
Can nifedipine hurt blood vessels? What happens if you take it for a long time? After taking medicine for 18 years, he has 3 sincere advice

author:Pharmacist Wang's Cardiovascular Lecture Hall

"I heard that I can't stop taking this blood pressure medicine as soon as I take it, I'm still so young, I keep taking this medicine, will there be any problems?"

38-year-old Mr. Zhou was found to have high blood pressure during the physical examination at the unit, and was diagnosed with hypertension after a re-examination in the hospital. However, when Mr. Zhou thought that he would have to take this medicine in the future, he felt unwilling, of course, he was more worried, worried that taking the medicine would have a bad impact on his body, after all, he was indeed still young.

What will be the result of taking nifedipine for a long time?

This problem is actually a problem that plagues many people with high blood pressure. Dipine antihypertensive drugs are the most widely used class of antihypertensive drugs in clinical practice, and nifedipine, as the earliest used antihypertensive drugs, is still recommended by doctors after updating and iteration. However, the more it is used, the more problems there are, and the problems regarding the use of nifedipine are endless.

Can nifedipine hurt blood vessels? What happens if you take it for a long time? After taking medicine for 18 years, he has 3 sincere advice

1. Nifedipine has been clinically phased out?

When a patient came to buy medicine before, he asked me: The doctor prescribed nifedipine to him, but he read a popular science article saying that this drug has been clinically eliminated, and he was worried that there would be any problems, so he didn't dare to take it.

In fact, I have also written such an article, but what this patient did not understand is that the only thing that has been eliminated clinically is the first-generation nifedipine tablets, which is the oldest dipine drug, although the antihypertensive effect is good, but it is also gradually withdrawn from the clinic because of the large antihypertensive range, too fast blood pressure, short drug effect maintenance time, and large side effects. It is precisely because of these problems in the first generation of nifedipine tablets that the second-generation nifedipine sustained-release tablets and controlled-release tablets are available, and after the dosage form is improved, the problems existing in ordinary tablets are well avoided.

1. Lowering blood pressure is more stable and long-lasting: through the special process of sustained release and controlled release, the drug efficacy is released slowly and steadily, so the blood pressure will be more stable, and the drug effect has changed from a short-acting 3-5 hours to 12-24 hours, only need to be used 1 or 2 times a day, and ordinary nifedipine tablets can be taken at least 3 times a day.

2. Lower risk of side effects: It is precisely because the blood pressure is lowered more smoothly that the risk of side effects is lower, especially the discomfort of initial medication, such as palpitation, headache, and flushing, the incidence will be greatly reduced, and there is no risk of cardiovascular accidents caused by taking nifedipine tablets.

Can nifedipine hurt blood vessels? What happens if you take it for a long time? After taking medicine for 18 years, he has 3 sincere advice

2. Will taking nifedipine hurt blood vessels?

Some patients may also suspect that nifedipine will have an adverse effect on blood vessels, mainly because of the mechanism of action of antihypertensive drugs. Ground level antihypertensive drugs are calcium channel blockers, which reduce blood pressure by blocking calcium ions from entering smooth muscle cells, and then relaxing vascular smooth muscle and dilating blood vessels. Because of this, some people feel that the nifedipine will only make the blood vessels inelastic and loose, and even induce cerebral hemorrhage.

If you think so, then it is a big mistake! Horizontal-type antihypertensive drugs do have the effect of dilating blood vessels, but this is beneficial to blood vessels rather than harmful, which is equivalent to giving a massage to blood vessels, making it more relaxed, more elastic, and lowering blood pressure. Therefore, taking nifedipine for a long time will not harm blood vessels, on the contrary, it also has the effect of protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular.

3. What will be the result of taking nifedipine for a long time?

Having said all this, I just want to tell you that nifedipine itself is a good drug, and there is no problem with taking it for a long time, but you have to choose the right one. How to do it, you might as well listen to the advice of a person who has come before.

Can nifedipine hurt blood vessels? What happens if you take it for a long time? After taking medicine for 18 years, he has 3 sincere advice

Patient Lao Wu, who has high blood pressure for 18 years, has taken nifedipine for 18 years, you have to ask him how this medicine is, he should be the most vocal, after all, after 18 years, he is still healthy, without any complications, and looks younger and healthier than his wife of the same age. In his words, it is a good medicine, but there are a few things that need to be paid attention to.

1. Check your blood pressure frequently and ask your doctor frequently: although I have been using nifedipine from beginning to end, I have also changed my medication during this period. After adding medicine, at the beginning I took ordinary nifedipine tablets, that is, the first generation of dipine, to take 3 times a day, and then I was troublesome, the doctor recommended me to take nifedipine controlled-release tablets only 1 time a day, that is, the second generation of dipine, and then I found that I only took this one medicine, as if my blood pressure was unstable, so I added valsartan under the doctor's advice, and now I have been insisting on taking these two drugs, and my blood pressure is well controlled.

Lao Wu said: You must measure your blood pressure frequently, and find a doctor if you have something, which is the most important thing I think. For example, I adjusted my medication many times, all because I found a problem when measuring my blood pressure, and then I found a doctor as soon as possible, and adjusted my medication under the guidance of the doctor, which proved to be the wisest choice.

Can nifedipine hurt blood vessels? What happens if you take it for a long time? After taking medicine for 18 years, he has 3 sincere advice

2. Find discomfort and deal with it in time: If you want to say that nifedipine is not absolutely safe, once my blood pressure was ridiculously high, and then I listened to a patient's words, took a tablet of nifedipine, and the result was that the blood pressure was lowered, but there was palpitation, dizziness and other discomforts, so scared that I quickly found a doctor, and the doctor said that it was because the blood pressure dropped too fast. Since then, I have never dared to take this medicine again.

Lao Wu said: Nifedipine also has side effects, such as common headaches, palpitations, flushing, etc., which may occur when taking drugs at first, but the general problem is not big, and it will be good when you get used to it, and there may be problems such as gingival hyperplasia and edema of the lower limbs after a long time of medication, which is also what I heard from others, but fortunately I did not have these reactions. I think it's still the same sentence, if you have a problem, find a doctor, usually pay attention to your own discomfort, if you have a problem, find a doctor, and deal with it as soon as possible, so as to eliminate future problems.

Can nifedipine hurt blood vessels? What happens if you take it for a long time? After taking medicine for 18 years, he has 3 sincere advice

3. Healthy life, good blood pressure management: Finally, no matter what antihypertensive drugs are taken, this is an urgent problem for all patients with high blood pressure, because the wrong lifestyle Xi habits are not only not conducive to the management of blood pressure, but also have a bad impact on the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs. Therefore, I must live a good life, which is also something I have experienced deeply in my high blood pressure for so many years.

Lao Wu said: Healthy life, this is very simple, but it is not easy to really put it into practice, because it requires you to have enough self-discipline and enough patience, including diet, work and rest, exercise, mentality, etc., all aspects of life must be taken into account, take diet as an example, three meals a day must be managed well, not too salty, too spicy, too oily, and you have to eat less barbecue, hot pot, Processed meat, etc., in short, it is okay to keep your mouth shut, as well as to quit smoking and alcohol as soon as possible, to go to bed early and get up early, to exercise more, to manage personal emotions, to maintain a peaceful mind, etc., all of which must be kept in mind and persevered to the end.