
The biggest failure in this life is not poverty, but the following two situations

author:The Great Circle speaks of history

Chen Jingji was born different from ordinary people, he is the flesh and blood of the Chen family, a prominent family in Qinghe County. Chen Family Generation 364

Business, the family business is good, Jingji is the eldest grandson, and he has been cared for and cultivated by the elders in the family since he was a child. He is highly qualified and knowledgeable, not only outstanding in appearance and generous manners, but also versatile and all-encompassing.

The biggest failure in this life is not poverty, but the following two situations

He is good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs, and can also play games and make wine for fun, which is eye-catching. And he is also familiar with the study of the bookkeeper, can recognize the accounts, and consult the business.

Such a brilliant young man is like a newborn rising sun, radiating dazzling light.

People who have seen Chen Jingji are full of praise for him, thinking that he will become a great weapon. The Chen family also has high hopes for Jingji, looking forward to him being the top student in the imperial examination in the middle and high school in the future, and glorifying his ancestors.

Even the imperial historian of the court heard the wind and came, hoping to marry his own daughter and pay tribute. Anyone who meets Jingji will be favored by him.

Jingji is also well aware of everyone's expectations and appreciation, and the confidence and arrogance in his bones gradually emerged. He casually thought that he was bound to achieve something great and let the common people know the demeanor of the Chen family.

The biggest failure in this life is not poverty, but the following two situations

He wants to make the Chen family prosperous from generation to generation and become the top family of this dynasty.

Ximen Qingnai was a red-capped businessman in the current dynasty, and his business industry spread to every corner of the country. The gold and silver treasures of the Ximen family are rolling, and the magnates of the capital all rely on Ximen.

The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty had to please Ximen in order to be able to soar.

Simon is a shrewd and capable man with a unique vision for Chen Jingji's talent and potential. So he did not hesitate to give a heavy gift, and promised his own pearl - Sister Ximen to marry and pay tribute.

The biggest failure in this life is not poverty, but the following two situations

Since then, Chen Jingji has become a majestic son-in-law in Ximen Mansion.

Since then, Chen Jingji's life has been unprecedentedly magnificent. He wore brocade clothes and gold crowns all day long, and was accompanied by a group of powerful officials and eunuchs. Feasts come and go, fine wine and food, singing and dancing.

Life is effortless, rich and rivals the country.

Ximen Qing also trusts Aiwu and Wu-like trust Jingji. The power of business management is also handed over to Jingji to take care of. Chen Jingji also lived up to the trust and handled it in an orderly manner.

The biggest failure in this life is not poverty, but the following two situations

He secretly thought that in the future, he would be able to inherit his father-in-law's estate and become the number one merchant in the court. When the time comes, the power will be overwhelming.

However, the good times were short-lived. The traitors in the DPRK and China were in power, Ximenqing was charged with joint sitting, and the whole family was driven out. Chen Jingji's wife was also grief-stricken by the destruction of her family, and finally died of grief and anger.

Chen Jingji's family business was also wiped out in this turmoil. The savings were wiped out, the property was destroyed, and even the houses were auctioned off by Huo Ran. In just one night, the majestic Ximen Mansion was reduced to empty ruins, and there was a deathly silence.

Chen Jingji wandered alone in his dilapidated old residence, his face full of embarrassment and despair. He muttered to himself, unable to believe that the glory of the past had been wiped out in such a way.

The biggest failure in this life is not poverty, but the following two situations

The pomp and circumstance of the former city has come to naught, and there is no one who comes to visit.

The eunuchs who had played with him would see him fall like this, and they would avoid him. Relatives and friends who can help him start over are also far away, not daring to be contaminated with this bad luck.

Chen Jingji has completely fallen into the trough of his life, and the road ahead is boundless, and he doesn't know where to go.

Despite being in a desperate situation, Chen Jingji was given the opportunity to regroup. His old friend Wang Xing'an couldn't bear to see him fall, and twice funded him to start a small business to help him tide over the difficulties.

The biggest failure in this life is not poverty, but the following two situations

The monks of Yan Gong Temple also took him in and gave him a chance to get back on his feet.

However, Chen Jingji is dead in his heart, and he is free to deal with these opportunities. The funds given by Wang Xing'an, he took them to the dance gallery to prostitute the funds, and squandered them. Yan Gongmiao gave him the work, he was too lazy to work diligently, and still went his own way.

Gradually, Chen Jingji has lost confidence in himself. He decided that he was a failure, that his future was bleak, and that he could not do anything more. So he was drunk and dreamed of death all day long, and was in the company of marginal characters, regardless of honor and disgrace.

Even if he occasionally thinks of the past scenery, Chen Jingji also thinks that it was a matter of his previous life. He indulged himself in sinking, and no longer considered turning over and fighting. Let time slip away, and watch yourself sink deeper and deeper into the mire.

The biggest failure in this life is not poverty, but the following two situations

Until the day when he died in the cold shed, Chen Jingji still looked decadent and stylish. He died alone and ended his life in the saddest way possible.

Chen Jingji's life trajectory has taught us a profound lesson: success and failure are not about temporary prosperity, but about maintaining a positive and enterprising attitude.

When Chen Jingji tasted the sweetness and enjoyed the peak glory, he indulged himself and forgot his original intention. If he had maintained a humble and studious heart at that time, and had not been complacent because of the good times, he would not have collapsed when adversity came.

On the road of life, no one can be smooth sailing. We will all encounter great ups and downs, facing difficulties and blows. What matters is what kind of mindset we maintain when difficulties come.

The biggest failure in this life is not poverty, but the following two situations

If you hold the belief and fighting spirit to win, and maintain your gratitude for life, you will definitely be able to open up the situation in the difficult situation and find the dawn of hope. And giving up on oneself and allowing oneself to sink completely will only make the bad situation worse and lose the opportunity to turn over.

Chan's lesson reminds us that the secret to success is to persevere in maintaining a positive and enterprising attitude. We must always maintain the original intention of being humble and eager to learn, and even if we have nothing materially, we must maintain the wealth and enthusiasm of the soul.

Only in this way can we stand tall in the ups and downs of life and cross the mountains to open up new horizons.

Chen Jingji's tragedy fully illustrates a truth: success or failure does not depend on the amount of wealth at the moment, but on whether our hearts are positive.

The biggest failure in this life is not poverty, but the following two situations

Life is like sailing on the sea, when the wind is calm we feel that everything is going well, but storms can also come at any time. It is important to build inner stability and fearlessness, and to deal with the storms of life with a positive attitude.

If Chen Jingji had maintained the humility and resilience of his youth, he would not have collapsed in the face of adversity. Each of us must always be vigilant and not lose ourselves because of the luxury and wealth of the moment.

It is necessary to develop the ambition of self-improvement and maintain the love and gratitude for life.

At the same time, we must also learn to help each other and not avoid others because of their temporary poverty. Giving him love and support can help him get out of his predicament and regain his life.

The biggest failure in this life is not poverty, but the following two situations

As long as our hearts are full of positive energy, no matter how dark and miserable the external environment is, it will not stop us from struggling forward. This is the invincible power of life, and it is also the way to success that everyone should pursue.