
Australian Elf Singer Lenka: I want my music to be cityzine× Lenka that heals people

author:City Pictorial

You must be familiar with Trouble is a friend, or The Show, but mentioning Lenka may have a slight pause in your head.

Who is Lenka?

Lenka Kripac, Renka Klipark, was born in Australia in March 1978. He has starred in film and television works such as "Gathering and Dispersing", "Disc" and so on. He was a member of the Electronic-Rock group Decoder Ring and began flying solo, with musical credits such as The Show, Bring Me Down, Skipalong, etc.

Lenka's "Blue Skies" was released in March 2015, and after a storm, when the sky turned blue and the melody came to mind unconsciously, Lenka drove the car and couldn't help but hum to the baby sitting in the back seat of the car.

Subsequently, the song was born.

She said the song is about hope for the future, faith in how everything will come true, and a remembrance of those times when she traveled through darkness and fog with her loved ones.

The birth of this song is simple, the MV is even simpler, Lenka lies on the grass humming a song, looking at the sky, and the MV follows.

Australian Elf Singer Lenka: I want my music to be cityzine× Lenka that heals people

★Photo of Lenka Shanghai performance. (Photo: Peter)

At the time of this MV shooting, Lenka still had long flowing hair, which has now become a clean and neat short hair. She approached us with a smile on her face and greeted us in a cute tone: "Hello." ”

Australian Elf Singer Lenka: I want my music to be cityzine× Lenka that heals people

★Lenka is interviewed by City Pictorial. (Photo: Ruby)

"Why do you want to cut your hair short?"

"For the sake of the baby, my daughter is just nine months old, it is inconvenient to take care of the baby's long hair, and it is too hot in the city."

Lenka, who was sitting across from us, was still playful and cute, and she couldn't see that she was already a mother of two.

Also because of her two children, Lenka has performed very little this year. She confessed: "Although I like to write songs, record songs and perform, I now want to spend more time with my family. ”

Australian Elf Singer Lenka: I want my music to be cityzine× Lenka that heals people

Lenka was more than happy to share her family with us, and the happy smile that came out of the corner of her eye when she mentioned them.

During rehearsal, I noticed her tiny tattoo at her ankle.

Australian Elf Singer Lenka: I want my music to be cityzine× Lenka that heals people

★Lenka ankle tattoo. (Photo: Ruby)

I thought her tattoo had any special meaning, she lifted her feet, pointed to the tattoo and said, "This letter is my name, this is my husband's, this is my son's, this pattern is spelled out in our name letters." Now that my daughter has been born, I will add my daughter's name later. ”

Australian Elf Singer Lenka: I want my music to be cityzine× Lenka that heals people

★The back of Lenka's family (Photo: Lenka's instagram)

In fact, in addition to the ankle, Lenka also has a tattoo on her right hand, which is a very small love. She took her right hand with her left hand and then explained to us, "You see, if I hold it like this with my husband, the tattoo will be covered. ”

Australian Elf Singer Lenka: I want my music to be cityzine× Lenka that heals people

★Lenka gets a tattoo on her right hand. (Photo: Ruby)

With a happy and harmonious family and a lovely positive mindset, it's no wonder that Lenka can write so many lighthearted and enjoyable songs.

Australian Elf Singer Lenka: I want my music to be cityzine× Lenka that heals people

★At the rehearsal site in Shenzhen, the flowers in the picture are all handmade by Lenka herself. (Photo: Ruby)

From 2007 to the present, Lenka has released a total of 4 albums, most of which are light and lively, so many film and television dramas and advertisements like to choose her works as the soundtrack.

As the "goddess of healing" in everyone's eyes, Lenka said: "In fact, my songs are not all happy and happy, and some of them are sad at the beginning, but I will eventually make them more lively." Because I think music can infect people, I hope that I can pass on more happiness to others, so that people who have heard them can be in a good mood. ”

Australian Elf Singer Lenka: I want my music to be cityzine× Lenka that heals people

★Lenka enjoyed the stage. (Picture: Circle)

In addition to hoping that her music can bring positive energy to fans, she also hopes that the performance decoration can bring people a pleasant feeling. She told us that the floral decorations on the stage of this show were all diyed by herself, which she brought from Australia, and she felt that such colors could make us all feel happy.

