
Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

author:Wang Shi Wang Fist
Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Shi Panliang │ Song Shijie │ Dong Zhankui │ Xue Qizi │ Four Monks │ Wu Xiang │ Jia Huchen │ Zhang Fuyi │ Yin Gui │ Yin Wu │ Yuan Guilan │ Xi Yuan │ Guo Yi │ Shu Tang │ Zhang Renhong │ Kang Wanyi │ Cai Sheng Period │ Fan Yun │ Jiang Dehou │ Wei Cunfu │ Zhao Yiguo │ Li Zhi │ Li Junqing │ Li Junqing Jia Yu │ Zhang Chengyuan │ Jia Xiang │ Cui Zhiqing │ Ma Yuchun │ Wang De │ Du Weiping │ Shi Guojun │ Wu Shengmin │ Jia Hongyi │ Cui Jianmin │ Yin Junfeng │ Chang Jinlong │ Song Qingchen │ Xiong Qichang │ Lian Yutang │ Sun Bo │ Zhou Changqing │ Zhao Dejun │ Cui Zhenfeng │ Qiao Li │ Ruan Jun│ Zhao Yanzhong │ Jiao Da │ Li Xiaojian │ Ma Dejie │ Zhang Jianxin

Shi Panliang, male, birth and death unknown, southern dart division, in the late Qing Dynasty, served as the governor of Datong General Military Palace Chen Junmen personal bodyguard, nicknamed "Shi Wu Ghost". Studied under Yang Banhou, martial arts, famous for plum blossom fist, plum blossom gun famous in the country martial arts, is Yang Banhou's early proud disciple, outstanding representative of the southern plum blossom boxing tradition, Qing Guangxu years began to pass on the art in Datong, the transmission of boxing methods is mainly plum blossom boxing, the entry to the flower pond palm to standardize the gong frame.

Song Shijie (1873-1914), male, character Junchen, from Datong City. His father, Song An, was a cook in the Green Camp of the Qing Army. Since childhood, his family was poor, he only studied in private school for a few years, and at the age of 12, he studied martial arts with his father, and then studied weapons such as knives, guns, swords, halberds and punches such as wrestling, hitting, grappling and taking. After the completion of the academic period. He began to take apprentices and specialized in teaching martial arts for a living. The knife technique is profound, and the immediate skill is outstanding, saying that it hits the left eye, not the right eye. On weekdays, he is proud of his human nature, loves to make friends with heroes Haojie, and embraces the unfairness of the world. Witnessing the corruption and incompetence of the Qing dynasty government, the people's lack of livelihood, and the indignation in their hearts, because they often scolded corrupt officials and corrupt officials, they were repeatedly arrested and harassed by the authorities, but they were still indomitable, causing the government to feel a deep "headache." Therefore, it is called "two troubles". It has a high prestige in the minds of the people and enjoys a high reputation along the Beijing-Baotou Railway. In 1910, he joined the League, and after the success of the Xinhai Revolutionary Uprising in Datong, the revolutionaries gathered to organize the Datong Military Government, publicly promoted Song Shijie as the military commander, and awarded him the title of "Tiger Ben General" and concurrently served as the captain of the "Tiger Ben Horse Team". In order to maintain order in urban and rural areas, he often led troops to patrol the city, as far as Kouquan, and found rogue bandits taking advantage of the fire to beat up robbers, and immediately led troops to suppress them. After the Xinhai Revolution, the datong area was very stable and was praised by people from all walks of life.

After the national peace conference between the north and the south, Yan Xishan robbed the victory fruits of the Xinhai Revolution in Shanxi, and in order to consolidate his ruling position, he tried his best to collude with Yuan Shikai and wantonly betrayed the members of the alliance. Sending Kong Geng as the garrison of Datong Town and Zhang Shuzhi as the commander of the cavalry regiment, he stripped Song Shijie of the military power of the leader of the "Tiger Horse Brigade", demoted him to the commander of the third battalion, and instructed his close associate Zhang Shuzhi to monitor Song's actions. Zhang saw that Song Zheng had no room to drill, so he had no choice but to bribe the rogue bandits Ermaohu and Santi-legged to falsely accuse Song Shijie of "forcibly occupying horses" and "secretly storing tobacco soil" and arresting And imprisoning Song Shijie. Afterwards, Song Wei and many friends tried to rescue him in many ways, but Zhang Shuzhi, fearing that it would cause a change, was quickly kidnapped and killed in The Small School yard in Datong City in June 1914, at the age of 41. At that time, there were many onlookers present, and they all expressed indignation when they witnessed the tragic killing of Song Shijie.

After Song Shijie's sacrifice, his son Song Wu (the second son of his brother Song Shiqing, who had passed on to Shijie), was not yet one year old and was not killed by Zhang Shuzhi due to the enthusiasm of the masses to rescue him. After growing up, he was deeply influenced by his family, and he participated in the revolution in his early years and assumed the pseudonym Li Bo. In December 1945, he was sent by Ye Jianying and Nie Rongzhen to Datong as the chief representative of the Chinese Communist Party and held armistice negotiations with kuomintang representatives and American representatives. After liberation, Li Bo served as deputy commander of the Tianjin Garrison District and later transferred to the Beijing Military Region as deputy chief of staff. During the Cultural Revolution, he was unfortunately persecuted to death and rehabilitated in May 1978. Dong Zhankui, male, birth and death unknown, Datongren, nicknamed "Flower Gun Liu", famous disciple of Plum Blossom Boxer Shi Panliang, big gun fire pure green, to win quickly, say it is late, then fast, it is too late to prevent it.

Xue Abductor, male, birth and death unknown, Datongren, "Xue Abductor" is a nickname, the real name can not be verified, Bai Shi Panliang for the teacher to learn boxing, since birth has a leg disability, but because the leg has a disability, but deliberately practice leg skills, the speed and strength of the legs, skills are amazing, as long as you hit people with legs, there is no way to defend.

