
The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

author:Honey snow lily honey

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My name is Li Qiang, and I am an ordinary middle-aged man who has been working as an accountant in a company in the city. My life was as peaceful as water until that stormy night, when my daughter Li Xiaomeng left us forever in a car accident. That day, she went out to party with her friends, but she didn't expect it to be goodbye. Afterwards, we received 1.32 million in compensation, which weighed heavily in my heart, like a piece of sadness that can never be erased.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

I have three granddaughters, my eldest son-in-law Zhang Qiang and my late daughter Li Xiaomeng's daughter Xiaomeng, as well as my second daughter Li Xiaofen and her husband Li Wei's two daughters, Xiaofen and Xiaoli. After Li Xiaomeng passed away, my wife and I discussed and decided to divide the money equally among our three granddaughters, each with 440,000 yuan. We believe this is the best memorial to our daughter and an investment in our granddaughter's future.

However, when I told my sons-in-law about the idea, things didn't go as smoothly as I expected.

"Dad, what do you mean by this? This is Xiaomeng's compensation, it should all be given to Xiaomeng!" Zhang Qiang was the first to object, his tone full of dissatisfaction.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

I tried my best to keep my composure, "Zhang Qiang, this is my decision and your mother's decision. Xiaomeng is no longer there, and we think that the money should be divided equally among the three children, so that it is fair. ”

"Fair? I don't think that's fair. Zhang Qiang stood up excitedly, "Xiaomeng is your daughter, and her compensation should be all given to her daughter." It's so unfair to Xiaomeng that you guys are doing this. ”

Li Wei also chimed in, "Yes, Uncle Li, I think what Zhang Qiang said makes sense." This money should have been Xiaomeng's. ”

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

I looked at them and was a little disappointed, I didn't expect them to think that. I turned to look at my wife, and there was hesitation in her eyes.

"I know this decision may be a bit sudden for you, but please understand that this is for the sake of the children's future. I tried to stay calm, but I felt a tingling in my heart.

At this moment, my second daughter Xiaofen walked in, her expression a little complicated. "Dad, I've heard about your decision. I think this money should be left to Xiaomeng. She lost her mother, and she deserved it. ”

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

These words hit me like a hammer in my heart. It didn't occur to me that even my own daughter would oppose my decision. I felt powerless, and this home no longer seemed to be the one I once knew it was.

The atmosphere at dinner was unusually heavy. Everyone was thinking about it, but no one spoke anymore. At the dinner table, there was only the sound of chopsticks and bowls colliding.

After the meal, I sat alone in the living room with a heavy heart. I know that this money is not just about money, it is about the harmony of the family, it is about everyone's perception of this family. I started to rethink my decision, and maybe, I really needed to think more about everyone's feelings.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

That night, I was tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep. I was thinking about how to solve this problem, how to make everyone happy, and at the same time respect my wife and me.

The next morning, I got the whole family together and decided to hold another family meeting to try and find a mutually acceptable solution.

"I know that yesterday's decision was very dissatisfying. I began, "But your mom and I believe that this money should be used to think about the future, not just around the grief of loss." We hope you understand. ”

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

Zhang Qiang was the first to speak, "Dad, I understand your thoughts, but I am more concerned about Xiaomeng's feelings." She lost her mother, and this money is not only money for her, but also a kind of memorial to her mother. ”

Li Wei also nodded in agreement, "I think Zhang Qiang is right." Of course, we also think about the future of our children, but in this case, we should think more about the feelings of Xiaomeng. ”

Xiaofen was silent on the side, her eyes revealing mixed emotions.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

I looked at them with some helplessness in my heart. "Do you have any good suggestions? We can discuss them together. ”

Zhang Qiang thought for a while, "We can do this and leave some of the money for Xiaomeng as a memorial to her mother." The rest of the money was divided equally between the other two children. This not only takes into account Xiaomeng's feelings, but also does not make other children feel unfair. ”

I looked at my wife, who nodded in agreement. "Well, we can do that. But how to divide it, we need to calculate it carefully. ”

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

Over the next few days, the atmosphere at home eased a bit. After discussing with my wife, we decided to divide the compensation into two parts, half to Xiaomeng, and the remaining half to Xiaofen and Xiaoli.

This decision was finally agreed by everyone, and although there were still some subtle emotions floating in the air, at least the family was no longer as nervous as before.

However, just when we thought everything was going to get better, the unexpected happened.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

One night, Zhang Qiang suddenly came to our house with Xiaomeng, and his face was extremely serious. "Mom, Dad, there's something I have to tell you. ”

My wife and I looked at each other and sensed the seriousness of the matter. "What's going on?" I asked.

