
Curry's state is worrying! The reason is exposed, the rookie may become an obstacle, and the Warriors face the Mavericks! 521

Curry's state is worrying!The reason is exposed, the rookie may become an obstacle, the Warriors face the Mavericks!Warriors news: The reason for Curry's abnormality is exposed, the rookie may repeat the mistakes of the past, and the Mavericks will play

Curry's state is worrying! The reason is exposed, the rookie may become an obstacle, and the Warriors face the Mavericks!

Description: Golden State Warriors superstar Curry has been in a slump of form lately, drawing the attention of fans and pundits alike. It is reported that the reason for Curry's aberration has finally surfaced! It also raises concerns about whether the rookie can fill his vacancy, and the Warriors are about to face the strong Dallas Mavericks, can they find victory in this crucial game?

Curry's state is worrying! The reason is exposed, the rookie may become an obstacle, and the Warriors face the Mavericks!

Curry's state is worrying!

The Golden State Warriors' number one star, three-point shooter Curry, has been a surprise lately. His shooting percentage has dropped significantly in the last few games, and he has completely lost his former touch and dominance. Why Curry has been out of tune during the season has been the focus of fans.

Curry's state is worrying! The reason is exposed, the rookie may become an obstacle, and the Warriors face the Mavericks!

According to reliable sources, Curry's aberration was not an accident, but was the result of a long period of overuse. As a core player for the Warriors, Curry has to carry a huge offensive load almost every game, which causes his body to start to fatigue and discomfort. At the same time, the strengthening of the opponent's defense also made it more difficult for him on the field.

Rookie or obstruction, who will fill Curry's vacancy?

Curry's state is worrying! The reason is exposed, the rookie may become an obstacle, and the Warriors face the Mavericks!

Curry's decline in form has not only affected the Warriors' overall strength, but also raised concerns about the team's future. As the leader and soul of the Warriors, Curry's departure will undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on the team.

Naturally, fans' eyes turned to the Warriors' rookies. However, the truth is that these young players are not entirely ready to take on such an important role. They don't yet have enough experience and maturity to have a hard time filling the void left by Curry in a short period of time.

Faced with this dilemma, the Warriors had to deal with it in other ways. Possible solutions include redistributing offensive responsibilities within the team, relying on the individual abilities of other players to fill Curry's voids, and adjusting the team's tactics accordingly.

Can the Warriors get back the victory against the Mavericks?

Just as the Warriors are in Curry's slump, they are about to face a strong Dallas Mavericks. This game is of great significance for the Warriors, not only in terms of record, but also a test of the team's morale and confidence.

Defeating the Mavericks won't be easy, but the Warriors will have to do everything they can to get back the taste of victory. They will need to regain their attacking firepower, improve their defensive awareness and improve their teamwork.

This game will be a major challenge for the Warriors under Curry. Whether it's a rookie or a veteran, everyone needs to play at their best, fight for the team to win and stabilize the situation.

The Golden State Warriors' Curry's dysfunction has attracted a lot of attention, and the difficulty of filling the rookie void has fans worried. However, the odds don't mean they can't be overcome, and the Warriors must respond positively and regain the confidence and strength to win in crucial matches. The Warriors' game against the Mavericks will be a pivotal game for them to regain their momentum, so let's wait and see!