
The new song Iron Cloak of Phoenix Legend became popular, but everyone died of laughter in the comment area

author:Your circle beep beep


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The new song Iron Cloak of Phoenix Legend became popular, but everyone died of laughter in the comment area

Text: Your circle beep beep

Editor|Guiquan beep Ji

Phoenix Legend's new song "Iron Suit" has recently become popular on the Internet, and the number of words and difficulty of lead singer Zeng Yi in this song have greatly increased, and finally only a few simple words are no longer needed. As soon as this song was released, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, and netizens ridiculed the song.

The new song Iron Cloak of Phoenix Legend became popular, but everyone died of laughter in the comment area

"Iron Clothes" Zeng Yi is so difficult to say that he finally no longer sings just a few words

This "Iron Suit" is a new single released by Phoenix Legend, which is very different from the style of their previous works. As soon as the song opened, Zeng Yi showed his new work with many difficult words. In the past, Zeng Yi usually only needed to sing a few simple words in the songs of the Phoenix Legend, basically repeating syllables like "yo yo yo". But this time, not only the number of words in his section has increased, but the difficulty has also increased a lot.

This song fully demonstrates Zeng Yi's determination to work hard and improve. As one of the lead singers of the Phoenix Legend, he is obviously not satisfied with standing still and only sings a few simple words. By boldly trying difficult singing methods in this new song, it can be seen that Zeng Yi has high requirements for himself, and he has been working hard to learn Xi new singing methods, hoping to improve.

The Phoenix Legend has maintained a humble and enterprising mentality over the years, constantly absorbing new elements. This time, Zeng Yi's new work also shows the enterprising spirit of their band. As fans, we are happy and proud of Zeng Yi's progress. This also fully demonstrates the spirit of Chinese artists to "live and learn to be old".

As soon as "Iron Suit" was released, it immediately became popular on the Internet

As soon as this new song full of positive energy was released, it quickly became popular on the Internet. The song shows the spirit of Chinese people who are not afraid of difficulties and have the courage to forge ahead, and has won a positive response from the public. Netizens have shared the song on social media, actively discussing the Phoenix Legend and Zeng Yi's new work.

The number of hits and discussions on the song has grown tremendously. On social platforms such as Toutiao, Weibo, and Station B, everyone is discussing this song enthusiastically. Netizens not only affirmed Zeng Yi's progress, but also expressed their admiration for the Phoenix Legend's continuous efforts over the years. This positive response is the best reward for their hard work.

The new song Iron Cloak of Phoenix Legend became popular, but everyone died of laughter in the comment area

It is foreseeable that with the active participation and dissemination of netizens, this song is bound to achieve a good market response. Its on-demand and downloads will increase significantly. This will also further increase the popularity of Phoenix Legend and allow more young listeners to know and love this veteran band. The older they get, the more they have the vitality of the fiery market, which stems from the spirit of hard work.

Netizens ridiculed Zeng Yi for "Iron Suit", and the part was too difficult for KTV, and he didn't dare to order it

Although the new song has been widely praised, many netizens still ridicule the song with a playful mentality, especially the high difficulty of Zeng Yi's part. Some netizens laughed and said that the difficulty of this song is no longer suitable for KTV accompaniment, because it is too difficult to remember the lyrics and it is torturous to sing.

Some netizens also laughed and said that Zeng Yi finally couldn't say "what is the lyrics about me" this time, and his part had to be memorized. Some people also said that in the future, they will have to find someone to study drama to sing this song, so that they can sing all of Zeng Yi's part. Such exaggerated and humorous comments can be seen everywhere on the Internet.

The new song Iron Cloak of Phoenix Legend became popular, but everyone died of laughter in the comment area

In fact, this shows everyone's love and attention to the Phoenix Legend. The reason why netizens want to ridicule like this is also out of curiosity and interest in Zeng Yi's new work. We should not take these innocuous jokes too seriously, but rather appreciate the ability of netizens to participate in the discussion with a positive and humorous attitude.

This also reflects the changes in the linguistic environment of today's society, where people can express their opinions in a humorous and witty way. We should be in the spirit of openness and inclusiveness of the Internet and appreciate the creativity and wisdom of netizens.

Netizens' various opinions on "Iron Suit".

As soon as this song was released, it set off a heated discussion on the Internet, and netizens had mixed opinions on this song.

Many netizens spoke highly of Zeng Yi's progress, believing that he finally stopped repeating a few simple words mechanically, and the new singing method showed his hard-working and enterprising spirit, and also showed the courage of Phoenix Legend to continuously absorb new elements, which is worthy of support and affirmation. These netizens said that they would continue to support Phoenix Legend, and also hoped that Zeng Yi could go further and further on the road of music.

The new song Iron Cloak of Phoenix Legend became popular, but everyone died of laughter in the comment area

However, some netizens ridiculed this song, laughing that this difficult way of singing is no longer suitable for ordinary listeners on KTV nights. They joked about this song and said that "you have to memorize the lyrics before you dare to sing" Yunyun. This is mainly due to the inadaptability to Zeng Yi's new style, but it also shows that everyone pays great attention to this song.

In addition, some music critics have commented on the music of the song itself. They point out that just being difficult for the sake of difficulty does not improve the quality of the music, and that Phoenix Legend still needs to work on the melodic emotion to make the music more infectious. This kind of professional constructive advice is also worthy of Phoenix Legend's reference.

To sum up, this new song has received widespread social attention, but the reviews are mixed. We should be realistic and pragmatic and encourage Phoenix Legend to continue to innovate, while also accepting constructive criticism to improve their musical attainments. The various opinions of netizens also reflect the level of participation and concern of the public, which is itself an interactive learning and Xi process.

The new song Iron Cloak of Phoenix Legend became popular, but everyone died of laughter in the comment area

Summarize your own opinions

As a fan of Phoenix Legends, I would like to express my appreciation for their inclusion of new elements in their new songs. This shows their innovative spirit and gives Zeng Yi more room to play. We should appreciate the positive energy contained in the iron cloak and look forward to more excellent works from the Phoenix Legend.

At the same time, I also understand that some netizens are not comfortable with the change in the style of this song. But we should be open and inclusive and support the musicians we love in a positive way. It is difficult to promote an artist's progress with just a few words of ridicule.

The new song Iron Cloak of Phoenix Legend became popular, but everyone died of laughter in the comment area

I advise Phoenix Legend to remain humble in its innovation and stick to its own style while absorbing public feedback. Music creation is a continuous learning Xi process, and they need to accumulate experience in progress in order to stand firmer and go further in popular music.

Finally, I believe that as long as Phoenix Legend maintains its enthusiasm and continues to work hard, they will definitely be able to bring more people's works and gain public recognition. Let's look forward to their new creations together!

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Readers and friends, what do you think of the new style presented by Phoenix Legend in the new song "Iron Suit"? What kind of innovative attempts should they continue to make in the future? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, and we will discuss it together!

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