
Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

author:Dry-fried small flower fish said entertainment

1. In 2021, the storm will rise again

In 2021, a year full of challenges and opportunities, it is undoubtedly an extremely important and historic moment for the popular group "Phoenix Legend" in Chinese mainland. This year, through their outstanding musical talent and outstanding performance, they successfully presented their masterpiece "Under the Sea" and the song "Mountains and Rivers" and other representative tracks in front of people's eyes, like a deafening punch, mercilessly awakening those listeners who have long turned a blind eye to their efforts.

For a long time, the mainstream music industry has held many controversies about the works of Phoenix Legend, and even criticized their music as "too popular" and "lacking artistic taste". However, in 2021, with their excellent singing skills and unique artistic interpretation, they effectively responded to all doubts, making more and more audiences begin to recognize and appreciate the unique artistic charm exuded by the Phoenix Legend.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

Whenever the young and energetic Linghua swayed her free and smooth singing voice on the stage, Zeng Yi captured every detail with keen insight and provided professional guidance for the choreography.

The two have a tacit understanding, and they can understand each other's intentions with just one look, and this dedication and love for the music industry make them closely connected and have a good heart.

Although they were once troubled by the doubts of the outside world, Phoenix Legend has always held on to its ideals and beliefs. They know very well that as long as they can touch people's hearts and sincerely express the joys, sorrows and sorrows in life, they will definitely be loved and appreciated by the majority of audiences.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

Their persistence proved to have paid off, and in 2021, they finally earned the accolade they deserved – the Phoenix Legend Crown.

2. In 2008, the Spring Festival Gala was staged

Rewind to 2008, which was undoubtedly an important milestone in the life of Phoenix Legend. After years of unremitting efforts, they finally realized their dream and successfully appeared on the stage of the most influential Spring Festival Gala in China, starting their new musical journey.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

The moment they stepped onto the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Zeng Yi's heart was full of endless excitement, he held Linghua's hands tightly, nodded vigorously, and his eyes were firm and full of confidence.

Linghua took a deep breath, and the corners of her mouth showed the smile she had always dreamed of, as if to tell the world, "We finally did it!" ”。

The lights gradually dimmed, and a bright moon slowly rose in the center of the stage, accompanied by a melodious prelude, Phoenix Legend with its unique musical style, affectionately told the touching story behind the song "Over the Moon".

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

On the stage, Linghua and Zeng Yi jointly presented a well-choreographed dance, delicate and graceful, swaying. Their eyes are intertwined, and every movement is full of strength, which vividly interprets the unique charm of the Chinese nation.

This unique performance completely conquered the audience, aroused warm applause from the audience, and countless people were impressed by this unexpected and wonderful performance.

Subsequently, the fast-paced "The Most Dazzling National Style" instantly ignited the atmosphere of the audience. The perfect combination of music and dance makes people feel as if they are in a passionate stage world and revel in it.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

The beautiful and moving melody is infused with strong national characteristics, and everyone can't help but dance to the rhythm.

At this moment, the Phoenix Legend finally ushered in its own glorious moment. With their tenacious and unyielding spirit, they overcame many difficulties and shined on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, winning high praise from the mainstream music industry with their strength.

Looking back on the past, we can see that Phoenix Legend experienced a magnificent and challenging entrepreneurial road before appearing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Back in 2003, Linghua took the initiative to invite the famous composer He Muyang with her love for the music career, expecting him to create a song as bright as a star for herself.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

He Muyang was moved by Linghua's sincere eyes, and in the process of listening to her share her music dream, a strong desire to create emerged in his heart. So, he agreed to this request without hesitation, determined to create a gripping masterpiece for Linghua.

In this way, a journey of music legends that has profoundly influenced the Chinese music scene quietly unfolds in an exciting atmosphere. Linghua quickly found a like-minded partner, Zeng Yi, and the two were full of hope, looking forward to moving forward hand in hand on the road of music and creating brilliance together.

"Let's work together to survive the storm!" Facing Zeng Yi's firm gaze, Linghua bowed slightly, and a spark of determination flashed in her eyes.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

At that time, the two were going all out and tirelessly fighting for it in a bustling and noisy dance hall in the south. In order to achieve the outstanding achievements of the music career, they have paid hardships and sweat like sweat.

Zeng Yi is fully immersed in choreographing dances and sketches, often needing to practice a movement hundreds of times to reach the perfect standard in his heart.

Linghua, on the other hand, devotes herself to the grinding of performing arts, carving every look and every breath in detail.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

Sweat soaked every inch of the land, and with perseverance, they carved the road to success step by step.

Time flies, time flies, and in a blink of an eye, 2004 has come. In this year full of passion and challenges, they bravely participated in the fierce competition of the "Youth Song Competition" with He Muyang's carefully created debut album "On the Moon".

However, unexpectedly, due to an unexpected shooting error, they missed the perfect opportunity to win the championship, and the loss and frustration in their hearts can be imagined.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

"You can't just give up!" Zeng Yi clenched his teeth, his clenched fists as if they were about to crush the air. Linghua also raised her head, her eyes burning with blazing fighting spirit. Although this defeat dealt them a heavy blow, they did not waver in their determination to pursue their dreams, but moved forward more firmly.

Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and in a blink of an eye, 2006 has been ushered in. This year, "On the Moon" was questioned for plagiarism, which undoubtedly set up many obstacles for the Phoenix Legend to succeed again.

The mainstream music industry scoffs at their work, even accusing them of being "worldly" and "of poor taste".

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

Doubts come and go, and the pressure from all sides can be imagined. Zeng Yi's face was pale, his clenched fists seemed to tear the air apart, and he wanted to punch those who maliciously criticized.

Although Linghua's face was calm, there was a trace of worry hidden in the depths of her eyes. However, in the face of difficulties, they did not back down, but strengthened their initial beliefs.

Fourth, work together to help each other through difficulties

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

In the face of many difficulties, Linghua and Zeng Yi chose to share weal and sorrow, support each other, and inspire each other with firm friendship and persistent dreams to tide over difficulties together.

The two talented young men were both fearless people from poor backgrounds, Zeng Yi came from a poor working-class family, and Linghua was a simple and unpretentious village girl.

However, they both have endless passion and persistent dreams for music burning in their hearts, and fortunately, they met unexpectedly and chose to work together to embark on this musical path full of challenges and opportunities.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

During this long journey, Zeng Yi, with his selfless dedication, stepped forward many times, borrowed funds from loan sharks, and took on the heavy responsibilities of life with his broad mind, doing his best to help Linghua through every difficulty.

As people often say, "adversity sees the truth", and at this special moment, this sincere emotion is fully reflected. Whenever Linghua was tired, Zeng Yi would always step forward, gently pat her on the shoulder, and gently encourage: "We are all children who came out of poverty, and we have experienced too many hardships, and we must not give up easily this time!" ”。

Once, a rare opportunity came, and the owner of Peacock Records enthusiastically extended an olive branch to Linghua, hoping to sign a contract with her personally. When Reika learned the news, her eyes flashed, and the dawn of her dream seemed to be just around the corner.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

However, to everyone's surprise, she firmly rejected the tempting offer.

Seeing that her career was about to take off, Linghua resolutely said that she would fight side by side with Zeng Yi to realize their ideals together. She said to Zeng Yi sincerely: "Without you, I will lose the most solid pillar and support."

You know better than anyone what we've been through the difficult years we've been through together."

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

Faced with Linghua's decision, Zeng Yi was deeply grateful. He understands Reika's intentions and understands her intentions, so he chooses to compromise and fully support and respect her choice.

In the end, the two of them gladly accepted the invitation of Peacock Records and joined hands to start the trend-setting "Phoenix Legend" journey.

Their mutual support and heart-to-heart connection are the keys to their future success. This profound revolutionary friendship will forever be engraved on their common artistic journey.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

Part 5: Stick to ideals and carry forward national customs

Despite the twists and turns of the road ahead, Phoenix Legend has always adhered to its ideals and beliefs, and is determined to inherit and promote the music culture of the Chinese nation. After joining Peacock Records, they originally planned to use "Cool Fire" as the group's name.

However, after careful consideration, this is the fruit of He Muyang's unique insight, and in the end, "Phoenix Legend" has become a wonderful name for this group of deep meaning combinations!

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

When He Muyang proposed to them to use the name "Phoenix Legend", Zeng Yi's heart suddenly ignited a firm belief that broke out of the cocoon.

Linghua was deeply touched by Zeng Yi's words, she nodded vigorously, straightened her spine, and the fighting spirit in her heart burned like a flame. Since then, the name "Legend of the Phoenix" has been infused with their dreams and aspirations, inspiring them to continue to move forward and reach the pinnacle of art.

With such a solid concept as the cornerstone, Phoenix Legend has created a series of classics that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, such as the soul-infiltrating "On the Moon" and the popular "The Most Dazzling National Style" and so on.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

They skillfully integrate China's unique and strong ethnic customs into concise and smooth tunes, so that the majority of listeners can appreciate the unique charm of music in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Whenever rehearsing "The Most Dazzling National Style", Zeng Yi is always fully engaged. He carefully pondered the rhythm of the tune, and strived to perfectly combine the strong ethnic style with modern musical elements.

Linghua, on the other hand, went all out to rehearse on stage, hoping to vividly interpret this passionate ethnic style through vivid body language.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

The two of them worked together seamlessly, and there were never any disagreements. Seeing Linghua refreshed and passionate on the stage, Zeng Yi always felt a strong sense of pride in his heart.

And whenever she hears the beautiful melody carefully choreographed by Zeng Yi, Linghua's heart will involuntarily be overwhelmed by emotion.

This tacit understanding is an important guarantee for Phoenix Legend to move forward steadily on the road of music. They have proved with practical actions that "national style" does not run counter to mainstream music, but can coexist harmoniously with current pop music and complement each other.

Back then, the Phoenix Legend, which was not recognized by the mainstream, has now successfully "slapped" them!

It is this perseverance, fearless courage and remarkable wisdom that has allowed them to break new ground in the mainstream music scene.

It is worth mentioning that "The Most Dazzling National Style", which came out in 2008, is undoubtedly an important milestone in the many classics of the Phoenix Legend. This song with a bright rhythm and beautiful tune vividly shows the passionate national customs, which reaches the hearts of the people and makes people cheer and dance.

This song spread like a prairie fire in various large park squares! Elders and children alike will be deeply touched by its uplifting rhythm and simple melody, and can't help but sway and dance to the beat.

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