Lenka likes to grow flowers and plants at home, "I used to spend a lot of time trying to find some more environmentally friendly materials to decorate these flowers, I like everything natural and artificial nature." 」

Lenka uses her own music to heal the listener, and her own negative emotions are left to nature. "When I'm in a bad mood, I'll collapse on the couch eating ice cream or watching TV. When I'm sad, I like to go to the forest or the beach, which makes me feel like I'm just a very small part of the planet, and my troubles are particularly unworthy. ”

Australian Elf Singer Lenka: I want my music to be cityzine× Lenka that heals people

★Fans turned on the flash when Lenka performed in Shanghai. (Photo: Peter)

There is a saying that "a woman is weak, but a mother is strong." As a girl who is full of vitality in her own right, Lenka said that after becoming a mother, she said that she became stronger and more capable than before.

This time, Lenka's performances in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China, were tightly scheduled. The previous afternoon, he had to give media interviews, rehearsal auditions, decorate the stage, sign up for the performance in the evening, and go to another city early the next morning to prepare for the performance.

It is reasonable to say that such an intensive performance, people must be a little tired. However, whether in the performance or in the interview, she maintains a very "high" state.

Australian Elf Singer Lenka: I want my music to be cityzine× Lenka that heals people

★Lenka decorated the stage herself. (Photo: Ruby)

Even the decoration of the live stage, she also did it herself. She said: "I don't think it's hard, I like that. ”

Lenka can play a variety of instruments such as keyboards, guitars, drum kits, etc., and when performing, she can switch between various instruments without stress.

On the evening of the 14th, she saw that there were many babies in the audience, and she held the wheat: "Oh! so many kids! Then she started singing, and after singing this song, she immediately stepped on her high heels and went backstage. What did she do?

She went backstage to get chocolates and candy to share with the kids! Fans were amused by Lenka's cuteness.

Australian Elf Singer Lenka: I want my music to be cityzine× Lenka that heals people

★Lenka Shenzhen rehearsal scene, next to the boy is Lenka this time from Australia brought the musician (photo: Ruby)

That night's performance ended with a chorus of "trouble is a friend", and the fans were still unsatisfied, and after Lenka returned to sing two songs again, the fans were satisfied.

Lenka plans to release a new album in 2017, and unlike in the past, this time she wants to be a producer herself and will most likely tour for the new album. Let's look forward to Lenka's new creations together!

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CITYZINE: What was the most impressive performance in China? Why?

Lenka: The most impressive performance was the Shanghai venue, the venue was very beautiful, the audience was particularly enthusiastic, and the lights and lights held by the fans made the scene particularly beautiful and gave me a lot of positive energy.

CITYZINE: Is there a difference between the inspiration for live creation and before? How does today's musical style change with age?

Lenka: As I get older and become a mother of two, inspiration has changed a lot, I think more about my children and their generation, and what their lives will be like, after all, I'm an adult and I've written a lot of songs about growing up, and I'm writing songs now and I want to share more of my life with other people.

CITYZINE: What is your favorite song? Why?

Lenka: Actually, my favorite song is constantly changing, and now it's free from the last album, because when I'm performing, I always see a lot of fans flashing lights on their phones, which makes me feel good, very "free", like a cure for me.

CITYZINE: What do you think happiness is?

Lenka: There are a lot of love and good things in life, not a lot, just some small things, can make me feel the motivation and joy of life.

CITYZINE: What do you think is most important in life?

Lenka: I think the most important thing is the kids, being with them is full of love and fun, so what I want now is for them to be healthy and happy!

CITYZINE: What do you want to tell your Chinese fans through City Pictorial?

Lenka: I'm very happy to be able to perform in China, and I love you guys! I thought that even when I wasn't in China, I could still communicate with you with music. I am grateful that you love music so much and support me so much, thank you!

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