Four monks, birth and death unknown, male, formerly known as Liu Ganchen, Datong County Qiaotou Temple village people, flat punching like thunder to the ground, good strength and physical coordination ability, passed down by Xu Dianlin and so on.

Wu Xiang (1863-1925), male, a native of Shangquan Village, Datong County, a famous boxer in the late Qing Dynasty, studied under the famous dart master Shi Panliang, learned to pick hands, is a blacksmith who makes a living by playing iron, known as "Wu Tie", poor but excellent character, and can endure hardships, the plum blossom boxing training is pure fire, especially with the pick-and-roll stunt, it has convinced many boxers from the north and south to challenge, then known as "Wu's Picker". Although he is short, he is extremely powerful. According to Wu Tie's grandson Wu Jin, the anvil used by the blacksmith can be lifted with one hand. It was Shi Panliang's disciple, Jia Huchen dictated that when Shi Panliang left Da, Song Shijie said, You want to leave us, we still have many skills that have not been consulted, how to be good in the future, Shi Panliang said, in the future, if there are any skills that you do not understand, you can ask your disciple Wu Xiang for advice. One night in the late autumn of 1925, on his way home from wumiao street in the city, Wu Xiang encountered a rare hailstorm, and when he returned home, he suffered from severe cold and unfortunately passed away, dying at the age of 62. When the bad news came, it caused a sensation throughout the city, and more than 200 people, including disciples, re-disciples, and former friends, walked thirty miles to Datong County to bid farewell to this old boxer who had made outstanding contributions to datong martial arts.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Jia Huchen

Jia Huchen (1895-1970), male, Datong, the eldest in the family. Formerly known as Jia Jianwu, nicknamed "Big Fire Cover", Han ethnicity, height 1.8 meters, since childhood love martial arts, like to dance guns and sticks, born with a talent for martial arts, in his life, worshiped three martial arts masters as a teacher. In 1903, he and Guo Jinyun visited Zhang Zhan'ao, the dart master of the Beijing Zhongyi Dart Bureau and the head of the Imperial Forest Army, as a teacher, and practiced diligently for many years, and was able to personally pass on the bullet leg, Shaolin techniques, etc., coupled with extremely high understanding, so not only practiced on the outer skin, but also in the internal skills, they were diligent in practicing the Yi Jian Jing, the Inner and Outer Baduan Jin and other exercises. In 1910, he also studied under the famous folk boxer Wu Xiang of Datong and practiced plum blossom boxing and tongbei fist. In the seventh year of the Republic of China (1918), he also paid homage to Yang Zhenji, the chief dart head of the former Northeast Thirteenth Road Dart Bureau, and was nicknamed "Yang Knot" as a teacher. Through the careful guidance and dictation of the three famous teachers, the essence of the three famous teachers was absorbed and the essence was deeply obtained. Then, we will exchange ideas, learn from each other's strong points, and refine a complete and systematic set of internal and external martial arts practice methods and a complete set of technical combat methods. Its iron cattle ploughing land, left neck to meet the door leg is even more fascinating, famous in the three provinces of Jinji and Mongolia.

In the 1930s, with the profession of dart and drama class, he had a strong temperament, a strong sense of righteousness, and a pair of iron bones, which was known to everyone in the surrounding provinces, cities and counties. In 1936, he became the head of the Guoshu Group of Datong City, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he became the chief instructor of martial arts in Datong City in 1953. Throughout his life, Jia Hu took the dissemination of plum blossom boxing as his mission, and there were many people in Datong, many anecdotes, and far-reaching influence. At 12:20 noon on the 18th day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar in 1970, Jia Huchen, a master of plum blossom boxing, died at the age of 75.

According to Jia Yu (Jia Huchen's third son), his father Jia Huchen's original name was Jia Jianwu. The name Huchen was given by his peers in the martial arts world, and his father also recognized this name, which has been extended to this day ever since. Because his father has been practicing martial arts for decades, he has studied hard and practiced a strong martial art. Since the 1920s, it has been renamed Jia Huchen. When reading classical literature, we often encounter the word "Tiger Chen", such as "Correction of Tiger Chen" in the "Poetry Of Lu Song Pan Shui", and "The Book of Han" in "Wu Xian Father and Son, Tiger Chen's Jun". "Tiger Chen" is the ancient metaphor of courageous and strong martial arts. In the traditional Chinese martial arts, the performance of boxing and equipment, and the techniques of grappling and defending, my father personally received the meticulous training of three famous teachers, carefully instructed, carefully trained, and obtained the true transmission. Not only is it highly skilled, skilled, and deep in kung fu, but it is also full of strengths and strengths, and has the true skills of multiple sects, which can truly be called a generation of martial arts masters.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

A generation of plum blossom boxing master Jia Huchen practiced plum blossom double hook diagram

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Jia Huchen and his disciples Li Zhi, Xi Yuan, Shu Tang, Zhang Yongjiang, and Guo Yi, photographed in 1957

Zhang Fuyi (about 1900-1975), male, Datongren, learned boxing from Wuxiang in 1923, due to the short time, only learned some introductory boxing, two years later Wuxiang died of illness, insisting on learning shimen martial arts from his brother Jia Huchen as a teacher, and the long fist, knife, gun, sword, stick, especially the ground knife, taiji needle, etc. are very famous in datong. When he was young and mature, he was hired as a boxing master and led a drama class, and then went to Taiyuan on the recommendation of Jia Huchen to serve as a martial arts instructor of the Jin Sui Army, learning eight martial arts from Li Demao, which was widely spread in Jia Men. In his later years, he mainly received apprentices and passed on martial arts. In the 1960s and 1970s, during the day, the apricot tree cultivators on the north side of the west lake of Datong Park practiced exercises, and at night, they explained the martial arts and stories of their predecessors to the disciples at their own home in Xiaopi Lane, teaching them to be self-disciplined and loyal. Famous disciples include Bai Jingui, Guan Shengfu, Zhao Yanchuan, Sun Bo, Liu Zhenxing, Liu Guoren, etc., and some of them have won awards in martial arts competitions throughout the city. Zhang Fuyi had no children under his knees, had strict requirements for his apprentices, cared for them, taught them wholeheartedly, and devoted his life to the cause of martial arts.

