
Steamed buns are not the "best choice" for breakfast? It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat more of these two things in the morning

author:Lao Zhang's medical science
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  • Today is a special day - the community has organized a free clinic activity, and Aunt Zhang plans to consult about the stomach pain that has bothered her recently.

    In front of Aunt Zhang is Lao Li, a retired driver with an open-minded personality. He was having a hot conversation with the doctor, and the topic turned out to be about breakfast. "Do you know, doctor?" Lao Li said triumphantly, "I always thought that steamed buns and fried dough sticks were the 'king of kings' for breakfast, but I didn't expect you doctors to look at it like that!"

    Steamed buns are not the "best choice" for breakfast? It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat more of these two things in the morning

    The doctor responded with a smile: "Lao Li, your point of view is really interesting, but listen to me explain it to you slowly." Aunt Zhang was also attracted by this topic, and she decided to listen carefully to what the doctor had to say.

    The doctor began his explanation: "Everyone knows that breakfast is essential for our body, it provides energy for our day's activities. But not all foods are suitable for breakfast. Although steamed buns and fried dough sticks are delicious, because of their high fat content and unbalanced nutrition, long-term consumption is not good for the health of middle-aged and elderly people. ”

    Steamed buns are not the "best choice" for breakfast? It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat more of these two things in the morning

    Lao Li looked surprised: "Then isn't my breakfast Xi for many years all wrong?"

    The doctor smiled and said, "According to research, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more high-fiber, low-fat foods for breakfast. Such as oats and fruits.

    Oats not only provide rich dietary fiber to aid digestion, but also stabilize blood sugar and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Fruits, on the other hand, provide a wealth of vitamins and minerals, which are beneficial for maintaining body functions. ”

    Steamed buns are not the "best choice" for breakfast? It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat more of these two things in the morning

    Lao Li listened with relish, and Aunt Zhang also nodded secretly. The doctor continued: "You may not know it, but in reality, the benefits of oats and fruits don't stop there.

    According to the latest research, these two foods can also help improve sleep quality, enhance memory, and even fight certain types of cancer. ”

    Everyone on the scene was fascinated by the doctor's words. Lao Li and Aunt Zhang also decided to change their breakfast Xi starting tomorrow. The doctor's words also spread in the community, and many residents began to re-examine their eating habits Xi.

    Steamed buns are not the "best choice" for breakfast? It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat more of these two things in the morning

    Here, a question may come to mind: we all know that healthy eating Xi habits are good for the body, but why do many people feel difficult and frustrated when changing their eating habits Xi

    This question does not seem to be directly related to what she has just learned about breakfast, but in fact, the reason behind it has a lot to do with people's psychology, Xi and social environment.

    The reason why it is difficult to change eating Xi habits is first of all because Xi habits themselves are a long-formed pattern of behavior that people often follow unconsciously.

    Second, unhealthy foods tend to be more convenient and appealing, which makes them harder to resist.

    Steamed buns are not the "best choice" for breakfast? It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat more of these two things in the morning

    In addition, people's dietary choices are often influenced by the surrounding environment and social culture, such as family Xi habits, circle of friends, etc., which can become barriers to changing dietary Xi habits.

    By understanding these reasons, we are better equipped to meet the challenges of changing our dietary Xi by gradually replacing unhealthy foods, finding alternatives to healthy foods, and creating supportive social environments to develop healthier eating Xi habits.

    In this way, we can truly enjoy the benefits of a healthy diet and live a healthier, happier life.

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    Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!