
The "best blood pressure value" for Chinese people is released: if the blood pressure is controlled at this number, the risk of death is greatly reduced

author:Family Doctor Famous Doctor Online

Mr. Lin was diagnosed with hypertension two years ago, and since then, in order to control his condition, he has fallen in love with sports, insisting on going to the gym every day, with medication, and his blood pressure has been kept below 140/90 mm Hg.

A few days ago, Mr. Lin came home after a workout but suddenly felt numb on one side of his body, unable to control his hands and feet, and went to the hospital to check for cerebral infarction. Fortunately, it was detected in time, and after treatment, Mr. Lin was fine.

But this experience made Mr. Lin very puzzled, how could a cerebral infarction occur even though his blood pressure had been controlled within a reasonable range?

In mainland China, the reduction of systolic blood pressure (high pressure) to <140 mm Hg is regarded as the standard antihypertensive treatment, and it is good for hypertensive patients to control their blood pressure below 140 mm Hg, but this does not mean that "everything is fine". For example, a new study recently mentioned that it may be better for blood pressure to drop to this level!

The "best blood pressure value" for Chinese people is released: if the blood pressure is controlled at this number, the risk of death is greatly reduced

The "best blood pressure value" for Chinese people was released

Recently, at the 2023 annual scientific meeting held by the American Heart Association (AHA), the results of a large-scale randomized clinical trial led by Professor Li Jing from Fuwai Hospital of the Continental Academy of Medical Sciences and other experts were officially released.

The study found that for people with high blood pressure, intensive blood pressure lowering to <120 mm Hg reduced the risk of adverse cardiovascular events, 39% of the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, and 21% of all-cause mortality compared with the standard blood pressure reduction of systolic blood pressure (hypertension) to <140 mm Hg.

This means that the previous standard < 140 mm Hg was not the safest value, and that controlling blood pressure to < 120 mm Hg is better.

Can't control your blood pressure? Try these blood pressure tips

In life, many patients with hypertension may face problems such as high or obvious fluctuations in blood pressure and poor control. At this time, in addition to standardizing medication, you may wish to do the following two things:

1. Try a blood pressure lower recipe

Diet is known to have an impact on blood pressure levels. The program "I Am a Great Doctor" once shared a heart-healthy diet recipe designed for Chinese people, and volunteers who applied this healthy diet reduced their systolic blood pressure by about 10mmHg in 4 weeks. Patients with high blood pressure may wish to adjust their daily diet by referring to:

Breakfast: 300ml milk + 1 egg + 1 slice of whole wheat bread + 1 handful of nuts + 1 fruit;

Lunch: 2 taels of lean meat (1 tael of red meat and 1 tael of white meat) + about half a catty of vegetables + 1 tael of staple food (rice) + 1 tael of coarse grains;

Dinner: 2 taels of seafood + about half a catty of vegetables + 2 taels of bean products + 1 tael of staple food/whole grains.

The "best blood pressure value" for Chinese people is released: if the blood pressure is controlled at this number, the risk of death is greatly reduced

2. Actively carry out isometric exercises

The authoritative journal "British Sports Medicine" has published a meta-study, a detailed analysis of 270 related trials published between 1990 and 2023, researchers by comparing common exercises found that isometric exercise has the best effect on lowering blood pressure.

It is also known as isometric muscle contraction, which is a form of exercise that involves only the static contraction of muscle groups without changing the angle of the joint. Common isometric exercises include squatting against a wall, planks, etc.


It is indeed very important to control blood pressure within a reasonable range, as high blood pressure is a major risk factor for many health problems such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, etc. And in order to know the true condition and ensure that the blood pressure is within a healthy range, we also need to know the correct way to measure blood pressure.

1. Choose the right blood pressure monitor

At present, there are several types of blood pressure monitors commonly used in the family: wrist, upper arm and finger. Since the brachial artery is closer to the heart and the results are more stable, it is recommended that you choose an upper arm blood pressure monitor.

2. Pay attention to the measurement posture

When measuring blood pressure in a seated position, the whole body should be relaxed, with your feet flat on the floor, your back resting on a chair, and your arms on the table at the same level as your heart. In addition, pay attention to the position of the cuff, the lower edge of the cuff should be tied about two horizontally above the elbow socket when measuring, and it should not be too loose or too tight.

The "best blood pressure value" for Chinese people is released: if the blood pressure is controlled at this number, the risk of death is greatly reduced

3. Achieve four "certain"

People's blood pressure values will continue to fluctuate throughout the day, and it is recommended that people who want to monitor their blood pressure for a long time should achieve four "certainty":

Instrument. Try to use the same blood pressure monitor for measurement, and it is not advisable to change the instrument frequently.

Positioning. Different measurement positions can affect the results, and it is recommended to maintain the same position for each measurement, such as sitting or lying down.

Set the arm. In general, there will be a difference in blood pressure between the left and right hands, and it is recommended to choose the same hand for measurement as much as possible.

Set a time. It is recommended that the measurement time be as consistent as possible from day to day.

In conclusion, proper measurement of blood pressure is essential for the assessment of the condition of hypertension, and patients should follow the correct method of measurement and recording. If you have any doubts or uncertainties, you should consult your doctor promptly.