
Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

author:Clever Hill IX7

In the turbulent years of the early 20th century, a number of prominent figures emerged from the Chinese military leadership.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

This period is recorded by history as an era full of gunpowder smoke and war, and it is also a time when heroes and heroes are born.

In the eyes of the Japanese military circles, among the millions of Chinese soldiers, only the "three and a half military strategists" are worthy of praise. Why is that?

01 Liu Bocheng: A tenacious "half" military strategist

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

In China's modern history, there are few people like Liu Bocheng, who have experienced the ups and downs of the old society to the founding of the new China. His life is full of legends, and he is also full of deep thoughts on the future of the nation and the country.

Liu Bocheng's story begins in a small village in Sichuan. Clever and clever since childhood, he studied in a private school, and later received a new education.

But fate is always good at jokes, and the death of his father forced him to interrupt his studies and return home to farm, and since then he has experienced the hardships and injustices of society.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

"I have to change that. When the Xinhai Revolution broke out, the resolute Liu Bocheng cut off the braid that symbolized feudalism and threw himself into the torrent of this democratic revolution without hesitation.

Liu Bocheng's military career began in Chongqing. There, he Xi not only learned modern military theory, but also cultivated a firm nationalist spirit.

His grades were always at the top, showing his talent for military science.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

However, fate once again presented him with a challenge. In 1916, during the battle of the Protector Army attacking Fengdu County, Liu Bocheng was unfortunately hit by a bullet in the right eye.

On the operating table, in the face of severe pain, he refused the anesthetic because he was worried that the anesthetic would affect the nerves in his brain. "I want to be sober, this is responsible for the future. He said firmly.

Although the surgery saved his life, it also lost the light in his right eye. This accident caused the Japanese military circles to label him as a "half-military strategist."

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

But in fact, this accident inspired his inner tenacity and perseverance.

After the Nanchang Uprising, Liu Bocheng went to the Soviet Union for further study and comprehensively studied Xi world's advanced military theories. After returning to China, he was already a military strategist who had mastered a complete system of military theory.

During his tenure as chief of the General Staff of the Red Army, he also compiled such military theoretical works as "Problems to be Solved by the Guerrillas Now," which greatly promoted the military quality of the Red Army cadres.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Liu Bocheng, as the commander of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, launched a series of operations against Japan, among which the battles of "Anti-Ninth Route Siege in Southeast Hebei" and "Ambush Battle of Qigan Village" are the most famous.

These battles not only demonstrated his military prowess, but also had a profound impact on the Japanese military circles. A Japanese officer even commented: "In the face of Liu Bocheng, we felt the real military strategist." ”

02 Jiang Baili: A military giant in education and theory

In China's military history, Jiang Baili's position is unique. Although he had never commanded a battle on the battlefield, his military theoretical and educational contributions laid a solid foundation for China's military development.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

The Japanese military circles regarded him as "China's No. 1 military strategist," and this evaluation reflected his unrivaled achievements in military education and theory.

The story of Jiang Baili began in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Having received a good education since childhood, he aspired to become a military specialist. As an adult, he went to Japan and Germany for further study, absorbing the most advanced military knowledge in the world at that time.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

At the graduation ceremony of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School, he graduated with the first place and was even honored by the Emperor of Japan.

"My goal is not personal honor, but for the strength of the country. Jiang Baili is well aware of his mission.

After returning to China, Jiang Baili's talent was quickly discovered. He served as the principal of the Baoding Army Military Academy of the Beiyang Government, during which he compiled many military theoretical works such as "Sun Tzu's New Interpretation" and "Military Common Sense".

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

These works are not only simple and easy to understand, but also lay the foundation for the development of modern Chinese military theory. In particular, "Military Common Sense" is hailed as the foundation work of modern Chinese military theory.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Jiang Baili's influence further expanded. He was well aware of the cruelty of war and the difficulties faced by the Chinese army.

"Only with firm conviction and correct theoretical guidance can we find the path to victory in the face of adversity. Jiang Baili wrote in "On National Defense".

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

His book provided an important strategic theoretical basis for the Chinese army in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Although Jiang Baili never went to the battlefield in his life, his military theoretical education and wisdom cultivated a large number of outstanding military talents for China.

