
When you have dinner with the leader, the leader shouts: "The waiter checks out", what will you do?

author:Uncle Water

When you have dinner with the leader, the leader shouts: "The waiter checks out", what will you do?

In this society, there are often all kinds of human contacts and relationships involved, and in this case, we have to learn to be flexible. In the face of different people, you can adopt different attitudes, only in this way can you win the hearts of others, but also bring greater possibilities for your own career development. I believe that many people in the workplace have encountered such a thing: when going out to eat with the leader, the leader suddenly called the waiter to ask for payment.

When you have dinner with the leader, the leader shouts: "The waiter checks out", what will you do?

In the face of such a situation, how will you deal with it? Do you take the initiative to pay the bill? Or do you sit there and wait for the leader to pay? I believe that this question is also a question that many friends are particularly entangled in. If you pay for it yourself, it is likely that the rest of your life will become very poor, and if you wait for the leader to pay, you may damage your impression in the mind of the leader. In this case, what can be done to successfully resolve the embarrassment? That's what smart people do.

When you have dinner with the leader, the leader shouts: "The waiter checks out", what will you do?

1 Hold the stagnation calm.

When eating with the leader, many people will feel very uncomfortable, especially when they see the leader take the initiative to ask to pay, the feeling of cramped and uneasy will be more serious. In fact, there is no need to put pressure on yourself, because the vast majority of leaders are ready to pay when they go out to dinner with their subordinates, and if you take the initiative to pay the bill, it is likely that the leader will lose the opportunity to perform. It will even make the leader think that you are deliberately pretending in front of him to steal his limelight.

When you have dinner with the leader, the leader shouts: "The waiter checks out", what will you do?

For smart professionals, when they face this situation, they will first stay calm and see what happens to the leader. Because of the calm and calm attitude, it will also leave a good impression on the leader, so that the leader thinks that you have seen the big scene, and will not be shaken by these small things, and you can rest assured that the project will be handed over to you in the process of work in the future. There may be unexpected results.

When you have dinner with the leader, the leader shouts: "The waiter checks out", what will you do?

2. Express gratitude.

But you can't just sit and wait for the leader to pay, after the leader pays the bill, you also need to express gratitude to the leader. For the vast majority of leaders, they have basically achieved financial freedom, and they do not worry about how much it costs to eat a meal. But for subordinates, it's different, and many migrant workers are even worried about how much to spend on three meals a day. In this case, no matter how much money was spent on the meal, we need to express our gratitude to the leadership.

When you have dinner with the leader, the leader shouts: "The waiter checks out", what will you do?

Only by making the leaders feel our sincere gratitude to them can we gain the trust of the leaders. If the leader does nothing after paying the money, or even takes it for granted, then this will also greatly reduce the leader's impression of himself. In order to achieve such an effect, when the online leader expresses his gratitude, he can say to the leader: "Thank you for the hospitality, I am very happy today". And if you do this, you can also avoid the embarrassment of grabbing credit.

When you have dinner with the leader, the leader shouts: "The waiter checks out", what will you do?

3. Take it easy.

Some people will also be nervous and even squirm when they express their gratitude to the leader. In fact, it is completely unnecessary, although the leader is his own boss, but the meal itself is the time to get off work. So there's no need to make yourself so tired, just thank the leader generously and relax your attitude.

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