Zhang Qiang took a deep breath, "I found out that Xiaomeng has been secretly crying recently, I asked her why, and she told me that her homeroom teacher had been laughing at her in class, saying that she had exchanged her mother's life for money, making her feel as if she was taking advantage of her mother's death." ”

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

My wife and I were shocked to hear this. "How can there be such a teacher!" my wife said angrily.

"We have to go to the school to solve this problem. I immediately decided, "Such remarks hurt Xiaomeng too much." ”

The next day, I went to Xiaomeng's school with my wife and Zhang Qiang and found the head teacher. After our negotiations, the teacher eventually apologized and promised not to make similar remarks again.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

Although this matter was resolved, Xiaomeng's mood was greatly affected. She has become taciturn and no longer as lively and cheerful as before.

This made me wonder if we were overlooking the most important point in our handling of this compensation – the mental health of our children. I began to realize that the distribution of money was far less important than the mental health of the children.

After this strife, I began to pay more attention to the psychological state of Xiaomeng and the other children. I was deeply disturbed by Xiaomeng's situation, and her silence was like a wall, isolating her from the outside world. I decided to ask a counselor to come to my house and help Xiaomeng get out of the haze.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

The counselor is a gentle middle-aged lady whose presence seems to bring a touch of warmth to the home. Under her guidance, Xiaomeng gradually opened her mouth to talk about her feelings. She said she missed her mom and was afraid of the eyes of others, feeling trapped in a grief from which she could not escape.

Listening to Xiaomeng's words, I had mixed feelings in my heart. I realized that it all started because of the way I handled the compensation. I wanted to divide the money fairly, but I didn't realize the impact on Xiaomeng.

Over the next few weeks, the counsellor came to our home regularly to not only talk to Xiaomeng, but also to teach us how to better communicate with the children and how to help them deal with emotional issues. Gradually, Xiaomeng's mood improved significantly, and she began to re-engage in family activities and play with her sisters.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

Seeing the change in Xiaomeng, the burden in my heart was also lightened a little. But I know that the root cause of this problem has not been fully addressed. I decided to hold another family meeting, this time on how to better use the money to support the children's future.

At the meeting, I first confessed my thoughts to everyone. "I'll admit that I didn't think it well before about dealing with this money. Now I want to hear from you on how we can use this money to really help the children. ”

Zhang Qiang spoke first, "Dad, I think we should use this money to build an education fund for our children." Whether it is Xiaomeng, Xiaofen or Xiaoli, they will use this money in the future. ”

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

Xiaofen also nodded in agreement, "I also think Zhang Qiang's proposal is good." We can divide the money into several parts, one part for their current education expenses, and the other part as a fund for future college education. ”

"In addition, we can also use a small amount of money to participate in some interest classes for the children, such as music and painting, which will also help their all-round development." ”

After some discussion, we finally decided to divide the compensation into three parts: one part for immediate education expenses, one part for the education fund, and the other part for the development of children's interests.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

With this problem resolved, the atmosphere in the house finally began to ease. The children's laughter returned to the family again. I looked at their happy faces and my heart was filled with gratitude. Although we have lost our dear Xiaomeng, she has left us not only sadness and regret, but also hope for the future and strength for life.

In the days that followed, our whole family paid more attention to each other's emotional communication. My wife and I have also learned how to better support our children's growth and stop focusing on the material stuff.

One evening, I sat on the balcony and watched the sun set. I think of Xiaomeng, her warm smile is always so clear. I know that she has always been in our hearts, and her love shines like sunshine on each and every one of us.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

Life goes on, and each of us is slowly moving out of our grief in our own way. Xiaomeng's departure has taught us to cherish and how to face the difficulties and challenges in life more strongly.

As the days passed, our family regained its former warmth and harmony. Although there are still many unknowns and challenges on the road, I believe that as long as we are united, there is nothing that cannot be done

As time goes by, the children grow up and the atmosphere in the home becomes more and more harmonious. Xiaomeng, Xiaofen, and Xiaoli have all shown amazing talents in their respective fields. Xiaomeng is particularly interested in music and her piano skills are becoming more and more sophisticated, Xiaofen loves to paint, her paintings are full of creativity and vitality, and Xiaoli is curious about science and always likes to disassemble various toys to understand how they work.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

My wife and I are very relieved to see our children grow day by day. We know that if Xiaomeng is still around, she will definitely be proud of them. We begin to realize that life, though fragile and short, leaves us with eternal love and memories.

One weekend a year later, our family went on vacation to a mountain lodge in the suburbs. There, children can play freely and enjoy the beauty of nature. I watched them chase and play in the grass, and my heart was filled with peace and joy.

In the evening, we sat around the campfire, and each took turns telling their own story. When it was Xiaomeng's turn, she said a little shyly: "I want to play a piano song for everyone, this is my own composition, I want to dedicate it to my mother." ”

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

We all applauded, and Xiaomeng sat down on the makeshift stage and began to play. Her fingers jumped lightly on the piano keys, and beautiful melodies fluttered in the night sky. It was a gentle and sad tune, and I felt my eyes moisten as I listened to it. Although Xiaomeng is gone, the love she left us continues in this song.