Yin Yun, male, a proud disciple of Wu Xiang, a famous chef in Datong City, see this chapter "Yin Wu Lian Huan Fist".

Yin Gui, male, birth and death unknown, Shanxi Datongren, the second of the five brothers. Known as "Yin Er", a famous chef in Datong City, he studied with Wu Xiang, a plum blossom boxer, and learned martial arts such as plum blossom boxing, tongbei fist, and Wansheng knife.

Yin Wu (?) -1986), male, Shanxi Datongren, a famous chef in Datong City, and Yin Yun and Yin Gui as brothers, the three brothers are also Wuxiang disciples, one of the three masters, passed down as a good story.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Yuan Guilan

Yuan Guilan, born in 1936, female, Datongren, successively studied under Li Tianzan and Jia Huchen. He was a solid practitioner and was the best among the martial artists at that time. In 1953, he performed ten leg-and-leg exercises with master Jia Huchen and won a silver medal in the Wushu Exhibition Competition in five provinces and cities in North China.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others


Shihara (1934-1997), male, Datongren, in 1950 under Jia Huchen's door, because of high understanding, talent, intelligence, open-mindedness, swords, guns and sticks are not exquisite, especially in the plum blossom sword is quite accomplished, flexible, agile, sword-like dragon, well-known inside and outside the province, many times participated in provincial, municipal, national martial arts performance competitions, the performance of the plum blossom double sword won the gold medal, plum blossom knife won the first prize in knifeplay, ten times the second prize of leg bouncing. In the 1960s, he was specially hired by the Public Security Department of Datong City as a martial arts instructor, specializing in grappling fighting, and cultivated many outstanding talents in grappling and fighting for the public security system of Datong City, and there were many disciples in Xiyuan, including Yang Hongwen, Zhang Zhiqing, Du Ming, Liu Ji, Lian Yutang, etc.

Guo Yi (1935-2012), male, Datong, short stature, was the only son in the family, loved martial arts at an early age, and despite his family's obstruction, he studied martial arts under Jia Huchen in 1950. Born smart, willing to suffer hardships, no years of kung fu, just a set of plum blossom guns to fly up and down, it is really "a flower gun trembling slowly, inserted in the river water backflow, although not a killing sword, ten people see nine people worried, not the style of the sea mouth, live in the hotel do not need to light lamp oil." In 1958, he participated in the martial arts competition for the first time and won the first place in Huaquan at the Shanxi Provincial Games. In 1958, he participated in the National Martial Arts Exhibition Competition with his brother Li Zhi, and together he performed an empty-handed gun- and became famous. In 1960, he was selected to enter the National Martial Arts Training Class. He is also good at two-headed snakes, back punches and other boxing weapons. As an adult, he has been engaged in watch repair work in the Clock and Glasses Mall on Great North Street in the city for a long time.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Presentation Hall

Shu Tang (1932-2014), male, from Yanggao Aoshi Village, attending Chinese medicine physician, was the director of the Qigong Department of Datong Railway Hospital. Honorary Director of China Qigong Research, Expert Member and Professor of China Qigong Institute. Since childhood, he has loved martial arts, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and qigong, and first learned martial arts with the village boxer Li Yun, and then studied Chinese medicine with the old Chinese medicine doctors Tian Ziqing and Gao Ding. Shi Chengrongyong practiced the Taoist Jing Gong Health Exercises, and learned acupuncture and meridian injection from the name of his fellow disciple Li Yuantong. In the 1950s, he officially studied plum blossom boxing under the teacher of Jia Huchen, and in 1953, he participated in the Chahar Provincial Games and was rewarded for performing snowflake knives. He mastered martial arts routines and instruments very quickly, not only assiduously studying the skills of the master, but also absorbing the strengths of all, fusing the internal skills of martial arts and the qi and blood of the medical path into one. In the national fitness qigong therapy, we have summarized practical experience and cultivated many talents. In order to give full play to the heritage of Chinese medicine, in the decades after 1957, he trekked to 58 famous mountains in China to collect customs and visit sages, learn medicine, Yi and astronomy. In 1992, his book "Meridian Flow to Say Ao" was published by Chinese Min Medical Publishing House; "Taoist Qi Kung Fu Biography" was published by Beijing University of Physical Education Publishing House; "Wuji Guiding Gong" was published by Chinese Min Sports Publishing House. There are also books such as "Medical Calendar yu zhi yi palm tips", "Meridian Flow Annotation Wall Chart", "Ten Thousand Years of Dry Branch Flying Chart" and other books, which are internally published and distributed with the strong support of Lu Bingkui, director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureau of the Central Ministry of Health. He has written 12 papers, including "The Theory of Fire Weather" and "The Theory of Yuanshen", which were exchanged at national academic conferences such as Shanghai, Beijing, Baoding, and Changchun. In 1960, he invented China's first "Meridian Flow Injection Spirit Turtle Eight Method Automatic Timing Hole Opening Table". In 1990, the "Meridian Flow Injection Multifunctional Quick-Acting Hydrostatic Therapy Instrument" was successfully developed, which was identified by experts as the first achievement in China. In 1992, he participated in the China Science and Technology Exhibition and the Oriental Health Expo and made clinical performances, which were highly praised by experts and scholars at home and abroad, and went abroad. The creation of the "Wuji Guiding Gong" was promoted to Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, France and other southeastern countries and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. He has been rated as an advanced worker in science and technology for many times, and his biography has been included in the compilation of the Dictionary of Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine And the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Qigong.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Zhang Renhong

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Zhang Renhong demonstrated the Spring and Autumn Dagger

