
Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

author:Yamanagi Maki


Some love, ten years passed away in a hurry.

She once snuggled happily in his arms, but she also faced the great changes in her life alone.

Ten years have smoothed out the girl's heart, she has gone farther and farther on the long road of love, and finally dared to turn around, just to regain herself.

There are no ifs in life, but her story is far from over.

When she shines again, we have to ask, where will her story go?

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Girl's heart: I want someone to rely on

Deng Jiajia is lively and cheerful by nature, and her parents never ignore her talents, giving her many opportunities to explore her potential.

My father's warm and generous hands were always full of encouragement and expectation.

This kind of fatherly love nourished her infinite enthusiasm for life, and also deeply influenced her definition of love.

She thought that she would definitely meet someone she could rely on like her father in the future.

Such thoughts made her still hopeful in the long wait.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Deng Jiajia has a lively personality since she was a child, and her grades are also among the best, and her parents have high hopes for her.

Whenever she came home from school, she couldn't wait to share her experience with her father.

Her father is her spiritual pillar in Xi and life, and his generous palms are always very secure.

And this abundant father's love also affected Deng Jiajia's view of feelings.

She longs to find a man like her father who can give her unconditional leaning.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

So, after entering society, she has always been extremely strict in her partner's standards.

It wasn't until he met love that Deng Jiajia really realized the difficulty of finding a lover.

She has changed boyfriends three or four times, but they all ended in breakups.

Either the temper is not compatible, or the three views are not compatible.

In the midst of disappointment again and again, she still retains the girl's heart - he who can be relied on for a lifetime must be about to appear.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Meet each other: the sweet trap of love at first sight

On a rainy night in 2009, Deng Jiajia received an invitation to a friend's party.

She didn't want to go, but she finally mustered up the courage because it was a party at a fancy hotel.

The protagonist of the night was a boy named Yu Yan, a boy who likes movies.

Deng Jiajia remembered that she was wearing a pale yellow skirt and sitting a little nervously at the bar.

The purpose of this party was to introduce Yu Yan to the other guests, after all, he had just returned from abroad.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Halfway through the reception, Yu Yan came over to greet her, and the two casually chatted about each other's interests and hobbies.

Deng Jiajia was surprised to find that the boy in front of him was so compatible, they could talk non-stop about the topic of the movie.

Yu Yan is also a fan of the movie, and the two are not embarrassed to talk about it, and their opinions continue to coincide.

After the reception, Yu Yan took the initiative to ask for Deng Jiajia's contact information.

For a long time afterward, they maintained frequent communication.

Deng Jiajia began to look forward to every phone call with him, and began to care about every small gift he sent.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Gradually, she finds herself in the sweet trap of love at first sight.

The feeling of love at first sight is unprecedented for Deng Jiajia, she is like a girl who has just fallen in love, she began to repeatedly confirm her dress in front of the mirror, and she would put on makeup for a long time before dating.

Her attention was completely occupied by this boy, and she would even take the initiative to fly from Beijing to Hangzhou, where he was, just to spend a few more days with him.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Deng Jiajia felt that he absolutely liked Yu Yan, and when he thought of him, he was in a particularly cheerful mood.

The time spent with him was so wonderful that she didn't even want to be separated for half a second.

Perhaps, Yu Yan is the person he has been waiting for.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Long-distance relationship: Four long years waiting just for you

Just when the relationship between the two was heating up, Yu Yan received an offer from a foreign film school.

For the sake of his career, he decided to go abroad for further study.

Tang understands the importance of pursuing her dreams, and she encourages Yu Yan not to have any worries.

As a result, a long-distance relationship that lasted for four years began.

This is not what Deng Jiajia wants, but in the face of the person she likes, she is willing to wait patiently.

Whenever she is not working, she will drag her tired body and fly over most of the world, just to spend a day or two with Yu Yan.

Sometimes due to itinerary adjustments, Yu Yan will also fly back to China to see her.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Every encounter at the airport is always very romantic, and Deng Jiajia insists on it.

She didn't know when such days would end, she only knew that she really liked the boy in front of her.

A long-distance relationship is a great test for the relationship, but fortunately, both of them are riveting enough to maintain this relationship.

In order to meet each other, Deng Jiajia did not hesitate to take a long-distance flight of more than ten hours to the United Kingdom to see Yu Yan after work.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

The moment of reunion at the airport was so sweet that it made her feel that the wait was worth it.

But four years was too difficult for a woman, and her friends advised her not to make useless plans.

Deng Jiajia also had doubts, but every time Yu Yan's sweet words and gentle soothing made her dispel the idea of breaking up.

She told herself that she must try her long-distance relationship with Yu Yan to the end, no matter what the result is.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Happy time after marriage: he was attentive, and she was moved

Four years later, Yu Yan returned from his studies.

In order to make up for the regrets of these years, he formally proposed to Deng Jiajia.

In 2009, the two registered their marriage and started a new life.

Every bit of married life is sweet, and Yu Yan's meticulous care of Deng Jiajia makes her very happy.

The two often go out on trips, and Yu Yan always prepares small surprises.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

He writes her love letters from time to time, making her feel like she has returned to her girlhood when she was just in love.

