her second husband Zhang Ruzhou were often subjected to domestic violence after marriage, in order to protect her ex-husband Zhao Mingcheng's life's work and his own dignity, he proposed to the government to reconcile and divorce, this divorce case was in a uproar at the time, although Li Qingzhao was able to reconcile and divorce, but was also sentenced to "nine days in prison".

Compared with the unknown object of the wild road monk, everyone prefers close relatives who are related by blood, at least when their children are wronged, they can come to the door to coordinate.

In ancient times, "close marriage" has always been popular, why do cousins marry cousins, but rarely give birth to mentally retarded children?

2. Taking into account the face of the family, the deformity is "either dead or injured"

(2): The survival rate is low. In the feudal period of backward medical treatment, it was a "gamble" for a woman to give birth to a child, and whether she could give birth smoothly depended on the luck of the woman, and the sanitary conditions at that time were enough to take the lives of the mother and child!

In the families of the low-level people, many women are like mustard, they are not remembered by history, life or death is like a drop in the ocean fleeting, and future generations naturally do not know the survival rate of their children after their close relatives get married, which presents an illusion that "cousins marry almost no deformed children".

And some royal relatives and nobles who can go down in history, every new addition to their family will be recorded, which is related to the honor of a family. If a cousin gives birth to a deformed child, the family will immediately do a good job of "public relations", or kill the deformed child directly and bury it to the public to declare that he has died.

Either the deformed child is given away and the family tree is not recorded, and the deformed child "disappears into thin air" as if it never came. You must know that in a feudal society that pays attention to etiquette, family face is above all else.

In ancient times, "close marriage" has always been popular, why do cousins marry cousins, but rarely give birth to mentally retarded children?

In "The Legend of Ruyi", Mei Guiren gave birth to a miserable deformed child due to binge eating seafood, and Emperor Qianlong saw it and buried it uncomfortably, and then Mei Guiren was forced to die.

In the harem of Nuoda, the dragon son should be a symbol of the dragon and the tiger, like the deformed child is the bad existence of the dragon's face, the mother is expensive by the child, and giving birth to a deformed child is the "mother factor cheap", and it is also the norm to be given death.

After giving birth to a malformed child, the family will deal with it in this way, knowing that there are still some malformed babies who are stillborn or die young. It is not difficult to understand that the development of malformed babies is not normal, and it is not difficult to understand that they stop developing before the pregnancy period or die after birth due to poor physical fitness.

Both sides have similar genetic factors in their bodies, and they cannot mutate their genes, and some harmful factors will be inherited recessively, which will lead to sudden diseases, such as cerebral palsy.

In ancient times, "close marriage" has always been popular, why do cousins marry cousins, but rarely give birth to mentally retarded children?

3. The relationship is complicated, and "close relatives" may not be real relatives

(3): Cousins are not close. In ancient times, the collateral relatives were "huge", and in the intricate spread of relatives, it is possible that the people who can't be beaten by the eight poles are cousins or cousins.

Cousins are different from cousins, cousins are marriages between different surnames, some men have more than one wife and more concubines, in a variety of twists and turns of cousins, this blood relationship has exceeded three generations, ancient people often say "cousins three thousand miles, cousins are far away", which is also a true portrayal.

Cousins are mainly mothers, and there will be branches among the many wives of men, in the family of the concubine, the children need to be collectively called the mother as the mother, if the daughter of the "concubine" needs to marry the son of the brother of the "concubine", this is also a kind of cousin.

It's just that the blood relationship of this kind of cousin is almost zero, and calling "cousin" may not be an immediate family relationship, after all, no one knows if the aunt is a "veritable" aunt.

In ancient times, "close marriage" has always been popular, why do cousins marry cousins, but rarely give birth to mentally retarded children?

In ancient times, there were many phenomena of "cousins that are distant relatives", such as Lu You and his cousin Wan'er are excellent examples, even if they can be called cousins, they can be traced back to almost zero blood relationship.

In the feudal society that emphasizes etiquette, most of them are called cousins and cousins, and they can't do without the title of "cousin, cousin, cousin". Pseudo-"close relatives" who are almost not related by blood are married, and the probability of giving birth to a deformed child is extremely small.

On the topic of whether it is legal for close relatives to marry, there are many opinions and discussions on the Internet.

Some people say: consanguineous marriage is a product of the bad Xi of the times, it has been abandoned in modern society, and the state explicitly prohibits consanguineous marriage, which is responsible for a family and the next generation.

In ancient times, "close marriage" has always been popular, why do cousins marry cousins, but rarely give birth to mentally retarded children?

Therefore, some families who want to "kiss and kiss" dispel this idea as soon as possible, which is an illegal act and a loss of morality, and do not be the culprit of harming their children.

Some people also say: consanguineous marriage is a culture that lasts for thousands of years, existence is reasonable, now that medicine is so developed, the child can be detected during the pregnancy test whether it is normal, compared to the phenomenon of good and bad marriage fraud, it is not a bad thing to find a close relative.


Everyone is born with different opinions and opinions, but the views on a certain event should be within the scope of morality and the legal framework, just as the marriage of close relatives is illegal, its illegality is not groundless, but based on evidence!

In ancient times, "close marriage" has always been popular, why do cousins marry cousins, but rarely give birth to mentally retarded children?

In modern society, there are a large number of data showing that the probability of giving birth to a child with dementia by marriage is more than three times higher than that of a normal person who marries and gives birth to a normal child, and the mortality rate of deformed children before the age of 20 is as high as 13.9%.

Children of consanguineous marriages often suffer from diseases such as congenital heart disease, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, etc. These data directly reveal the bad status quo of consanguineous marriage deformed children, in a civilized and harmonious modern society, it is necessary to fall in love and marry with scientific and rational thoughts!

In some remote and remote mountainous areas, there is more or less the phenomenon of "flat relatives, exchange of relatives" and other close relatives, which requires the popularization of scientific knowledge, and the popularization of scientific knowledge needs the participation of the whole people, for the health of the next generation, in the modern society with developed science and technology, find a "three generations away" girl or young people to marry?