
Bohol pills, which are common in pharmacies, can be used in these 9 situations in addition to eliminating food accumulation!

author:Arisha Liang Physician

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Liang of TCM. Today I would like to share with you a common Chinese medicine in pharmacies - Bohol pills. This pill has many other effects besides eliminating food accumulation. As a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, I have found in clinical practice that Bohol pills have a good therapeutic effect on many diseases, and I will introduce them to you in detail below.

Bohol pills, which are common in pharmacies, can be used in these 9 situations in addition to eliminating food accumulation!

Baohe Pill is from "Danxi Heart Method", which is composed of hawthorn, divine comedy, banxia, poria cocos, tangerine peel, forsythia, and sulforaphane seeds. Fangshan hawthorn is good at eliminating the accumulation of meat and greasy, Shenqu is good at eliminating the accumulation of wine and food staleness, and sulforaphane is good at eliminating the accumulation of phlegm and turbidity in pasta, and the three medicines can be used together to eliminate various dietary stagnation. Banxia and tangerine peel are used to stagnate gas, and the stomach relieves vomiting, and Poria cocos strengthens the spleen and relieves dampness, and stops diarrhea. Forsythia clears heat and dissolves knots. The combination of all medicines plays a role in eliminating food stagnation and stomach.

Bohol pills, which are common in pharmacies, can be used in these 9 situations in addition to eliminating food accumulation!

Bohol pills not only eliminate food accumulation, but also treat the following 9 conditions:

1. Food stasis: Bohol pills can eliminate food stagnation, promote spleen and stomach digestion, and have a good therapeutic effect on abdominal distention, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by food stagnation.

2. Weakness of the spleen and stomach: Hawthorn, Shenqu, Banxia, Poria cocos and other ingredients in Bohol pills can strengthen the spleen and stomach, promote the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach, and have a good therapeutic effect on symptoms such as loss of appetite, indigestion and diarrhea caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach.

3. Damp heat betting: Forsythia, tangerine peel and other ingredients in Bohol pills can clear away heat and detoxify, dry dampness and dissolve phlegm, and have a good therapeutic effect on diarrhea, dysentery and other symptoms caused by damp heat betting.

Bohol pills, which are common in pharmacies, can be used in these 9 situations in addition to eliminating food accumulation!

4. Cough and phlegm: The ingredients in Bohol pills, such as banxia and tangerine peel, can dry and damp phlegm, and have a good therapeutic effect on cough and phlegm, asthma and other symptoms.

5. Insomnia and dreams: The hawthorn and divine comedy in Bohol pills can eliminate food and stagnation, promote digestion of the spleen and stomach, and have a good therapeutic effect on insomnia, dreams, irritability and other symptoms.

6. Bad breath: Hawthorn, Shenqu, Banxia and other ingredients in Bohol Pills can eliminate food stagnation, promote digestion of the spleen and stomach, and have a good therapeutic effect on symptoms such as bad breath and bad breath.

Bohol pills, which are common in pharmacies, can be used in these 9 situations in addition to eliminating food accumulation!

7. Loss of appetite: Hawthorn, Shenqu and other ingredients in Bohol pills can eliminate food stagnation, promote digestion of the spleen and stomach, and have a good therapeutic effect on symptoms such as loss of appetite and indigestion.

8. Obesity: Hawthorn, Shenqu and other ingredients in Bohol pills can eliminate food and stagnation, promote spleen and stomach digestion, and have a good therapeutic effect on obesity, overweight and other symptoms.

9. Constipation: Hawthorn, Shenqu and other ingredients in Bohol pills can eliminate food and stagnation, promote digestion of the spleen and stomach, and have a good therapeutic effect on symptoms such as constipation and dry stool.

Bohol pills, which are common in pharmacies, can be used in these 9 situations in addition to eliminating food accumulation!

The dosage of Bohol pills is: oral administration, 6~9 grams of water pills at a time, 1~2 pills of big honey pills at a time, 2 times a day; When using Bohol pills, you need to pay attention to the following:

1. Pregnant women should use with caution.

2. Breastfeeding period 妇女慎用。

3. Avoid cold, greasy and indigestible food.

4. It is not advisable to take tonic Chinese medicine at the same time while taking the medicine.

5. Patients with severe chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, kidney disease, etc., should take it under the guidance of a physician.

6. Children, pregnant women, lactating women, the elderly and infirm should take it under the guidance of a physician.

Bohol pills, which are common in pharmacies, can be used in these 9 situations in addition to eliminating food accumulation!

In conclusion, Bohol Pill is a very practical Chinese herbal prescription that can treat a variety of ailments in addition to eliminating food accumulation. However, when using Bohol pills, the dosage and course of treatment need to be adjusted according to the individual's constitution and condition to avoid adverse reactions. At the same time, in the process of taking Bohol pills, you also need to pay attention to dietary conditioning, avoid eating cold, greasy, spicy and stimulating foods, and eat more light and easy-to-digest foods, such as rice porridge, noodles, vegetables, fruits, etc. In addition, in the process of taking Bohol pills, it is also necessary to pay attention to rest and exercise, avoid overwork and strenuous exercise, and maintain a good attitude and mood, which will help improve the efficacy.

Well, that's all for today's content, thank you all for watching. If you have any other questions or questions, please leave a message in the comment area, and I will reply to you as soon as possible.