With the evening breeze blowing, we are all immersed in this beautiful music. At the end of the song, everyone responded with warm applause. Xiaomeng's eyes glistened with tears, and her smile was full of longing for her mother.

That night, we talked a lot about Xiaomeng's memories. Everyone has a different story, but all reveal a deep love for her. I told the children that even though Xiaomeng is away from us, her spirit and love will always be with us.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

After the holiday, we went back to our daily routines. Xiaomeng, Xiaofen, and Xiaoli all returned to their respective schools to continue their studies and hobbies. My wife and I went back to our normal routines, but our lives were enriched by the presence of our children.

I began to be more actively involved in the lives of my children, encouraging them to pursue their dreams and supporting them in every choice. Whenever I see them do well in school performances or competitions, my heart is filled with pride.

As time goes on, not only do children excel academically, but their personalities become more and more apparent. Xiaomeng became more confident and independent, her musical talent was recognized by her teachers and classmates, Xiaofen's paintings began to be exhibited in the school's art exhibitions, which were appreciated by many, and Xiaoli won a science competition, showing her passion for scientific exploration.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

Time passed silently like flowing water, and in the blink of an eye, the children had grown up. Xiaomeng was admitted to a prestigious conservatory of music and continued to pursue her musical dreams, Xiaofen was admitted to an art school and began her artistic path, and Xiaoli chose science and engineering and embarked on the path of scientific exploration.

Watching them embark on a new journey in life, my wife and I were both reluctant and full of anticipation. We know that these are the precious legacies left to us by Xiaomeng, and it is her invisible support and encouragement to the children.

Although Xiaomeng has left us, her spirit and love will always inspire us to move forward. In our hearts, she will always be that warm, strong, and loving Xiaomeng, and her memory and spirit will always be with us and illuminate our future.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

The years are like a song, with an unchanging rhythm, but quietly changing everything. After the children started a new chapter in their lives, my wife and I entered another phase of our lives. Our days have become more peaceful, and although the noise and laughter at home have decreased, they have left behind deep thoughts and endless memories.

Over time, we have gradually adapted to this peaceful life. We started trying new things, like learning Xi gardening and participating in community events. I even started trying to write, recording our family's stories and memories of Xiaomeng, hoping to share them with more people one day.

The children would occasionally come home to visit us, and every reunion was filled with laughter. Xiaomeng will bring her new tunes, Xiaofen will show off her latest paintings, and Xiaoli will excitedly talk about her new discoveries in the laboratory. Watching them grow into independent, confident women fills my heart with pride and contentment.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

Once, Xiaomeng proposed to hold a family concert to commemorate Xiaomeng. The concert was held in our home and was attended by friends, family and neighbors. Xiaomeng, Xiaofen, and Xiaoli all performed projects that they were good at, and I even mustered up the courage to read aloud the story I wrote about Xiaomeng.

That night, the home was filled with warmth and emotion. Together, we shared our memories of Xiaomeng, laughing with tears. At that moment, I felt that Xiaomeng was among us, and her love and spirit were always with us.

As our children grew up, my wife and I began to think about our future. We decided to transform part of our home into a small library and art studio, not only for our own interests, but also to have a space for the children to relax and create when they return.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

During the renovation process, we carefully selected books and artworks, and also set up a commemorative corner for Xiaomeng. There are her photographs, books she loved during her lifetime, and some personal belongings. Whenever we walked there, we would always stop and reminisce about her bits and pieces.

The days pass slowly in peace, and every ordinary moment is filled with deep love. Although Xiaomeng is not there, the memories and spirit she left us have always guided us.

Finally, I finished a collection of stories about Xiaomeng. With the encouragement of my children, I decided to publish this book. The book launch was held in our small town, where many familiar faces appeared, all of whom were friends and neighbors of Xiaomeng.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

At the press conference, I talked about the original intention of writing this book and the impact that Xiaomeng has brought to our lives. I felt a little choked up when I told the story of Xiaomeng, but I knew that it was a necessary memorial.

After the book was published, I received many letters from readers. They shared their stories and told me how the book touched their hearts. I realized that Xiaomeng's story is not only a memory for our family, but also a force to inspire and comfort others.

The years continued, but Xiaomeng's influence never diminished. Her spirit has become an enduring legacy for our family, impacting every generation. My wife and I know that no matter what happens in the future, Xiaomeng's love and memories will stay with us, giving us strength and courage.

The compensation for the death of his daughter in a car accident was 1.32 million, and the father wanted to divide it equally among his 3 granddaughters, but the son-in-law did not agree

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!