The life after marriage is what Deng Jiajia dreams of, and her husband is always considerate and often prepares surprises.

Yu Yan always took care of Deng Jiajia as a princess, and the two would go to different places for vacation every weekend.

He also makes good use of all kinds of small details to please his beloved wife, such as suddenly singing a love song at a party to comfort her heart.

Deng Jiajia was spoiled by him and had a little woman's temper, and often coquetted with him for trivial things.

She was truly grateful to God for giving her such a considerate husband.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Career peak: trophies and surprises, her husband is her strong backing

After marriage, Deng Jiajia's acting career sang all the way.

In 2012, she won the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actress that year for her wonderful performance in the Republic of China drama "Midnight Singing".

The following year, Deng Jiajia won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress again with another Anti-Japanese War film "Bullet Marks".

When she stepped into the house with the Golden Rooster Award trophy in her hand, the flowers and delicious food in the room made her cry.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

It turned out that Yu Yan had already arranged it at home, ready to share the joy with his wife.

Deng Jiajia was full of emotion, and it was precisely because of his support that he could continue to challenge new roles and bravely reach a higher career peak.

From "Bullet Marks" to "Midnight Singing", Deng Jiajia won two film and television acting awards in two years.

Among them, the hard work and effort she put in is known only to herself.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Fortunately, her husband Yu Yan never urged her to go home when she was busy, and always carefully prepared a sumptuous dinner waiting for her.

Sometimes filming dragged on until the early hours of the morning, and Yu Yan would personally drive her home from the set.

Deng Jiajia often lamented that without her husband's strong support, she would never have been able to reach today's heights in her career.

There are too many bitter tears behind the trophy, but fortunately, he has support behind him.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Divorce rumors: The suspicions of social media accounts are confusing

The good times didn't last long, and in the fifth year of marriage, the relationship between Deng Jiajia and Yu Yan seemed to have cracked.

In 2017, her social media account was suddenly emptied of a large number of historical photos and videos.

Only one obscure sentence was left: "I still have a long way to go, I don't want to be too constrained, I hope you are still the same you." ”

As soon as the news came out, public opinion was in an uproar.

Everyone speculated whether there was a problem, and Deng Jiajia did not say anything.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

However, as soon as the rumors surfaced, the media photographed Deng Jiajia and Yu Yan dining out.

The two looked as usual, and there was intimacy between their gestures.

Deng Jiajia did not respond to the divorce rumors, and everyone can only guess that this may be a little awkward.

The outside world couldn't figure out the truth for a while, and the rift in this marriage was over.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Afterwards, Deng Jiajia confessed in private, and the contradictions between the two had accumulated for a long time at that time, but they were reluctant to expose them to the public.

She emptied her social account on the spur of the moment, but she didn't expect it to trigger such speculation.

After this quarrel, both of them were reflecting, and Yu Yan was also very cooperative to find a psychiatrist.

For a while, the relationship between the two seemed to be back to normal, and all walks of life thought it was just an ordinary discord between young couples.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Divorce after ten years: the relationship has come to an end, and you can only let go

However, three years later, in 2019, Deng Jiajia's studio finally announced the news of her divorce from Yu Yanhe.

The announcement said that this was a peaceful breakup between the two, and the marriage had come to an end, and they had no choice but to live their own lives.

Both parties will continue their lives and work, and we hope that everyone will give them space.

At this point, Deng Jiajia and Yu Yan's ten-year marriage officially came to an end.

However, the reasons for each have been kept secret to this day.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Deng Jiajia once said that no matter what, the marriage of the past ten years is a very important memory in her life.

She also sincerely thanked Yu Yan for her companionship over the years.

In fact, the relationship between Deng Jiajia and Yu Yan had a hidden crack after the social account turmoil.

The contradictions and differences between the two deepened day by day, and in the end, it was difficult to reconcile, so they had to choose divorce.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Deng Jiajia fell into depression for a while, but she still had to take care of two children and had to force herself to stand up.

She understands that the relationship has reached a certain point, but she can't go on.

So she chose to fulfill Yu Yan, and the two finally broke up peacefully after ten years, ending this marriage.

It hit her hard, but she still has dreams, children to take care of, and life must go on.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

Four years later, her career and love bloomed again: her life continued to move forward

After the divorce, Deng Jiajia devoted herself to her work, and in 2022, she successfully changed the public's old impression of her with her wonderful performances in the movie "Rise to Fame" and the TV series "The Cloister Pavilion".

Deng Jiajia used her strength to prove that she was not only the "Tang Youyou" of the year, but her acting skills were also remarkable.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love

While his career is in full swing, Deng Jiajia's feelings seem to have ushered in spring.

In the midsummer of 2022, a reporter took a photo of Deng Jiajia shopping with a man in black with his fingers interlocked.

The two were radiant and looked very affectionate.

Actor Deng Jiajia: Married for 10 years and broke up peacefully, divorced for 4 years, and had a bumper harvest in career and love


Public opinion is boiling again, and everyone is speculating whether this is Deng Jiajia's new love.

In any case, we are sincerely happy for Deng Jiajia.

Her life is still going on, and she deserves to continue to pursue and surpass her past self in her relationship and career.

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