
After "Running Man 5" became popular, Di Lieba still works so hard, netizens: Praise her

author:Daxian Film and Television Entertainment

Di Lieba: From the popularity of "Running Man 5" to the continued glory of his acting career

Since the end of the fifth season of "Run, Brother" (hereinafter referred to as "Running Man 5"), Di Lieba's name has almost become a household name. This Xinjiang-born Uyghur girl quickly emerged in the show with her unique charm and talent, and became a goddess in the hearts of many audiences. Unlike many artists who became famous overnight, Di Lieba was not complacent because of her short-term popularity, she still maintained that humble attitude and diligent work spirit, bringing us one wonderful role after another.

After "Running Man 5" became popular, Di Lieba still works so hard, netizens: Praise her

We want to mention Di Lieba's film and television works after "Running Man 5". Since the end of the show, she has quickly devoted herself to her work and dedicated three excellent film and television works to the audience. "Qin Shi Beauty's Bright Moon Heart", "Anxiety Relief Grocery Store" and "Fire Like a Song" have not only achieved a good reputation, but also achieved remarkable results in ratings. The success of these works is not only the result of Di Lieba's personal achievements, but also the result of her joint efforts with the team.

In particular, it is worth mentioning the recently popular costume drama "Fire Like a Song". This drama starring Di Lieba, Zhou Yumin, Zhang Binbin, etc., tells a love story that spans thousands of years. Di Lieba's role in the play has both the nobility of a princess and the innocence of a girl, and she successfully created a three-dimensional and vivid character image, which won unanimous praise from the audience. And on the 20th of next month, her new film "21 Carats" will also be released as scheduled. This is a film about young people in a modern city who pursue their dreams, face love and life challenges. It can be seen from the trailer that Di Lieba will play the role of a 'gold worshipper' for the first time in the film, which is undoubtedly a new challenge to her acting skills.

After "Running Man 5" became popular, Di Lieba still works so hard, netizens: Praise her

Why has Di Lieba been able to achieve such brilliant results in her acting career? The answer is actually very simple: her success is not accidental. Judging from her film and television works, popularity and future development, Di Lieba's success is the result of her humble attitude and hard work that she has maintained over the years.

When choosing works, Di Lieba always insists on being character-oriented, rather than pursuing short-term popularity. Whether it is the bright moon heart in "Qin Shi Beauty's Bright Moon Heart", or Xiaoyu in "Anxiety Grocery Store", she has successfully created a vivid character image and won the recognition of the audience.

After "Running Man 5" became popular, Di Lieba still works so hard, netizens: Praise her

In the face of success, Di Lieba has always maintained a humble heart. She knows that her success is inseparable from the support of the team and the love of the audience, so she always puts gratitude in her heart and repays everyone's support with practical actions.

Di Lieba has a clear plan and goals for future development. She knows that as an actor, only by Xi constantly learning and improving can she gain a firm foothold in this industry. Therefore, in addition to her busy work, she did not forget to enrich herself and improve her acting skills and comprehensive quality.

After "Running Man 5" became popular, Di Lieba still works so hard, netizens: Praise her

Di Lieba's success did not happen overnight, but was the result of the humility and hard work she has maintained over the years. In the days to come, we look forward to her being able to bring us more wonderful works and continue to show us her talent and charm.

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