
As the old saying goes, "Dog drink 3 wines", which 3 wines do you mean?

author:Discipline Qiu said geography

The scorching heat of midsummer is the traditional dog day in China. "Dog days" refer to the three consecutive Geng days after the summer solstice, which are the hottest three days. At this time, the weather was hot and sweltering, the dry land was scorched, and all the animals were sick. The ancients endured the torment of high temperature on dog days at the same time, but also invented ways to relieve the heat, among which drinking wine is one. As the old saying goes, "dog days drink 3 wines", it refers to the three types of wine that should be drunk on dog days to alleviate the discomfort caused by the heat. So what are these three types of wine?

As the old saying goes, "Dog drink 3 wines", which 3 wines do you mean?

1. Slow wine

Slow wine, as the name suggests, should be drunk slowly, not all at once. The so-called slow sake refers to a relatively low degree of wine, usually between 10 and 15 degrees, and such a wine must be tasted slowly to appreciate its essence.

As the old saying goes, "Dog drink 3 wines", which 3 wines do you mean?

In the middle of summer, the air is hot, and the human body is full of fire inside and out, and at this time, a glass of spirits will simply make it worse, and it will only make people hotter and more uncomfortable. In contrast, a glass of low-alcohol slow wine has a mild and smooth taste, which is naturally cool and comfortable after drinking, and will not make the body hot and dry. Therefore, in the dog days, the first drink must be slow.

As the old saying goes, "Dog drink 3 wines", which 3 wines do you mean?

For example, strong flavor liquor, strong flavor liquor has a low degree, generally between 38 degrees and 45 degrees, which belongs to the type of liquor with low degree. As a slow wine, it is best to choose some high-quality wines, which have a good aroma and a good aftertaste, just right to give people a refreshing feeling in the sultry heat. In addition, beer is also a good choice, especially craft beer. Craft beer has a softer body and is very pleasant to drink. In general, wines with a low degree and mild nature are suitable as the first slow wine that must be drunk in the dogs.

II. Small Liquor

It's about a second glass to take a sip of. Sips, as the name suggests, are meant to be tasted in small quantities and many times, rather than in one sip. Whatever wine you choose for dog sips, you shouldn't take big gulps.

As the old saying goes, "Dog drink 3 wines", which 3 wines do you mean?

Because people are easily thirsty in hot weather, drinking a large sip of a cold drink can quench your thirst temporarily, but after a while, your mouth will be dry. If you choose alcohol as a heat relieving drink, you should not drink it in large gulps. Alcohol is hot, and drinking a lot of it will only make people hotter.

The best way to do this is to choose a mellow wine, take a small sip and taste it in your mouth, wait a while, and then take a small sip. This will not only allow you to savor the aroma of the sake, but also avoid overheating due to heavy drinking.

As the old saying goes, "Dog drink 3 wines", which 3 wines do you mean?

For a sip of wine, it's best to choose something with a strong personality and aroma. For example, the famous wines of the old cellars are extremely rich and fragrant in the mouth. In addition, some fruity or floral wines are also very suitable for small sips. Each small sip of the fragrance that lingers on the tip of the tongue makes people feel refreshed.

3. Pure grain wine

Finally, the third kind of dog drink that I want to talk about is pure grain wine. The so-called pure grain wine is a liquor or rice wine made entirely from grains or other grains. This type of wine does not have any additives added and is a natural and pure wine.

As the old saying goes, "Dog drink 3 wines", which 3 wines do you mean?

The biggest advantage of pure grain wine is that it has a very light taste. Unlike most liquor or rice wine on the market with added flavors and saccharin, pure grain wine does not have any artificially added ingredients, so it tastes fresh and refreshing and clean. This is very much in line with the characteristics of the wine that should be drunk on a hot day.

Among the many pure grain wines, wheat wine should be regarded as the most representative variety. Wheat liquor is a liquor made entirely from wheat, without adding any other raw materials, and is a very pure grain liquor. The flavor of wheat wine is light and soft, with a slight sweet aftertaste, which is very popular with consumers. In addition, such as sorghum wine and glutinous rice wine are also good choices.

As the old saying goes, "Dog drink 3 wines", which 3 wines do you mean?

When the dog summer comes, you might as well savor the wisdom left by your ancestors and taste these three kinds of cool and heat-relieving wines. Slow wine can slow down the mood, small sips of wine will keep you from gulping, and pure grain wine is just right for dog days. Perhaps, such a small experience can also give you a deeper understanding of the charm of traditional Chinese culture.