
It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

author:Yiyun Literary Society

One autumn day in 1948, a girl named Li Jing was born in Hong Kong, the Pearl of the Orient. The parents who raised Li Jing were ordinary middle-class people, and although they lived in poverty, they tried their best to provide Li Jing with the best educational resources.

Since he was a child, Li Jing has shown a strong artistic talent, especially interested in acting. Whenever he came home from school, Li Jing would entertain himself, imitating well-known actors on the radio, and treating his room as a big stage.

Li Jing's parents saw it and slowly supported her pursuit of performing arts.

At the age of 17, Li Jing secretly signed up for an actor audition event held by Shaw Brothers Film Company. With her charming appearance and outstanding acting talent, she successfully passed the selection and joined the Shaw Brothers.

Li Jing understands that this is the opportunity given to her by God, and she must work hard to shine and prove herself with strength. During her time at Shaw Brothers, Li Jing devoted herself to every opportunity to perform, and finally, her increasingly mature acting skills were favored by the director and were selected as the heroine of the movie "Fish Beauty".

It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

The film was a huge success upon release, and Li Jing's superb acting skills also received unanimous praise from the audience and critics. In the end, Li Jing, who was only 17 years old, won the Asian actress with this film, becoming the youngest actress in Asian history.

This undoubtedly opened the door to a higher peak for Li Jing.

Since "Fish Beauty", Li Jing's acting career has reached its peak. With her excellent acting skills and moving appearance, she quickly became the darling of the screen at that time. Li Jing continues to take on dramas, all of which can move people's hearts.

The audience gave her the reputation of "Doll Queen". In her 20s, Li Jing had already bought a luxury house in Hong Kong, where every inch of land was expensive, and bought rare treasures. She became one of the brightest movie stars in Hong Kong and even in Asia.

It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

For Li Jing, who has dreamed of appearing on the big screen since she was a child, it all came from heaven, and she felt that she had found the love of her life and achieved great success in it.

However, the good times were short-lived. Just when Li Jing's career was at its peak and her life was rich, her boyfriend, who had been in love for many years, suddenly died of a heart attack. This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Li Jing.

She couldn't believe that the person she loved the most left her like this, which brought a huge blow to Li Jing's spirit and life.

Li Jing fell into deep grief and closed herself all day, isolated from the outside world. She no longer had the heart to devote herself to work, and gradually faded out of the camera. And the entertainment industry will not stop because of anyone's departure, new youth idols emerge in an endless stream, and Li Jing's position is also replaced by newcomers.

It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

When Li Jing wanted to make a comeback, she found that the general trend had gone, she was already outdated, and she could never return to her former glory.

At this time, Li Jing, who was in her 30s, was very fragile and sensitive. The trauma of losing her lover and the blow to her career made her extremely insecure. Li Jing felt as if she had nothing, and she didn't know how to move on.

The roaring inner desire to be loved and recognized, but the reality is merciless. Li Jing stayed alone in the dimly lit room all day, thinking about everything she had had. Sometimes she was heartbroken, sometimes she complained.

Li Jing didn't understand how these changes came about, and she didn't know how to regain herself. She could only let those beautiful memories torment herself repeatedly, unable to extricate herself.

It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

At this time, Li Jing was at a low point in her life. She wants to get back on her feet, but the road is lost; She longed for a fresh start, but she couldn't do it. Living in this bustling city, Li Jing feels that she has never been so lonely.

She had to get out of it all, but it seemed to hold her so tightly that she couldn't breathe. Li Jing understands that the next days are not destined to be easy, and she must make major changes before she can find herself again.

After experiencing the double blow of career and relationship, Li Jing's heart is tormented, and she desperately wants to find an outlet to vent. Under the recommendation of a friend, Li Jing walked into the casino and began to try gambling.

At the beginning, Li Jing just gambled a few hands with the mentality of playing tickets, in order to recognize the psychological needs. Gradually, however, gambling became the focus of her life. Li Jing found that gambling can bring her excitement and pleasure, and forget the pain of reality for a while.

It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

So she fell deeper and deeper, and the stakes became higher and higher.

At first, Li Jing was able to rely on her rich savings to cope with the gambling money. But gambling was a bottomless pit, and she soon lost a mess. Even so, Li Jing still couldn't extricate herself, she sold the luxury villa and sold the rare car, but she still lost all her belongings.

At this time, Li Jing had no way out, and in order to raise gambling funds, she could only choose to take on some controversial films. This dealt a heavy blow to Li Jing's reputation, and she fell from the proud daughter of the sky to the "queen of the air" in the mouth of the public.

