
People who don't put cash at home pay attention, and it is recommended that the family prepare 60,000 yuan, and the three reasons are very tricky

author:Yingcai said

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Nowadays, the payment system is so convenient that many people rely too much on electronic payments.

But it's important to have cash at home, especially in times of now.

It is recommended that people who do not have cash at home should hurry up and prepare 60,000 yuan at home, mainly because there are three tricky reasons.

People who don't put cash at home pay attention, and it is recommended that the family prepare 60,000 yuan, and the three reasons are very tricky

Respond to emergencies

In some emergencies, you may need to use cash.

Keeping a certain amount of cash at home can be used for emergencies.

Although the financial system of modern society is very developed, there may be times when electronic payment methods are not available, such as electricity, network outages, or other technical failures.

People who don't put cash at home pay attention, and it is recommended that the family prepare 60,000 yuan, and the three reasons are very tricky

Especially in the case of a network outage, if there is cash reserves, it can solve the urgent need. In addition, for some emergencies, such as natural disasters or personal accidents, cash stored at home can also provide some financial support.

The choice of cash needs to consider security factors and appropriate storage tools, and it is also important to keep the location and password confidential.

After all, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of what if. Although the safety factor is already high in the new era, we still have to take all the situations into account.

For ordinary families, preparing about 60,000 yuan in cash is almost enough, and in the event of various emergencies, about 60,000 yuan in cash can at least maintain the basic food and clothing of a large family and solve the problems of life in the transitional period.

People who don't put cash at home pay attention, and it is recommended that the family prepare 60,000 yuan, and the three reasons are very tricky

If we encounter medical and rescue expenses under special circumstances such as network outages, 60,000 yuan can also help us solve our urgent needs.

Therefore, for ordinary families, it is important to prepare 60,000 yuan in reserve.

This can provide timely support when needed, especially for those who don't have cash left at home.

People who don't put cash at home pay attention, and it is recommended that the family prepare 60,000 yuan, and the three reasons are very tricky

Reduce financial risk

Since it is money, of course it will be linked to finance.

Keeping a certain amount of cash at home can also help us reduce our financial risk.

People who don't put cash at home pay attention, and it is recommended that the family prepare 60,000 yuan, and the three reasons are very tricky

While volatility in the financial markets can diversify risk through investment diversification, there is still a certain amount of risk for individuals to put all their money in high-risk assets such as stocks, funds, etc.

Especially in the current situation, the economy is down, the interest rates of banks are falling, and the stock market, funds and other markets are even more miserable, and it is likely that there will be a lot of losses when buying wealth management products that do not guarantee the principal.

On the whole, it is not a very correct thing to use all your savings for investment and financial management.

If you don't have some cash in hand, you may face a loss of your assets in the event of significant market volatility or financial risk events.

At the same time, from an inflation perspective, it is also a good idea to have some cash on hand.

People who don't put cash at home pay attention, and it is recommended that the family prepare 60,000 yuan, and the three reasons are very tricky

Once inflation occurs, the purchasing power of money decreases over time. If all the funds are deposited in banks or other investment vehicles without holding a certain amount of cash, the value of all the previous principal will be greatly discounted due to the combined effect of the loss caused by the decline in the interest rate of the wealth management product and the decline in the value of the currency caused by inflation.

This results in a significant reduction in the real purchasing power of the previous principal.

But it's not the same with cash, which only needs to deal with the decline in the value of the currency caused by inflation, and there is no need to consider market losses at all.

From this perspective, holding a certain amount of cash can keep purchasing power stable and reduce losses due to inflation.

People who don't put cash at home pay attention, and it is recommended that the family prepare 60,000 yuan, and the three reasons are very tricky

But from a security point of view, it's not safe to keep too much cash at home. If too much cash deposit news leaks out, it can be frowned upon by bad actors. For ordinary families, it is relatively enough to put about 60,000 yuan as a reserve fund to resist risks.

Therefore, the cash stored at home can be used as a safe haven, regardless of changes in the financial market, the cash in hand can at least ensure that the principal is not lost, helping individuals reduce financial risks.

People who don't put cash at home pay attention, and it is recommended that the family prepare 60,000 yuan, and the three reasons are very tricky

Protect your privacy and avoid online scams

Online payments rely on the Internet and electronic data.

It is precisely because of the electronic payment formed by the Internet that electronic fraud came into being.

People who don't put cash at home pay attention, and it is recommended that the family prepare 60,000 yuan, and the three reasons are very tricky

It is no exaggeration to say that people who use online payment in real life must have seen or experienced electronic fraud to some extent.

It is also based on the prevention of electronic fraud and the protection of personal payment behavior, mainland citizens must carry out real-name authentication when using online payment, and real-name authentication means uploading their real information.

Of course, at present, the mainland has a relatively complete regulatory system, but it is undeniable that in the information age, all kinds of information from citizens are flying all over the sky, and information leakage incidents are frequent. The information and data are linked one after another, and I don't know when it will be leaked, which can be said to be impossible to prevent.

People who don't put cash at home pay attention, and it is recommended that the family prepare 60,000 yuan, and the three reasons are very tricky

So, although more and more people are choosing to use mobile payment tools to make payments, there are some people who may worry that using mobile payment may lead to the disclosure of personal information and even online fraud.

This kind of worry is also normal, after all, it is also a good thing to be precautionary.

Choosing to keep a certain amount of cash at home can actually protect personal privacy to a certain extent. The most important thing is that if you are really unlucky enough to fall into the trap of electric bombing, at least you can save some of your funds.

This part of the preservation funds does not need to be too much, otherwise it is not safe, but it should not be too little, otherwise it will not be enough. For ordinary people, around 60,000 is the most suitable.

People who don't put cash at home pay attention, and it is recommended that the family prepare 60,000 yuan, and the three reasons are very tricky

On the whole, there is basically no harm in putting some cash at home, but there are many benefits. Not only can you protect your privacy and avoid the end of your family, but you can also avoid being unable to pay due to relying on mobile phone payments.

Therefore, families who do not have cash at home should pay attention to it quickly, in the current economic situation, these three reasons are very tricky, and hurry up to prepare about 60,000 cash at home in case of emergency, in response to the economic downturn.