
In the early hours of the morning, a man on the train howled and cried, and when he asked, his son had just been discharged from the army and was hit by a car and died

author:Brother Zhuo tells a story

At one o'clock in the morning, when most people were immersed in sleep, there were low cries on a train heading for the distance. I sat in the corner of the carriage and watched the man cry bitterly.

In the early hours of the morning, a man on the train howled and cried, and when he asked, his son had just been discharged from the army and was hit by a car and died

His name is Mr. Li, an ordinary worker, and at the moment his face is full of pain and helplessness. I walked over and asked him gently, "Mr. Li, what happened?" He raised his head, his eyes flashing with tears, and he choked up and said, "My son...... Just discharged from the army and was hit by a car and died......"

In the early hours of the morning, a man on the train howled and cried, and when he asked, his son had just been discharged from the army and was hit by a car and died

It turned out that Mr. Li's son, Xiao Li, was a soldier who had served in the army for five years and had just returned home from the army. Xiao Li has always been the pride of Mr. Li, who has been determined to become a soldier since he was a child and serve the country and the people. In the army, he worked hard and not only learned a lot of skills, but also made a group of like-minded friends. After being discharged from the army, Xiao Li decided to go home to accompany his parents for a while before pursuing his dreams.

In the early hours of the morning, a man on the train howled and cried, and when he asked, his son had just been discharged from the army and was hit by a car and died

However, fate played a cruel joke on Xiao Li. Just the day before he went home, he was waiting for a train at the train station when he was unfortunately hit by a runaway car. When Mr. Li received this bad news, he couldn't believe his ears. He hurried to the hospital, only to find that his son had left him forever.

In the early hours of the morning, a man on the train howled and cried, and when he asked, his son had just been discharged from the army and was hit by a car and died

Faced with this sudden blow, Mr. Li was devastated. He said: "My son has always been my pride, he has done so much for the country and the people, but now ...... I didn't even see the last of him. As he spoke, tears welled up in his eyes again.

In the early hours of the morning, a man on the train howled and cried, and when he asked, his son had just been discharged from the army and was hit by a car and died

I listened silently to Mr. Li's story, and my heart was filled with grief. Yes, life is sometimes so fragile that we can't predict which one will come first, tomorrow or the unexpected. And when we lose our loved ones, we will deeply appreciate the preciousness and impermanence of life.

In this sad story, I want to tell you a truth: cherish the people in front of you and cherish every time you spend with your loved ones. Because life is impermanent, we don't know when we're going to lose them. Therefore, please spend more time with your family and care more about their lives, so that they can feel your love and warmth.

At the same time, I would like to remind everyone that safety always comes first. Whether it's at a train station, a bus station, or on the road, we need to be vigilant at all times, obey traffic rules, and ensure the safety of ourselves and others. Only in this way can we stay away from tragedy and let the flower of life bloom in its most beautiful glory.

In this world, everyone has their own story, joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows. What we can do is to listen to their stories with our hearts and care for their lives with love. Let's work together to make this world full of love and warmth.

In the early hours of the morning, a man on the train howled and cried, and when he asked, his son had just been discharged from the army and was hit by a car and died

Finally, I would like to say to Mr. Li: "Mr. Li, the festival is good. Your son may have left you, but his spirit and character will remain in your heart forever. Be assured that He will watch over you and your home in Heaven. ”

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