Zhang Renhong (1940-2014), male, Datongren, engaged in medical work all his life, from an early age with his father Zhang Genshou to learn martial arts boxing, in 1948 to Worship Jia Huchen as a teacher, Learn Yanqing, Long Fist, Plum Blossom Boxing and so on. In 1952, he participated in the National Wushu Shanxi District Selection Competition, and performed the plum blossom rope darts based on winding, winding, wrestling, hitting, throwing, sweeping, swinging, retracting, putting, backing and bearing, which was well received. In 1953, after Jia Huchen was appointed as the chief martial arts instructor of the city, he participated in various provincial and municipal martial arts observation competitions and performances with his master and brothers, and the boxing equipment he practiced included Yan Qing, plum blossom darts, and taolu, etc., and won the title of "Athlete". Versatile, with a wide range of hobbies, dabbling in blowing and playing, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and achieved certain results, his Chinese painting "Spring Wind Sends Me Away to a Thousand Homes" and many other works participated in the provincial art exhibition and won the Excellence Award. Singing has participated in provincial and municipal literary and artistic performances, performances and awards, and the badge he designed has also won the second prize of the first Huaxia Cup design, and has been awarded the honorary titles of "Datong Painter" and "Datong Photographer" by the Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Kang Wanyi (right) and Cai Shengqi group photo

Kang Wanyi (1915-1984), male, Datong, came from a poor family in his early years, worked as a miscellaneous worker in the family of a martial artist in his youth, and later made a living by picking and selling vegetables, with extremely strong legs. In the 1950s, he officially studied under Jia Huchen, and practiced bullet legs, plum blossom fist, as well as arm punch, plum blossom knife, plum blossom gun, plum blossom hook, three-section stick and whip. His best martial arts instrument is the Spring and Autumn Dao, which won the second prize in the North China Wushu Competition in the 1950s. He also practices throwing dark weapons and iron chopsticks. Usually, a pair of iron chopsticks are hidden, often carried on the body. The main practice is to throw out two sharp iron chopsticks from a mile away to shoot candle heads and incense heads. After leaving the school, he received apprenticeships at the Three Minerals Immortal Fruit Temple and the City Workers' Stadium, paying special attention to basic skills training, especially boring "squat frames" such as horse step piles, lunge piles, warp piles, and golden rooster independent piles. In the training of the exercises, the apprentices were required to throw the iron sandbags that had been boiled with medicine, as well as to beat multiple layers of hemp paper, beat the iron sandbags, and use their palms to intersperse the full altar of green beans that were placed in the altar. He also taught himself medical skills, and when practicing his leisure time, he often wore reading glasses at the Kang table to read the broken line-bound medical books. He is especially interested in the department of injury in the medical path, and is also helpful, often holding osteopathic rings for patients with broken muscles and bones, and treating psoriasis for patients who have not been cured for a long time. A life of many difficulties, not married for many years, nearly ancient rare from the countryside to get a widowed little foot old lady for a wife to rely on for life. Kang Wanyi, who has been wandering the rivers and lakes since childhood and has a bumpy life, is grateful for Jia Huchen's acceptance and selfless transmission of art, voluntarily recognizes Jia as his righteous father, and finally obtains Jia Huchen's plum blossom fist and martial arts true transmission, which is one of the main descendants of Jia Huchen.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Plum Blossom Fist passed on to Fan Yun

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Meihua fist heir Jiang Dehou

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Meihua Fist passed on to Wei Cunfu

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Meihua fist is passed down to Zhao Yiguo

Readers or descendants or friends of boxers, if they know the information of Cai Shengqi, Fan Yun, Jiang Dehou, Wei Cunfu, and Zhao Yiguo, they can contact the author and thank you!

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Li Zhi

Li Zhi, born in 1939, male, Datongren, in 1952 joined Jia Huchen as a teacher to learn traditional martial arts. In 1958, he was selected into the Shanxi Provincial Sports Team to engage in professional martial arts training. In 1959, he participated in the Spring Sports Conference of Shanxi Province, won the first place in the men's light sword, and in the same year was sent by the provincial martial arts team to the Beijing Institute of Physical Education for further study, specializing in martial arts, and was favored by martial arts masters such as Cheng Chuanrui and Zhang Wenguang. He has performed martial arts with his teammates for the central leaders and foreign heads of state many times, and once reported to the central leaders, the wonderful performance was praised by Premier Zhou, Commander-in-Chief Zhu and Sihanouk, and the praise and recognition of He Long, minister of the Central Ministry of Sports. After graduating in 1964, he was invited by Liaocheng in Shandong province and Shaolin Temple in Songshan to serve as a coach for many years, and then returned to Datong City to serve as the military sports school, the principal and coach of the major sports school and the chairman of the martial arts association. Peach and plum are all over the world, the students have a solid foundation, and many team members have been selected to enter the provincial sports team for further study.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Li Junqing

Li Junqing, born in 1946, male, Datongren, liked traditional martial arts since childhood, in 1958, he studied under his uncle Jia Huchen to practice the basic skills of traditional martial arts and plum blossom boxing routines and instruments. In 1960, because Jia Huchen broke his leg, he introduced Li Junqing to his disciple Yin Yun to continue his studies, and learned Hua tan palm, Yin Wu serial boxing and theoretical knowledge and martial arts. In 1963, he returned to Jia Huchen's men and practiced ten rounds of bullet legs, eight fists, fighting, empty-handed knife grabbing, empty-handed gun, three-section stick group gun, pair knife, pairing gun, plum blossom gun, Wansheng knife, Spring and Autumn big knife, crazy magic stick, plum blossom hook, erlong play beads, tong back fist and so on. After Jia Huchen's death in 1970, as a supply and salesman of the unit, he had convenient conditions to travel all over the country, visit famous teachers, discuss with them, exchange skills, and further improve the skills of multi-sects, laying a solid foundation for the future development of traditional martial arts. In 1990, he began to excavate and sort out the traditional martial arts routines, equipment, techniques, self-defense and internal and external skills. He has a relatively calm personality, is not good at words, and does not often participate in the activities of the martial arts community, but he is eclectic and talented, immersed in hard training, has unique features in internal and external martial arts, and is an outstanding player in martial arts, which is the leader of this sect. He is also one of the main inheritors of Jia's plum blossom boxing and instrumental internal and external martial arts practice, and serves as the vice president of the Jia's Plum Blossom Boxing Association of the Municipal Armed Forces Association.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Jia Yu