03 Bai Chongxi: A combination of tactical wisdom and military courage

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

Bai Chongxi, a military figure who played a pivotal role in China's modern history, was rated as one of the "Three Great Chinese Military Strategists" by the Japanese military circles.

His military career is full of stories of tactical wisdom and brave determination, especially during the War of Resistance Against Japan, which earned him the reputation of "Little Zhuge ".

Born in Guilin, Guangxi, Bai Chongxi received a good education from an early age and joined Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary ranks in his youth.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

He began his military career in the Protectorate War and later demonstrated outstanding military talent in the Northern Expedition. "On the battlefield, every decision is about countless lives, and I have to be cautious and decisive. Bai Chongxi said in his memoirs.

In the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Chinese army was at a significant disadvantage in the face of the powerful Japanese offensive.

However, Bai Chongxi was able to thwart the Japanese attack many times under such circumstances, and the most famous battle was the "Taierzhuang Victory".

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

In this battle, he skillfully used the terrain to his advantage, strategically luring the enemy into a trap before launching a fierce attack.

This battle not only won a valuable victory for the Chinese army, but also greatly boosted the morale of the people.

"We can win, not because of the superiority of weapons, but because of our wisdom and courage. Bai Chongxi said to the staff officers after the victory in Taierzhuang.

His tactical arrangements showed his extraordinary military acumen and deep understanding of the war situation.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

Bai Chongxi's military career was not limited to battlefield command, he also actively participated in the political struggle of the Kuomintang. Despite his complicated relationship with Chiang Kai-shek, he always maintained his loyalty to the country and the nation.

During the war, he cultivated a number of outstanding military talents and made important contributions to China's military modernization.

However, Bai Chongxi, who was born as a warlord, did not enjoy the glory he deserved in his later years.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

04 Yang Jie: Strategist and theoretical innovator

In China's modern military history, Yang Jie is distinguished by his profound strategic vision and theoretical innovation. His life is not only a legend, but also a microcosm of the progress of China's military thought.

As a famous military theorist and strategist during the Republic of China, Yang Jie's story is full of academic pursuits and deep concern for the future of the country.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

Yang Jie's military career began in Dali, Yunnan. At a young age, he showed a keen interest in military science and an extraordinary talent.

"The strength of a country lies not only in the number of its troops, but also in its strategic wisdom. Yang Jie wrote in his diary.

At the age of 16, he was escorted by the Qing government to study in Japan, where he studied Xi most advanced military theory in the world at that time. In Japan, he gradually developed unique views on national security and military construction.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

After returning to China, Yang Jie participated in the Xinhai Revolution and quickly gained the rank of general, showing his outstanding talent in the military field.

However, with the outbreak of warlord melee, Yang Jie was deeply disappointed with the domestic situation. He chose to go to Japan again for further study, focusing on the study of military theory.

"Only by deeply understanding the nature of war can we truly protect our country. Yang Jie expressed his belief to a friend in a letter.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

Yang Jie's theoretical innovation is not limited to the academic field. In the Great War of the Central Plains, as Chiang Kai-shek's chief of staff, he successfully helped the Nationalist Government to victory.

However, due to political differences, he was eventually sidelined. This setback did not make him give up, but inspired him to study and innovate military theories more deeply.

In the years that followed, Yang Jie wrote important military works such as "New Theory of Military Affairs" and "National Defense and Military Affairs", which had a profound impact on the development of China's military theory.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

These works not only provided valuable guidance for China's military leadership, but also laid a theoretical foundation for future military reform and development.


Jiang Baili's military theory, Yang Jie's strategic insight, Bai Chongxi's courageous command, and Liu Bocheng's all-round ability together form the backbone of China's military power.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

They were not only key figures in China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and other military conflicts, but also made significant contributions to military education and theoretical innovation.

Despite the fact that their achievements are reduced to "three and a half military strategists", their deeds go far beyond this narrow label.

Japan only admits that China has three and a half military strategists, Liu Bocheng is half, and the other three names are familiar

Their experiences and wisdom have not only added luster to China's history, but also provided valuable experience and enlightenment for future military thinking and practice.

It is the contributions of these outstanding military strategists that have laid a solid foundation for China's survival and development in turbulent times.

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