
"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy

author:I'm the best


In the chapter of ancient Chinese history, there is a young and handsome general, "Champion Hou" Huo Quai, who died unexpectedly at the age of 23 when he was in his prime.

The early death of this young hero makes people wonder whether the situation in the court at that time was hiding clues of conspiracy. This is a gripping historical mystery, and whether there is a deeper conspiracy and conspiracy about the death of the champion Hou has become a difficult mystery in the long river of history.

"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy

1. Born with both parents dead and raised by his aunt

Huo Quzhi was born in a not noble family, his biological father Huo Zhongru was a slave in the Pingyang Hou Mansion, and his biological mother Wei Shao'er was a maid. However, unfortunately, when Huo Quzhi was 8 years old, his biological mother died of illness; His biological father also ignored him, completely failed to fulfill his father's responsibilities, and then returned to his hometown to marry someone else, giving birth to Huo Guang, who later became the most powerful minister of the Han Dynasty.

Xiao Huo became a typical illegitimate child, and lost his mother's love and father's love overnight. It was a devastating blow to him at a young age. Fortunately, his aunt Wei Zifu adopted him, which saved him from the tragic fate of living on the streets.

"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy

Wei Zifu was the empress of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty at that time, she loved this nephew very much, and did all the responsibilities of an adoptive mother, so that Huo Quzhi felt the warmth of maternal love, which also achieved the only consolation of his orphaned childhood.

Under the careful care of Wei Zifu, Huo Quzhi gradually grew up and showed extraordinary martial talent. He has a tough personality and works hard, and due to the painful memories of the lack of parental love, he is even more eager to prove himself. All this laid the foundation for him to embark on the road of a soldier and defend his territory for the country in the future.

"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy

Second, at the age of 17, he joined the army and made meritorious contributions and became famous in one fell swoop

In the sixth year of Yuan Shuo, 17-year-old Huo Qubing followed his uncle Wei Qing to fight against the Xiongnu. This was his first time on the battlefield, and despite his young military age, Huo Quzhi had already shown amazing military talent. In that year, the northern Xiongnu harassed the border more frequently. Wei Qing was ordered by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to lead a large army to the north to attack the Xiongnu to relieve the border troubles of the Han Dynasty. The young Huo Qubing also enthusiastically joined the expeditionary force, bent on making meritorious contributions to the country.

A Han army marched to the north of Dingxiang City and encountered 50,000 cavalry under the command of King Zuoxian of the Xiongnu. The two armies quickly fell into a fierce battle, and the situation was stalemate. Just as Wei Qing was fighting hard, Huo Qubing took the initiative to ask for help, asking to lead a hundred cavalry to attack the rear of the Hun army. Wei Qing saw the warm and determined look in his nephew's eyes, and did not hesitate to grant his request. So, 17-year-old Huo Qubing led more than 100 cavalry alone and went around to the rear of the Hun army.

"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy

The Huns did not expect that there would be Han troops from behind. By the time they reacted, Huo Qubing had already entered the commander's camp. I saw him holding Fang Tian's halberd, non-stop, invincible. The Hun army was in chaos, and the commander was besieged. It was with the help of the attack of the hundred cavalry that Wei Qing finally found an opportunity to break the enemy. The Han army counterattacked, annihilating the Xiongnu army with more than 70,000 people and capturing countless prisoners.

In this battle, Huo Qubing shined even more. He fought a fierce battle with important members of the Shan Yu family in the rear of the enemy army, and finally killed Shan Yu's grandfather, Ji Ruo, and captured Shan Yu's uncle Luo Gubi alive.

"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy

When the news reached the court, it shocked Chang'an, the capital of the Five Emperors, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was full of praise for the 17-year-old young general. Despite his humble background, his ability and courage are comparable to those of the children of the family. Considering Huo Quzhi's unlimited potential, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made an exception to title him as "Champion Hou", regardless of his background.

It can be said that it is a succession and a fight to become famous. Since then, Huo Quai's prestige has resounded in the army, and even the enemies in the northern battlefield have been terrified. He was like a dazzling new star, suddenly rising in the sky of the Han military realm.

"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy

3. At the age of 19, he led the army deep and opened the Western Regions for the Han Dynasty

Two years later, in the second year of Yuanzhen, the 19-year-old Huo Qubing was promoted to hussar general, leading 50,000 cavalry and 100,000 infantry, preparing to capture the Xiongnu king alive. It was the largest number of troops he commanded and the most arduous expedition.

The significance of this expedition to the west is not trivial, as it will open the gateway to the Western Regions for the Han army. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had the grand goal of opening up land in the Western Regions, but the Xiongnu were stuck in the middle of the way, seriously hindering this plan. If this battle is won, it will make the Xiongnu retreat, thus opening the way to the Western Regions.

Before the expedition, the young Huo Qubing once again asked Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to personally lead the expeditionary force. At first, Emperor Wu of Han had doubts, but under Huo Quzhi's repeated assurances, he still approved his bold request. After all, this young general has already proven himself with his strength, and Emperor Wu of Han also seems to want to give him more room to show.