Jia Yu, born in 1955, male, Datongren, was the deputy secretary-general of the Datong Wushu Association, vice chairman of the Shape and Intention Boxing Association, began to follow his father Jia Huchen to practice the basic skills of traditional martial arts in 1963, and in 1964, he practiced ten times of bouncing legs, eight fists, and back fists. In 1965, he practiced wansheng knife, plum blossom gun, plum blossom hook, zhongbatang, and five-way cha boxing. In 1966, he practiced plum blossom knife, empty-handed knife grabbing, empty-handed gun grabbing, and crazy magic wand. In 1967, he practiced pairing single knife, pairing gun, kidnapper group gun, middle plum blossom fist, and small plum blossom fist. In 1969, he learned pushing, ghost pulling, big and small, grappling, technical blows, and jianghu jargon. In 1970, due to Jia Huchen's sudden stroke disease, he dictated his son's famous martial arts left clamp neck and door leg and the essence of Jia's plum blossom boxing, so he took notes and sorted out many very precious plum blossom boxing materials. In 1983, when he was the general manager of Longchi Shopping Center in Datong City, he had many business trips, often visited famous teachers from other places, talked about exchanging skills with each other, and his martial arts were further improved. Formal ordination began in 1994. In 2008, he participated in the demonstration of excavating and sorting out local old fists in the province. He is currently the president of the Jia Meihuaquan Association of the Wushu Association of Datong City, and is the main descendant of Jia's Meihuaquan.

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Zhang Chengyuan

Zhang Chengyuan (1948-), male, Datong, has loved traditional martial arts since childhood. In 1962, he took Yin Yun as his teacher. In 1963, he also worshiped Jia Huchen as a teacher, in the art of learning with Jia Huchen, he participated in the martial arts performances of cities, counties and factories and mines many times, after Jia Huchen's death in 1970, according to the master's testament, he began to practice while teaching apprentices, and practiced his favorite Spring and Autumn Sword, and finally obtained the true meaning of the big knife, was one of the main inheritors of Jia's plum blossom boxing, instruments and internal and external martial arts, and was the vice president of the Jia's Plum Blossom Boxing Association.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Jia Xiang and his disciples, from the left in the front row are Zhou Changqing, Jia Xiang, and Zhao Dejun, and from tian Gui and Liang Lisheng in the back row

Jia Xiang (1952-2009), male, Datongren, in 1963, he studied the basic skills of traditional martial arts and the Meihuaquan series with his father Jia Huchen, with high understanding and talent in martial arts. The drill plum blossom gun shows a unique performance style, strong and brave, the gun is like lightning, and the gun is as stable as a mountain. Good at single and double push hands, known for fast hands, known as "fast hand Jia Xiang". He was the vice president of the Jia Meihuaquan Association of the Municipal Armed Forces Association and is one of the main inheritors of Jia's plum blossom boxing.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Cui Zhiqing

Cui Zhiqing, born in 1956, male, Datongren, learned martial arts under Mr. Jia Huchen in 1968, and was a closed disciple of Jia Huchen. Good at plum blossom fist, arm punch, plum blossom double knife, plum blossom double hook, ten times of bounce leg fight, etc., loyal character, hard-working, deeply loved by the master, personally passed on the true meaning of the three hearts and land. In 2008, he participated in the local boxing demonstration meeting in Shanxi Province, demonstrating plum blossom double knives, sharp movements, strict attack and defense, and was well received by the participants. He is currently the vice president of the Jia Meihuaquan Research Association of the Municipal Armed Forces Association. After jia Huchen's death, he also followed the wrestling masters to practice wrestling for three years, and his kung fu was mellow, especially good at picking hands, hanging hands and other techniques, and usually made a living doing decoration projects.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Ma Yuchun

Ma Yuchun, born in 1957, male, Datongren, Chinese martial arts sixth dan, martial arts duan examiner, at the age of 9 with his grandfather Jing Guozhu (1959 won the second place in Shanxi Province Guoshu Wu Zhuangyuan) and his mother to learn the basic skills of martial arts. At the age of 11, he officially visited The old boxer Yin Gui (Yin Chefzi) of Datong City to learn traditional fist legs, tong arms, flower palms, Cha quan, Yin Wu fist, Five Tiger Knife, Nezha Gun and other instruments. After Yin Gui's death in 1982, he learned Yi Quan (大成拳) with Guo Guizhi. In 1985, in the martial arts town of Wujiayao Town, Huairen County, he visited the famous teachers Zhu Wenyou and Shi Diancheng to learn to take the nine essences, grasp the sideburns, and the nine sections of the whip. In 1985, he began to teach apprentices, and in 1987, he studied plum blossom sword, tiger punch lian fist and long xing fist with the old boxers Qi Guoxiang and Shi yuan. From 1999 to 2001, he worked as a referee at the Municipal Traditional Martial Arts Championships. In 2001, he was a guest in the life click column of Datong TV station and was interviewed. In 2003, he was rated as an excellent martial arts counselor by the city. In 2004, he was rated as an advanced worker by the Municipal Sports Commission. In September 2005, he participated in the first Beiyue Hengshan Chinese Martial Arts Cultural Industry Forum. Second prize in the 2013 China-Korea Wushu Cultural Exchange Exhibition Competition. He has participated in many international, national, provincial and municipal martial arts competitions, won dozens of medals of various kinds, and is now the deputy secretary-general of the Municipal Wrestling, Judo, Sanda Association, and the deputy secretary-general of the Municipal Association of Yiquan.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Wang De

Wang De, born in 1947, male, Datongren, in 1963, with Jia Huchen as a teacher, learned ten legs, eight fists, eight times in the back, Wansheng knife, plum blossom gun, crazy magic stick and so on. Decades of perseverance, solid basic skills, the best is the plum blossom boy gong. In 2014, despite the age of 70, under the recommendation of Chang Jinlong, vice chairman of the Datong Wushu Association, he actively participated in national, provincial and municipal martial arts competitions, and frequently won gold awards in the middle-aged and elderly group. And enthusiastic about public welfare and commercial performances, with superb plum blossom boy skills, won the praise of people and the masses in the martial arts community. Martial arts masters Zhang Xigui and Yang Linsheng praised Wang De's Tong Zi Gong and Two Finger Zen, calling him the first person in the country of the same age.

