
Kang Youwei has been in exile for 16 years, living in extreme luxury, where did he get his huge fortune?

author:Shibamichi Chikan

For political reasons, Kang Youwei lived in exile for 16 years, living in more than 10 countries and traveling on five continents. At the beginning of his exile, Kang Youwei was still full of enthusiasm for the Restoration. However, when he went abroad, he had to make a living by writing memoirs and giving speeches at various overseas Chinese groups and charities.

Kang Youwei has been in exile for 16 years, living in extreme luxury, where did he get his huge fortune?

Due to the continuous running, Kang Youwei had no time to take care of other things, the family's property was emptied by the housekeeper, and the box of calligraphy and paintings he carried out of the country was also lost. Kang Youwei can only make a living by selling literature. He successively wrote books such as "The Legend of the Wuxu Reform", "Kang Nanhai's Self-Chronicle", and "Japan's Meiji Reform Law Examination", and soon received a lot of manuscript fees. In addition, Kang Youwei also gave speeches overseas to promote his ideas and political ideas. The name of "Kang Nanhai" is well known among overseas Chinese. Many patriotic overseas Chinese highly respected Kang Youwei, the advocate of the "Wuxu Reform."

Kang Youwei has been in exile for 16 years, living in extreme luxury, where did he get his huge fortune?

Relying on the good relationship with patriotic overseas Chinese groups, Kang Youwei raised a lot of funds and started an investment business overseas. These funds were invested by Kang Youwei in many fields such as hotels, real estate, and stocks, and made a lot of profits. During his stay in Mexico, Kang Youwei became acquainted with a local tycoon, Jose Maria González, an overseas Chinese businessman. When José learned of Kang Youwei's plight, he generously donated 100,000 silver dollars to him. The money allowed Kang to spend several years in Mexico. With money and wealth, Kang Youwei's life soon got better. He bought some high-end real estate and expensive furniture one after another, and indulged in feasting and drinking pleasures all day long. During his exile, he not only did not eat chaff vegetables, but lived a life of fine clothes and food.

Kang Youwei has been in exile for 16 years, living in extreme luxury, where did he get his huge fortune?

In Canada, Kang Youwei even bought a small island and renamed it "Kang Youwei Island". He built a Chinese-style garden on the island, called himself "Hokkaido Fisherman", and led a group of students to grow vegetables in the garden and worship Confucius. During this period, Kang Youwei continued to receive heavy sponsorship from domestic supporters. In the intermittent ten years, Kang Youwei has received a total of 4 million silver dollars. Kang Youwei used these funds to invest and set up factories overseas, and set foot in many industries such as mining, real estate, stocks, and catering. The result, of course, is also a lot of money.

Kang Youwei has been in exile for 16 years, living in extreme luxury, where did he get his huge fortune?

Kang Youwei is a well-known politician and reformer in modern Chinese history, and the Wuxu Reform Law he advocated has had a profound impact on the course of Chinese history. However, due to political reasons, Kang Youwei was forced to embark on his 16-year exile. At the beginning of his exile, Kang Youwei was still enthusiastic about the Restoration, but when he went abroad, he had to write memoirs and give speeches to various overseas Chinese groups and charities to get by.

Kang Youwei has been in exile for 16 years, living in extreme luxury, where did he get his huge fortune?

In the process of exile, Kang Youwei sometimes faced dangers and difficulties. Once, while giving a speech in San Francisco, he was attacked by the opposition, but fortunately he was not harmed. Despite the hardships of life, Kang Youwei did not give up his beliefs and ideals, and he continued to write articles and books to promote his ideas and political ideas. His works such as "The Records of the Wuxu Reform", "Kang Nanhai's Self-Compiled Chronicles", and "Japan's Meiji Reform Law Examination" have become important documents in modern Chinese history, and people have a deeper understanding and respect for his thoughts and reform spirit.

Kang Youwei has been in exile for 16 years, living in extreme luxury, where did he get his huge fortune?

In addition to writing and publicity, Kang Youwei also used his influence and connections to raise a lot of money and start an investment business overseas. These funds were invested by Kang Youwei in many fields such as hotels, real estate, and stocks, and made a lot of profits. These investments not only provided Kang Youwei with his living needs, but also allowed him to better demonstrate his talents and abilities. Under his guidance, overseas Chinese have gradually participated in China's reform and modernization, and have made positive contributions to the rejuvenation of the country and the nation.

Kang Youwei has been in exile for 16 years, living in extreme luxury, where did he get his huge fortune?

After 16 years in exile, Kang Youwei finally got the chance to return to China. After returning to China, he continued to devote himself to promoting the modernization and reform of the country, and he put forward many constructive proposals and suggestions, making important contributions to China's development and progress.

Kang Youwei has been in exile for 16 years, living in extreme luxury, where did he get his huge fortune?

In the years since he returned to China, Kang Youwei has been committed to promoting the modernization and reform of the country. He put forward many constructive initiatives and proposals, including abolishing the imperial examination system, establishing a modern education system, reforming the political system, and so on. His ideas and initiatives have attracted people's attention and support, and he has become an outstanding figure in China's modern history.

Kang Youwei has been in exile for 16 years, living in extreme luxury, where did he get his huge fortune?

However, Kang Youwei's reform ideas and practices have not been fully implemented and implemented. He lived at a time when China was politically turbulent, warlords were divided, and the country was in a state of extreme poverty and backwardness. Despite his tremendous efforts, his reform thinking and practice still faced great difficulties and challenges.

Although Kang Youwei's reform ideas have not been fully implemented and implemented, his ideas and spirit have had a profound impact on the development of modern Chinese history. His ideas and spirit have become an important cultural heritage of China's modernization and reform, and have also provided valuable inspiration and reference for future generations.

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