
Hair is related to liver health?Doctor: With these conditions in hair, there is something wrong with the liver


First, dry hair and shedding are often associated with malnutrition, stress, or illness. In Zhang's case, these symptoms were further linked to liver problems. The liver is an important detoxification organ in the human body, and it is also involved in the metabolism and storage of nutrients. When liver function is impaired, it can affect the body's absorption and utilization of various nutrients, leading to health problems for hair and other body parts.

Hair is related to liver health?Doctor: With these conditions in hair, there is something wrong with the liver

Secondly, stress and overwork in life are also important factors that cause liver disease. Long-term stress and fatigue can lead to a decrease in the body's immune function, making the liver more fragile and susceptible to disease.

Finally, it is very important to seek medical attention in time when the body has continuous symptoms of discomfort. In this case, the doctor's timely diagnosis helped Zhang Qi identify the underlying health problem, so that appropriate treatment measures could be taken.

If you have these 4 problems with your hair, you may have a problem with your liver

1. Greasy hair: a health sign?

When you notice that your hair becomes greasy shortly after washing, it can be a sign of liver dysfunction in the body. The liver is responsible for regulating mood and blood flow in TCM theory. Unhealthy eating Xi (such as too much fatty food) and irregular sleep may be the main causes of this condition. Not only does this affect the health of your hair, but it's also a warning sign from your body.

2. Hair color change: what's missing?

If your hair is turning yellow without dyeing or perming, it may be a sign that the trace elements copper and iron are missing. In addition to trace element deficiencies, insufficient blood in the liver can also lead to yellowing of the hair. In TCM theory, the liver is an important reservoir of blood and is essential for hair growth and health.

Hair is related to liver health?Doctor: With these conditions in hair, there is something wrong with the liver

3. Hair Loss: Normal or Alarm?

Normally, hair shedding and regrowth are balanced, but if you notice sudden thinning of your hair or baldness, it could be a sign of overzealous liver fire. Liver fire is not only affecting hair growth, but can also be involved in a wider range of health issues.

Fourth, the graying of the temples: the relationship between blood and liver

In TCM theory, graying of the temples is usually associated with the health of the liver and gallbladder. The two sideburns are closely related to the gallbladder, and the gallbladder and liver are the inside and outside of each other. The graying of the temples usually points to a lack of blood in the liver, which requires adjusting the diet and lifestyle Xi to replenish blood and qi.

Do the following to make your liver healthier

1. Increase your intake of green vegetables

Green vegetables, such as chrysanthemum, broccoli, spinach, mustard greens, and celery, are not only nutritious, but also help detoxify the liver and improve digestion. They contain antioxidants and fibre that can effectively promote intestinal health and assist in the elimination of toxins from the body.

2. Get regular thigh massages

The liver and bile meridians are distributed on the inner and outer sides of the thighs. By tapping your thighs gently and regularly, you will not only be able to stimulate these two meridians, but also help to promote blood circulation and enhance liver function.

3. Increase your intake of healthy teas

Drinking tea is a simple and effective way to nourish the liver. For example, dandelion tea helps to clear away heat and detoxify, honeysuckle tea clears the liver and brightens the eyes, and pu-erh tea reduces fat accumulation in the liver. Not only are these teas good for your liver, but they're also a great way to relax and unwind.

Hair is related to liver health?Doctor: With these conditions in hair, there is something wrong with the liver

In addition to the above methods, it is also important to maintain healthy Xi. Avoiding staying up late for long periods of time, reducing alcohol intake, and sticking to moderate physical activity are all cornerstones of liver protection. A healthy liver makes our lives more vibrant and healthy.