
Doctor: These four types of people should eat less, so it is recommended to understand them

author:Let's talk about popular science

Yam, known as "little ginseng", has the miraculous effect of strengthening the spleen and lungs, invigorating the stomach and kidneys, in Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is highly praised as a treasure that can "strengthen the spleen and nourish the kidneys, nourish and strengthen the kidneys, cure all diseases, and treat five labors and seven injuries".

Doctor: These four types of people should eat less, so it is recommended to understand them

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Eating yam often can not only enhance kidney qi, but also strengthen the spleen and stomach, and make people energetic. In the "Shennong's Materia Medica", yam is respected as the best product for deficiency, and its preciousness is self-evident.


Nutritional value of yams

Yam, as a traditional Chinese medicinal herb and ingredient, is deeply loved by people. Not only does it have a unique taste, but it is also rich in nutritional value and has a variety of benefits for human health. Here are a few important nutritional values of yams:

First of all, yam is rich in amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, which help strengthen the spleen and stomach, and aid digestion. For people who often feel stomach discomfort and indigestion, yam can effectively adjust gastrointestinal function and improve digestion.

Secondly, yam contains saponins and mucus, which have a special protective effect on the lungs and kidneys. In autumn, the climate is dry, and the lungs are susceptible to damage, and yam is a good food for the lungs. At the same time, it also moisturizes the kidneys and is good for kidney health.

Doctor: These four types of people should eat less, so it is recommended to understand them

In addition, yam contains a lot of protein, vitamins and trace elements, such as calcium, iron, zinc, etc. These nutrients play a key role in the growth and development of the body, the improvement of immunity, etc. Especially for growing children and the elderly with weak constitutions, yam is an ideal tonic.

Finally, yam is also rich in dietary fiber, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation. For modern people, yam is a healthy low-calorie, high-nutrient food choice.


Doctor: These four types of people should eat less, so it is recommended to understand them

Yam is a nutritious ingredient that contains a variety of vitamins and minerals and has many benefits for human health. However, as with any food, there are caveats to eating yams. Doctors remind that the following four people should eat less yams.

Doctor: These four types of people should eat less, so it is recommended to understand them

Diabetics: Yams are high in starch and can cause blood sugar to rise if consumed in excess. Diabetics should consume it in moderation so as not to affect blood sugar control.

**People with indigestion**: Yam is high in starch and fiber, and for people with indigestion, excessive intake will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and cause discomfort.

**People who are allergic to yams**: Some people may be allergic to some ingredients in yams, and symptoms such as itching, redness and swelling of the skin will occur after eating. People who are allergic to yam should avoid it.

**People who are taking certain medications**: Some ingredients in yam may react with medications, affecting the absorption and effectiveness of medicines, people who are taking certain medications should consult their doctors to avoid adverse reactions.


Yam's "good partner"

Doctor: These four types of people should eat less, so it is recommended to understand them

Yam with goji berries

It can play a role in nourishing the liver and kidneys. Both yam and wolfberry have the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidney, and have a good effect on improving symptoms such as kidney deficiency and soreness in the waist and knees. At the same time, goji berries also contain a variety of nutrients, such as vitamin C, β-carotene, etc., which help to improve the body's immunity.

Yam with red dates

It can play a role in nourishing blood and beauty. Yam contains a variety of amino acids and trace elements that help to replenish the blood, while jujube is rich in vitamin C and iron, which help to promote blood circulation. When consumed together, the two can improve symptoms such as lack of qi and blood, pale complexion, and make the skin more rosy and shiny.

Yams and walnuts

It can play a role in nootropic and brain health. Yams contain ingredients such as amylase and polyphenol oxidase, which help promote digestive function, while walnuts are rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, and other components that help improve memory. When the two are eaten together, they can promote brain development and improve intelligence.

Doctor: These four types of people should eat less, so it is recommended to understand them

Yam with eggs

It can play a role in moisturizing yin and dryness. Yam is rich in mucus and protein, which helps to moisturize the lungs, while eggs contain a variety of nutrients, such as lecithin, vitamin B complex, etc., which help to improve immunity.


Yams should not be eaten with any food

Yam is a nutritious ingredient, but you need to pay attention to the combination during use to avoid chemical reactions with certain foods or affect nutrient absorption. Here are a few foods that should not be eaten with yams:

Carp: Yams and carp are prone to chemical reactions that produce substances that are difficult to digest and affect nutrient absorption.

Pork liver: Eating yam and pork liver together will reduce the nutritional value because the two are prone to chemical reactions that affect absorption.

Bananas: Eating yam and bananas together can easily cause bloating, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms, because the two are prone to chemical reactions that affect digestion.

Doctor: These four types of people should eat less, so it is recommended to understand them

Mung beans: Eating yam and mung beans together is prone to chemical reactions, which affects nutrient absorption.

Gansui: Yam and Gansui are easy to have a chemical reaction when eaten together, which affects the efficacy of the medicine.

In addition to the above foods, there are many other foods that should not be eaten with yams, so it is recommended to consult relevant information or consult a medical professional before consumption. At the same time, it should be noted that although some foods should not be eaten with yams, it does not mean that they cannot be eaten together, and moderate consumption may not cause health effects. Therefore, when choosing food, we should pay attention to diversity and appropriate combination to ensure the balanced absorption of nutrients.


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