
Feng Lin missed the championship of the CCTV host contest and has no hope of being trained as Dong Qing's successor?

author:Meimu Entertainment

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Arena: Yang Xu, the unexpected champion of the CCTV host competition

The results of the finals of the 2023 CCTV Host Contest were announced, however, the champion was not Feng Lin, a graduate student majoring in new media communication at Fudan University, who was originally predicted, but Yang Xu from Hebei University of Media and Communication. The moment Nigmat announced the winner, the emotions in the arena were stirred for a while, which attracted attention from all walks of life. Feng Lin's mistakes are regrettable, her good looks and scholarly temperament once made people think that she was the pillar of CCTV's future.

Feng Lin missed the championship of the CCTV host contest and has no hope of being trained as Dong Qing's successor?

Grassroots counterattack: Yang Xu defeated the students of the compound and won the championship

Although Yang Xu was little known before the CCTV host competition, his outstanding performance in the competition was impressive. Known as the "grassroots counterattack", he successfully defeated many students from key communication universities, especially Feng Lin, a once-highly anticipated graduate student at Fudan University. Yang Xu's victory is considered to be a shock to the media people in the compound, and it has also caused the society to reflect on the fierce competition between students from traditional universities and non-prestigious universities.

Feng Lin missed the championship of the CCTV host contest and has no hope of being trained as Dong Qing's successor?

Disgruntled voices: Why did Feng Lin miss out on the championship?

However, the result of Feng Lin's missing out on the championship caused a lot of controversy. Audiences and commentators have said that compared with Yang Xu's ordinary, the young, beautiful and energetic Feng Lin has always been a favorite for the championship. Some people even thought that she performed well in the competition, especially the "97" score in the semi-finals, which was even more amazing, and thought that she should have made it to the final.

Feng Lin missed the championship of the CCTV host contest and has no hope of being trained as Dong Qing's successor?

CCTV is changing: brain drain triggers adjustment of the competition system

CCTV's talent turnover rate has remained high in recent years, especially the resignation of some senior hosts, which has made CCTV face the problem of a shortage of host teams. In order to fill this vacancy, CCTV has adjusted the competition system of the host competition, no longer setting up two tracks of news and literature and art, but paying more attention to assessing the comprehensive knowledge reserve and on-the-spot adaptability of the contestants. This is also an adjustment made in response to the competitive pressure of short video platforms and the changes in audience tastes.

Feng Lin missed the championship of the CCTV host contest and has no hope of being trained as Dong Qing's successor?

Feng Lin's charm: CCTV's lack of success and the needs of the new generation of hosts

The reason why Feng Lin has attracted much attention is inseparable from her performance on the CCTV platform on the one hand, and her personal resume on the other hand. CCTV is facing the pressure of competitors to transform from local stations to short video platforms, and it urgently needs to inject fresh blood. Feng Lin's youth, beauty and solid hosting skills, as well as her calmness and confidence in front of the camera, make her a highly sought-after candidate.

Feng Lin missed the championship of the CCTV host contest and has no hope of being trained as Dong Qing's successor?

Fierce competition: Nearly 600 contestants stepped into the CCTV host competition

In 2023, the CCTV host competition attracted nearly 600 contestants from 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Among them, there are not only veterans in the hosting industry and Xinsheng competing in the same field, but also nearly 20 ethnic minority players, as well as some cross-border players running to realize their hosting dreams. In this highly competitive background, Feng Lin was able to stand out and become a strong contender for the top six and even the championship, showing that her strength cannot be underestimated.

Feng Lin missed the championship of the CCTV host contest and has no hope of being trained as Dong Qing's successor?

Feng Lin's growth path: the road to academic excellence and multiple identities

Feng Lin's growth path can be described as magnificent. From serving as a captain in elementary school to a high school league secretary, and then to the broadcasting and hosting art major of Communication University of China, she has always handed in an excellent answer sheet for her parents with her excellent academics and various social activities. Feng Lin's image ambassador and torchbearer on various occasions have laid a solid foundation for her comprehensive literacy.

Feng Lin missed the championship of the CCTV host contest and has no hope of being trained as Dong Qing's successor?

Loss and Opportunity: Feng Lin's Reflection and Prospect for Stopping at the Top Five

Although Feng Lin failed to win the CCTV host competition, this is not the end of her hosting career. Some viewers believe that her performance lacks true feelings, and the level of written expression needs to be improved. However, this loss may be a valuable opportunity for Feng Lin. She can check and fill in the gaps, clarify her strengths and weaknesses, improve her hosting ability in a targeted manner, and make herself more unique.

Feng Lin missed the championship of the CCTV host contest and has no hope of being trained as Dong Qing's successor?

The road ahead: the possibility of Feng Lin becoming the first sister of CCTV

Although Feng Lin stopped in the top five, this did not prevent her from becoming the first sister of CCTV in the future. She is very malleable and adaptable, whether it is a news program or a variety show, she has shown the potential to be versatile. Feng Lin may need to be more down-to-earth in her hosting style, get rid of too many traces of performance, show a more authentic self, establish a unique hosting style, and the possibility of becoming the first sister of CCTV still exists.

Feng Lin missed the championship of the CCTV host contest and has no hope of being trained as Dong Qing's successor?

Conclusion: What is the future of Feng Lin?

The result of the CCTV host contest may be a temporary regret, but for Feng Lin, this is a new starting point. Her experiences, losses, and reflections on opportunities in the game will serve as nourishment for her future growth. Feng Lin, as a high-value academic beauty, although she failed to become a blockbuster, she is still a highly anticipated new-generation host. In the future, Feng Lin's performance will continue to bring more surprises to the audience on the CCTV platform, and the possibility of becoming the first sister of CCTV is still on the way.

The online materials are for reference only and do not represent the author's point of view

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