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Du Weiping

Du Weiping, born in 1955, male, Datong, in 1974, he worshiped Datong folk boxer Li Junqing (Han Bao) as a teacher. Traditional boxing tools for learning and practicing include Huatan Palm, Tongbei Fist, Eight Fists, Ten Tan Legs, Cannon Punches, etc. In the division, he learned to be upright and fair, and learned the unique features of Master Li Junqing in internal and external skills, boxing techniques, and techniques. Practicing martial arts is preceded by practicing martial arts, and practicing the basics diligently and diligently. The foundation is solid, not afraid of a thousand tricks, afraid of a trick fresh.

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Jia Huchen's disciple Shi Guojun performed martial arts for North Korean comrades who came to China to learn the technology of making tanks

Shi Guojun (1939-2018), male, a native of Baoding, Hebei, born in a revolutionary family, whose parents were old Red Army soldiers, belonged to Nie Rongzhen's troops, and once studied traditional martial arts from Datong boxing masters Jia Huchen, Liu Wugui and Hou Jincai. He was active in datong martial arts from the 1950s to the 1980s.

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Wu Shengmin

Wu Shengmin, born in 1951, male, Datongren, Chinese martial arts liudan, national martial arts first-class referee, national first-class social sports instructor. As a teenager, he studied Shaolin Fist, Tong Arm, Shape Yi Fist, Bagua Palm, Qigong and various instruments under the tutelage of Liu Wugui and Meihua Boxer Shi Guojun. He is especially good at traditional martial arts routines such as leg bouncing, yuan pen, and big smoke pot. In the 1970s, he went to the Beijing Sports Institute to learn martial arts from Zhang Wenguang, and then participated in martial arts training classes held by provinces and cities, and was instructed by the famous martial arts artists in the province, such as Chen Shengfu and Zhang Xigui. In 1980, he was transferred to the Municipal Sports Commission to be responsible for the excavation and collation of martial arts in the city, and in 1981, his disciple Wang Li represented Shanxi to participate in the National Wushu Observation and Exchange Conference held in Xi'an, and won the first prize for her performance of sword skills. He has been commended as an "advanced worker" and an advanced individual in martial arts for many times. In 1986, he was commended as a "model worker" by the Datong Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, participated in the refereeing work of provincial and municipal martial arts competitions for many times, and won many awards in martial arts competitions at all levels for his performances.

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Jia Hongyi

Jia Hongyi, born in 1982, male, Datongren, born in a martial arts family, is the grandson of Jia Huchen, in 1994 with his father Jia Yu to learn martial arts, learn the basic skills of traditional martial arts, and ten times of elastic legs, eight fists, tong back fist, Huatan palm, Wansheng knife, plum blossom gun, dagger, etc. In 1998, he signed up for the army and embarked on a military career. After retiring from the army in 2002, he also learned from Li Junqing (old father) the Three Emperors Cannon Hammer, Grappling Fighting, and Actual Combat Techniques. Now he is committed to excavating and sorting out traditional martial arts such as Jia's Plum Blossom Fist with his father, and is one of the descendants of Jia's Plum Blossom Fist.

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Cui Jianmin

Cui Jianmin, born in 1962, male, Datongren, began to learn martial arts under Master Li Zhi in 1972, good at self-selected swords, swimming in Bagua palms, etc., many times participated in martial arts table competitions at all levels and won the first place and other excellent results. He is currently the deputy secretary-general of the Jia Meihuaquan Research Association of the Municipal Armed Forces Association.

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Yin Junfeng

Yin Junfeng, born in 1957, male, Datongren, vice president of Jingwu Training Base, 14-year-old Bai Lizhi as a teacher to learn martial arts. Over the years of hard work, mutual communication with foreigners, both inside and outside the cultivation, in the long fist, tai chi, bagua, shape and meaning and health qigong have a deep understanding and experience, to achieve considerable skill. It has played a certain role in the inheritance and development of martial arts. He has participated in provincial and municipal martial arts competitions for many times and won the first place. The martial arts routines that are often practiced include national regulations and self-selected routines, flip boxing, eight-law fist (and pair training), plum blossom fist (four sets), plum blossom knife, plum blossom single sword, plum blossom double sword, Bagua palm, etc.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Chang Jinlong

Chang Jinlong, born in 1957, male, from YingXian County, Chinese Wushu Liudan, executive vice chairman of Datong Wushu Association, vice chairman of Datong Municipal Elderly Sports Association, vice chairman of Municipal Wrestling Sanda Association, president of Datong Beiyue Hengshan Wushu Association. Under the tutelage of Li Zhi, he won the Gold Medal of the 7th International Wushu Grand Prix in Hong Kong, the first prize of Shaolin Boxing in the Sino-Korean Wushu Cultural Exchange Exhibition Competition, the DaDao Wu Zhuangyuan Award of the National Elite Wushu Invitational Tournament in Youyu, and the Damo Boxing Champion of the 26th Traditional Wushu Championship in Shanxi Province.