On 6 May, the hussar general Huo Qubing left Chang'an with an army of 150,000 and officially began this major expedition to the Western Regions. Traveling to Dunhuang, the Han army encountered more than 30,000 cavalry led by the left minister of the Xiongnu to intercept it.

In the face of the interception of the enemy's main force, the Han army was not afraid. Under the command of Huo Quai, the Han army defeated the Xiongnu army in a battle against the tide and beheaded more than 1,000 ranks. Since then, Dunhuang has been captured in one fell swoop, laying a base for the expedition to the Western Regions.

Since then, Huo Qubing has gone deep into the hinterland of the Western Regions and won successive battles. A fierce battle was launched in the Hexi region, and finally captured more than 100 people such as the five Hun kings and the queen mother and Shan Yuyan. This battle annihilated the main force of the Xiongnu in one fell swoop, providing an opportunity for the Han army to seize the Hexi region.

"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy

Not long after, with this exploit, the Han army completely incorporated the Hexi region into its territory. The Silk Road also linked the Han Dynasty with the countries of the Western Regions, opening up the Western Regions for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. From then on, the Han army began to gain a firm foothold in the Western Regions and gained a base for further development.

When the news of the victory reached Chang'an, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was full of emotion again. This junior from a humble background has now fought his way out of the battlefield and is famous. Today's Huo Qubing has grown into a generation of famous generals!

"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy

Fourth, at the age of 23, he was as famous as his uncle, and was suspicious of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Huo Quzhi is 23 years old. In the fourth year of Yuanzhen, he and Wei Qing were both named the Great Sima, and for a time, the two uncles and nephews had no two forces in the court, and it can be said that they supported each other and were overwhelming.

At the same time, Li Guang's defeat in the Battle of Mobei led him to commit suicide; As a result, the power of the Li family is declining day by day. This made the Wei Huo family in an absolutely dominant position in the court, and even had some domineering meanings, which attracted faint disgust.

"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy

What made Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty even more displeased was that Huo Qubing took advantage of the victory to pursue and demanded that his three sons be crowned kings to further consolidate his power. This undoubtedly touched the most sensitive nerves of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, because it meant that the imperial power was offended and threatened to a certain extent.

At first, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was reluctant to approve this request, but under the pressure of Huo Quzhi's family and public opinion, he still had to give in and agree. This move undoubtedly made Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who had absolute power, feel a little jealous and wary. So the question is, will there be an irreconcilable contradiction between the imperial power and these two increasingly powerful families?

"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy


Just when Huo Qu was at the height of his illness and his power, one day in the sixth year of Yuan Hunt, an earth-shattering news came from Chang'an City--Hou Huoqu, the Great Sima Champion, fell ill! The speed of this news was comparable to that of dandelion seeds floating in all directions of Chang'an City. That night, all the officials of the court and China, including Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, gathered in Huofu to express their condolences. However, it turned out that Huo Quzhi's condition was more serious than everyone imagined.

Famous doctors gathered in the city, using a variety of the most advanced medical methods at the time. But it didn't work, and in the early morning of the third day of his illness, the 23-year-old Han God of War died. Everyone present was speechless by the shock of this sudden change.

"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy

Especially Wei Qing, who witnessed the death of his nephew, and Emperor Wu of Han, who was the most trusted by this fierce general during his lifetime, his mood at that moment was beyond words. After all, it still can't be recovered, God is jealous of talents!

Huo Quai's sudden death plunged the entire Chang'an City into a state of mourning, and countless citizens spontaneously came to mourn, and the scene was unprecedentedly spectacular and mournful. This god of war-level general, his name has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of countless Han people.

On the other hand, the mystery of the cause of death also arises. In fact, many officials and think tanks in the DPRK and China have long secretly speculated that this is very likely to be a conspiracy of the emperor. Considering the threat to imperial power, this is not a small possibility. But after all, there is no definite evidence, and the untimely death itself is full of incredible, so the cause of death is still a mystery, and it continues to plague the curiosity of countless descendants.

"Champion Hou" Huo Qubing died at the age of 23, looking at the situation of the court at that time, it may not be a hidden conspiracy

Sixth, the legend of a lifetime is strange, and the glory will last forever after death

After the death of a hero, his legacy and deeds will forever be engraved in the hearts of future generations. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was also very saddened by the death of this confidant general, and although there were rumors doubting what he had done, as a Ming monarch, he still strongly commended Huo Quai's lifelong achievements.

Huo Qubing received the highest level of praise and burial rites from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He was buried in the Maoling Tomb in the northwest suburbs of Chang'an City in the Han Dynasty, adjacent to the mausoleums of many powerful families at that time, which shows the courtesy of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to him.

and posthumously awarded him the Marquis of Jinghuan in recognition of his contributions to the Han Dynasty. This is the first Jinghou established by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, which shows that its status is not trivial. From now on, this is also a kind of compensation for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to this henchman.


In addition, records of Huo Qu's exploits can also be seen everywhere. For example, in his famous work "Historical Records", Sima Qian devoted a lot of space to describing and praising Huo Quzhi, and his tone was quite regretful and reverent. This will undoubtedly make the deeds of this young famous general famous for centuries and inspire future generations, which is exactly what Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty expected.

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