Gambling not only made Li Jing lose her wealth, but also completely destroyed her willpower. It became the devil who controlled her, and she couldn't get rid of the torture of gambling addiction. Even if she was penniless, Li Jing still had to find ways to borrow money to play cards.

It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

She knew that she would ruin herself if she continued like this, but she couldn't quit this habit. Li Jing gradually became numb and indifferent, she felt that she had nothing left but gambling to bring her a moment of happiness.

Embarking on the wrong path of gambling became a turning point in Li Jing's life. It accelerated her process from the top to the bottom, and also made Li Jing lose the possibility of regaining herself. She was once so bright, but now she wanders in ruins.

Li Jing knew that she was still young and had a chance to start again. But the gambler seems to have hollowed out her soul long ago and made her lose her fighting spirit. Gambling became her last spiritual sustenance, the only light in her darkest moments, even if it was so illusory and devastating.

After experiencing the double blow of relationship and career, Li Jing's life entered her old age. She lives alone in a modest rented house in Hong Kong, with little contact with her neighbours and no relatives.

It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

One day in February 2018, 70-year-old Li Jing died of illness in a rental house. However, because there was no one to take care of her, no one knew about Li Jing's death.

It wasn't until a few days later, when neighbors smelled the stench of decay coming from the house, that they realized that Li Jing might have died. So they called the police urgently, and the police broke down the door and found that Li Jing's body had begun to decompose.

It turned out that Li Jing had passed away in loneliness for several days. After investigation, the police deduced that she was terminally ill and died of illness. Without relatives or friends, Li Jing's body could only lie alone in the cold room, slowly decaying with the passage of time.

At Li Jing's funeral, only a few old friends and juniors Li Qingxia came to mourn and send her off for the last time. Her relatives when she was alive refused to attend. Once a prosperous and lively life, it ended in extreme loneliness.

It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

There is no one who loves her, see her off; Those who did not kiss her, mourned for her. Li Jing left this world silently, like a wisp of smoke, dissipating in the long night.

For Li Jing, the days of her later years were so lonely and bleak. She tried to regain herself, but she never succeeded; She longs to get back to the top, but ends up hovering at the bottom of the dark valley.

The glory of the past is gone, and now she has nothing, only full of loneliness and desolation. Did Li Jing ever miss her youth? Did she ever regret taking those wrong paths? We don't know.

Her lonely death seems to remind us to grasp the bits and pieces of life in time, because the ending will not always be as we wish.

It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

Li Jing's life experience has brought us many cautionary implications.

First of all, to become famous at a young age, you must learn to manage yourself well and not get carried away by fame and fortune. Li Jing became an actress at the age of 17, which is a huge shock to a young girl's mind.

We must remain rational and never forget our hearts even if we stand on the peak.

Secondly, in the face of the storms of life, we must have a constant attitude and strive to find positive meaning. Li Jing first suffered a setback in her career, and then suffered a traumatic relationship, these two blows made her psychological defense collapse.

It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

We must believe that there must be a positive meaning behind adversity, and turn pain into motivation for growth.

In addition, it is important to maintain the interpersonal relationships around you. Li Jing died alone in her later years because she was cut off from her family and friends along the way. We must learn to cherish the people around us, and the more warmth, the less loneliness.

Finally, don't go astray and be your most authentic self. Li Jing embarked on gambling, not only losing her family property, but also losing her dignity. We need to choose an active and healthy lifestyle, rise to the challenge and live our own lives.

Li Jing's story tells us that fame does not equal happiness. We must maintain our original intention and strive to keep the truth; Be grateful for every day of your life and cherish the people around you; We must learn to feel the warmth in pain and meet the storms of life.

It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

As long as you keep mindfulness and continue to find the meaning of life, there will definitely be a turning point and live a sunny life.

Li Jing's life was full of ups and downs, and finally ended in tragedy, which is really embarrassing. However, we should not be influenced by the final difficulties of her life, but learn Xi from the spirit of her youth.

Li Jing became the youngest actress in Asia at the age of 17, and this tribute and creativity should be remembered and Xi. Every industry needs talented creators who are ahead of their time.

We must remember Li Jing's self-confidence and courage when she was young and continue to forge ahead.

It turned out that she had been dead for five years, and she thought she had retired, but she didn't expect that she was violently killed, and no one cared about the corpse at home

On the other hand, her experience also reminds us that fame does not mean smooth sailing. We need to be humble and not lose our heart because of temporary success. In the face of difficulties in life, we must keep our original intention and maintain positive energy.

There are no ifs in life, but there is always new hope. I believe that in the future, there will be more excellent filmmakers who will show the beauty of the world from a new perspective.

At that time, we will remember Li Jing's life with a more tolerant attitude. Her story will warm and inspire more filmmakers to keep going.