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Song Qingchen

Song Qingchen, born in 1943, male, from Julu County, Hebei Province, is a chinese martial arts sixth-dan and national martial arts first-class referee. At an early age, he began to learn plum blossom boxing with his father, and after his father's death, he went to the local boxer, and on the eve of liberation, he studied red boxing under the famous Zhou Laotang (ming ji'an) who had been in the bodyguard nursing home in Linfen district, Shanxi for many years, and became a closed disciple. He was favored and closed-door by Zhou, especially in practical arts such as self-protection against bandits, grappling and liberation, and was dictated and secretly transmitted by the heart in the aspects of spring dot (slogan). After the Cultural Revolution, he came to Datong, and through learning exchanges and introductions from martial artists, he learned art with Li Zhi, a boxer in Datong. When working in the service agency of the military sub-district, The Yannan Restaurant, the Yannan Hotel, and other units, he encountered many unreasonable disturbances by social hooligans, but they were all subdued by them and widely praised. Many outstanding trainees have been trained, and they have served as instructors, counselors and public security officers at various martial arts stations in the Datong area. Datong Television Station, Municipal Radio Station, and Datong Daily have made special reports publicizing Song Qingchen's martial spirit and deeds. In the martial arts competitions in Datong City over the years, he has served as a referee, chief referee and vice president. He has successively served as the director of the "Fourth Wushu Counseling Station of Datong City", the president of the Traditional Martial Arts Research Association, the vice chairman of the Datong Wushu Association, and the deputy secretary-general of the Municipal Shape Yiquan Association and the Wrestling Sanda Association.

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Xiong Qichang

Xiong Qichang, born in 1954, male, Datongren, in 1967, under the tutelage of Kang Wanyi, learned martial arts routines such as Plum Blossom Fist, Ten Bullet Legs, Plum Blossom Knife, Tongbei Fist, plum blossom gun and so on. In 1971, he took Bai Jingui as his teacher and learned ten rounds of leg-and-leg fighting, eight-law fist, eight-law fist fighting, three-emperor cannon hammer, empty-handed knife-grabbing, three-section stick shooting, single-knife flower-breaking gun, empty-handed gun and other routines. Because of my diligent study and hard work, I was loved by my master and all the masters, and I was carefully guided by the same master's uncles, Such as Shi Yuan, Zhang Chengyuan, Jia Xiang, Duan Fuguo, etc., and also learned the Wansheng Knife, the Big Knife, the Double Hook and other instruments and routines, various short fights and techniques, and was also taught by the martial arts predecessor Yin Yun personally taught the Yinwu Lianhuan Fist and its true skills. In 1977, when the August 1st Founding Day was celebrated, at the invitation of the Cultural and Sports Office of the 428 Locomotive Factory, he participated in martial arts performances together with Jia Xiang, Zhang Chengyuan and Cui Zhiqing. He and his uncle Zhang Chengyuan performed a three-section stick shooting, and with his uncle Jia Xiang performed an empty-handed knife grab, an empty-handed gun grab, etc., which was unprecedented at that time and once became a good story in the martial arts world.

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Lian Yu Tang

Lian Yutang, born in 1949, male, a native of Wujiayao Village, Huairen County, who followed the plum blossom boxing master Xi Yuan to learn martial arts in his youth, is now a Chinese martial arts sixth dan, a national first-class social sports counselor, a duan system evaluator, the vice president of the Tongmei Group Wushu Association, and the vice president of the Tongmei Elderly Wushu Association. In 1968, after graduating from mine no. 1 middle school, he was assigned to work as a worker in the Datonggou Mine of Tongmei, where he became acquainted with Mao Guowen. Together with Mao Guowen, he worshiped Xi Yuan, a Datong boxer who taught boxing on the mine, as his teacher. He learned Plum Blossom Fist, Tong Arm Fist, Twelve Road Hua Fist, Four Way Cha Fist, Sword Art, Sword Art, etc. Later, he was transferred to the Central Machine Factory, during which Time Shihara often traveled back and forth between Datong and Kouquan, and formed a deep master-apprentice friendship when teaching Lian Yutang martial arts.

In 2003, the national fitness boom began to sort out the martial arts routines he had learned. He first taught tai chi in the park, and then was hired by the unit as a martial arts instructor to teach the staff of the unit to practice boxing. Since 2006, he has participated in the activities of Datong Wushu Association, participated in the 7th Wushu Competition of Shanxi Province and achieved good results, and was rated as a national second-class athlete. In 2009, he participated in the International Wushu Competition for the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to China, won four gold medals, and won the fourth place in the individual all-around, and received a prize of 2,000 Hong Kong dollars. In recent years, he has participated in 24 provincial, national and international martial arts competitions, and won 75 medals of various kinds, including 40 gold medals, 23 silver medals and 12 bronze medals. The collective martial arts program "Sword And Fan Dance" and "Golden Butterfly Dance" created and compiled have won the first place in provincial and municipal martial arts competitions for many times.

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Sun Bo

Sun Bo, born in 1957, male, Datongren, in 1967 to Zhang Fuyi as a teacher, practiced basic skills such as leg pressing, kicking, horse step squat, etc., after practicing hard for half a year, he practiced ten times of bullet legs, twelve bullet legs, eight fists, mother and child boxing, eight guns and related training, once served as the vice chairman of the Datong Wushu Association, enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings, planned and organized a number of martial arts activities.

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Zhou Changqing, born in 1964, male, Datongren, in 1979, he studied plum blossom boxing master Jia Xiang and systematically learned his martial arts. In the late 1980s, he participated in various martial arts exhibition competitions many times and received praise. In 1983, he joined the army to a special agent company of the People's Liberation Army, learned to capture the enemy fist and grappling fighting in the barracks, and after retiring from the army, he learned Yi fist standing pile with Ju Shiyuan, and then studied under the master of his own door, Li Junqing, learned the techniques and fighting techniques of Meihuaquan, and was good at eight fists, tong-arm fists, Yinwu lianhuan fists and Shaolin close-fitting short punches.

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Zhao Dejun

Zhao Dejun, born in 1966, male, Datong Dongguan Wuai Village, in 1982 to meihua boxing master Jia Xiang, practice eight fist, tong arm fist and Cha boxing, etc., has been diligently practicing the martial arts and various techniques, and then learned the master of the main door, Li Junqing, learned the techniques and fighting techniques of plum blossom boxing. After the death of Master Jia Xiang, he and other teachers and friends learned to practice iron sand palms, Kunlun tobacco bags, whips, etc., and practiced for decades.

