
3 signs that a person is accelerating his "return to poverty".



There is a saying on the Internet: "At each stage, the money that people can grasp matches their own." ”

Many times, you become poor precisely because you have a deficit in thinking or cognition.

Without a higher level of wealth awareness, then even if you earn money, it will be lost in various forms.

If you find any of the following signs, you need to make changes now, or you'll be on the fast track back to poverty.

Keep your wealth in the house

The writer Bulgakov wrote such a story.

A few young people heard that there was an island in the middle of a lake in the mountains of the Caucasus, and there was a lot of treasure on it.

They set off in groups, and when they arrived, they split up to find the island.

There was a young man named Peter who saw a small bridge that was blocked.

He walked along the bridge and found the island they were looking for.

But when they met, he told his companion that he hadn't found anything.

When everyone was gone, he crossed the bridge alone to the island and destroyed it.

But when he got the treasure and wanted to go back, he realized that the bridge was the only way to get out of the island.

In the end, Peter, who wanted to take the treasure to himself, was trapped and died on the island.

3 signs that a person is accelerating his "return to poverty".

Source: Visual China

As the saying goes, "Profit cannot be taken up, and blessings cannot be enjoyed." ”

People who are too selfish and greedy are often eaten by greed;

Only those who know how to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results can make the road wider and wider.

Ping Opera artist Xin Fengxia performed with her partner Chen Xingxing when she was young. The two cooperate tacitly, and the show is very popular.

Before a performance, Chen Xingxing suddenly felt unwell and could not go on stage, so he could only let Xin Fengxia perform solo.

As a result, she sang the whole play by herself, and the effect was exceptionally good.

Seeing this, the theater manager planned to quit Chen Xingxing, give Xin Fengxia a salary increase, and let her perform alone in the future.

Xin Fengxia originally planned to agree, but a senior told her earnestly:

"Those who sing the leading role should think about those supporting roles, and they should leave a place for others. Today you can have two, tomorrow someone will have three, and in the end, everyone's jobs will be smashed. ”

After hearing this, Xin Fengxia immediately found the manager and said that if she wanted to dismiss Chen Xingxing, she would stop acting.

In the end, Chen Xingxing was retained, and he cooperated with Xin Fengxia more attentively, and the two of them slowly became famous characters.

There is a saying in "Mozi": "Those who benefit others will benefit them, and those who are wicked will be evil." ”

Human beings are social animals, and if they only care about their own interests, sooner or later they will lose their righteousness and fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness.

Be a good person, be willing to leave some sweetness for others, and the good fortune in the future will also be repaid to yourself.

Carve laziness into your heart

Life is not a fantasy that can be lived well, no matter how perfect you think, if you don't put it into action, the ending will not be good.

I have a friend Xiao Xin who draws comics.

She has shown her plans in the painting group many times, but rarely does it happen.

In the past, a publishing house contacted Xiao Xin to publish a book, and she immediately posted the good news to the group, and everyone expressed their congratulations.

Later, someone asked her about the progress of publishing the book, but Xiao Xin said that after she docked, she felt too troublesome and gave up.

Another time, she said that she wanted to try her hand at illustrating magazines and wanted to have an additional source of income. Her peers in the group encouraged her, and recommended courses and books to her, saying that they could learn Xi together.

Xiao Xin discussed with everyone for several days, but she neither read nor registered for class.

On the contrary, another person in the group actively took action after the discussion. Later, after more than half a year, she became a contract illustrator for a magazine.

Because Xiao Xin always only says but doesn't do, it is conceivable that she has not made any achievements so far.

3 signs that a person is accelerating his "return to poverty".

Source: Visual China

There is a proverb that says, "A man who has no words but no actions is like an overgrown garden." ”

When you always subconsciously "wait", "after a while", "tomorrow must be", you don't know that the best time slips away quietly in lazy procrastination.

In the long run, this kind of behavior will deepen our inertia, drag down our morale, and cause us to have no motivation to do anything.

There is no shortage of people with ideas in this world, but people with strong action.

Only by starting to do it first can we avoid letting our own energy go down one after another.

No matter how the society progresses and how the tuyere changes, people with strong executive ability will always have more possibilities and the capital to resist all changes.

Shrink your eyes to you

Lao Yu talked about a typical "poor man's thinking" in the column "Life Algorithm".

This kind of thinking refers to the fact that when faced with a choice, some people only see the near and want a definite outcome.

People who are short-sighted often magnify the dilemma in front of them and seek immediate feedback;

And far-sighted people dare to give up temporary benefits in pursuit of longer-term gains.

Cognition and short-sightedness are often an important reason why most people get worse and worse.

In the TV series "Breaking Bad", the protagonist Walter White graduated from a prestigious school.

He specializes in chemistry, is a diligent Xi and has strong professional ability.

Together with a few friends from college, he founded a chemistry-related technology company.

But in the early days of the business, the company suffered a market shock, and quarterly earnings began to show losses.

In this case, his first thought was not to solve the company's dilemma, but to keep the money he had earned.

3 signs that a person is accelerating his "return to poverty".

Source: Visual China

Despite the dissuasion of his friends, White opted out during the company's toughest time.

He sold his stake for a few thousand dollars and wanted to use the money to buy a second home.

At first, he was very glad to see the company's declining stock price.

But slowly, the company began to turn around and develop better and better.

More than 20 years later, the partners at that time had made the company's market value more than $20 billion, and at this time, White was still running around for life.

Wu Jun, a Silicon Valley investor, once said: "The reason why many people's lives are getting narrower and narrower is not because they are not smart enough, but because they are too shallow." ”

Most people only care about the one-third of an acre of land in front of them, so they can't seize the opportunity and can only go with the flow.

It is precisely this difference in vision that widens the distance between people and determines the different height of each person's life.

Only by jumping out of the closed mind and exploring a new perspective can we see more opportunities and break the situation in our lives.

There is a saying: "Your life starts to go downhill, but there are traces to follow." ”

Some of the ways you are Xi to doing things are likely to be laying the groundwork for future falls.

Don't let these human weaknesses limit our future prospects.

Only by opening the house can the wealth roll in more and more;

Quit laziness in order to make life smoother;

Only by looking far away can we make life wider and wider.

For the rest of our lives, may we all have enough wealth as soon as possible, all our wishes will come true, and the road ahead will be smooth.