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Cui Zhenfeng

Cui Zhenfeng, born in 1976, male, from Xinghe County, Inner Mongolia, university degree. Since childhood love martial arts, teacher Inherit Datong martial arts master Mr. Li Zhi, learn martial arts for many years, after respecting the teacher's training, determined to inherit, in the autumn of 1999, founded the Yungang Wushu Academy, so far 20 years of cold and summer, experienced thousands of hardships, unswerving, and finally made achievements. He is currently a member of the Datong Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the president of the Datong Taekwondo Association, the vice president of the Inner Mongolia Datong Chamber of Commerce, and the chairman of the Yungang Wushu Academy and the Zhentie Fitness Club.

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Qiao Li, born in 1974, female, Shanxi Datong, was selected by the martial arts team of Datong Sports School at the age of 8 to learn martial arts with the famous martial arts master Li Zhi. Under coach Li's words and deeds, he gradually realized the "unity of inside and outside, the unity of form and god" of martial arts, not only studying the physical norms, but also seeking spiritual transmission and cultivation of its essence. Advocate "learning art and virtue, learning boxing and reasoning, art and virtue at the same time, practicing everywhere". He is good at plum blossom boxing, swordplay, etc. Taking the enterprise manager as a profession, in addition to loving martial arts, he is also sincere in traditional Chinese studies and often learns to recharge. He is currently a member of the Chinese Wushu Association, a chinese wushu liudan, a national first-class martial arts referee, a national social sports instructor, a member of the Shanxi Wushu Association, a director of the Sanjin Cultural Research Association, a director of the Datong Sports Federation, a director of the Datong Tourism Photography Association, a director of the Datong Planning Society, the chairman of the Datong Pingcheng District Wushu Association, the secretary general of the Southern Suburbs Wushu Association, and the anchor of Yuncheng Live Broadcast. He has refereed the Datong Wushu Table Competition for many times and was rated as an excellent referee, and served as the vice president judge in the 2018 Datong Wushu Championship. He has participated in martial arts competitions at all levels and won dozens of medals. In particular, since serving as the chairman of the Pingcheng District Armed Forces Association, people from all walks of life who have united and cared about supporting the development of the martial arts industry have actively participated in public welfare activities, and have successively participated in the joint Spring Festival Gala of Wulanchabu City, Datong City and Zhangjiakou City, as well as public welfare performances and performances of the Municipal Armed Forces Association, and the martial arts programs performed have been well received, and many media have introduced and reported her martial arts deeds.

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Ruan Jun

Ruan Jun, born in 1988, male, from Xinrong District, Datong, joined the army in 2006 and retired from the army in 2008. In 2010, he learned traditional martial arts under Li Zhi, and learned plum blossom boxing, Asian Games boxing, three-way long fist, one-handed sword method, two-handed sword method, knife method, etc., and won the first and second places in provincial and municipal martial arts competitions for many times. In December 2017, chuwutang martial arts hall was founded.

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Zhao Yanzhong

Zhao Yanzhong, born in 1981, male, Han ethnicity. His ancestral home is Handan, Hebei. Learn martial arts from an early age. At the age of seven, he worshiped under the plum blossom fist. Practice various routines and instruments of Meihuaquan. After that, he entered the municipal martial arts team, and in 2000, he went to Shandong University to study plum blossom boxing at Professor Yan Zijie. For two consecutive years, he won the first place in the Martial Arts Town Championship Sword Art, the first place in the Plum Blossom Fist Original Frame, and the champion of the Shaolin Martial Monks Invitational Tournament. He has been doing business in Datong for a long time, and in June 2019, he worshiped Jia Yu, a descendant of Datong Jia's plum blossom boxing, as a teacher.

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Jiao Da, born in 1990, male, from Changchun, Jilin Province, Han ethnicity. Graduated from the Physical Education College of Northeast Normal University, a member of the Chinese Wushu Association, during his college years, he practiced Chen's Tai Chi Laojia One Road and Two Roads and Instruments, and began to learn Meihuaquan Original Frame in 2016. He once won the first place in the Chen Taiji Youth Group of the Changchun Wushu Hometown Selection Competition and the Chen Taiji of the Datong Wushu Competition, and after graduation, he worked as a physical education teacher at the Datong Affiliated Middle School of the North Division, and officially worshiped Jia Yu, the descendant of Datong Jia's Plum Blossom Boxing, as his teacher in June 2019.

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Li Xiaojian

Li Xiaojian, born in 1970, male, Datongren, in 2005 to Shandong boxing master Liu Shuwei to learn Chen's Taiji Laojia Yilu, Erlu Cannon Punch, Wuxing Tong Back Fist, etc., in 2006 to follow Wang Zhong, Fan Baoli, Huang Yongchang to learn to stand pile, push hand, Chen style Tai Chi Xinjia Yilu, etc., and worship Fan Baoli as a teacher, in 2015 to visit the master Wu Shijun, pointing out the tong back fist, big knife, two-handed sword, zi stick, etc., benefited a lot, and is now a national martial arts second-level referee and martial arts social instructor.

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Ma Dejie, born in 1954, male, Datongren, in 1965, under the guidance of Yin Gui, learned to play legs, cha boxing, flower bed palm and equipment, so far practicing unceasingly, benefiting a lot.

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Zhang Jianxin (left) and Li Zhi (right)

Zhang Jianxin, born in 1955, male, Datongren, in 2007, under the tutelage of Li Zhi, is good at plum blossom boxing and martial arts competition routines.

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Jia Yu fist posture

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Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others
Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others
Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others
Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Wang Zhanbin's big plum blossom fist crossed the tiger's elbow

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Sun Bo Plum Blossom Sword

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Plum Blossom Fist Descendants Bai Jingui (left), Xiong Qichang (right)

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Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (22) │ MeihuaQuan │ Shi Panliang and 50 others

Group photo of ethnic forms of sports in Datong City, Shanxi Province in 1954

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Meihua Boxing Descendant Takeshi -- (8 years old at the time)

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Cui Zhiqing plum blossom gun

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Jia Huchen's disciple Zhang Yongjiang

(The above text and pictures come from Wang Zhanbin's book "History of Datong Martial Arts", published by China Literature and History Publishing House)

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