
Dry eyes, sore legs and feet, low immunity, I use a clever plan to turn the tide, nourish the liver and kidneys, and be full of yang!

author:Director of Chinese medicine Hei Weike

At this time, many friends thought that their bodies were weak and used some tonics, but the effect was not only not obvious, but it was costly and laborious. So what's going on here?

Dry eyes, sore legs and feet, low immunity, I use a clever plan to turn the tide, nourish the liver and kidneys, and be full of yang!

This is because I didn't make up for the key points, and I want to say that there is nothing wrong with wanting to recuperate, but the premise is to understand where you are weak and where you are making up for it, so that you can see the effect, otherwise you will make up for it no matter how much you make up, it will not help, and it will only make up for it more and more.

Dry eyes, sore legs and feet, low immunity, I use a clever plan to turn the tide, nourish the liver and kidneys, and be full of yang!

First of all, this deficiency is in the kidneys: dry eyes, soreness in the waist and knees.

Always have sore eyes, can't see things clearly, and are prone to soreness in the waist and knees, and get up a lot at night. This is because our eyes depend on the essence of the five internal organs, especially the essence of the kidneys, in order to see everything clearly. In addition, this waist is the home of the kidneys, and the kidney qi is insufficient, and the most obvious feeling is that the waist and knees will have cold pain, soreness, especially after standing for a long time, this uncomfortable feeling will be significantly aggravated. Therefore, in terms of conditioning, we have to replenish the kidneys. You can use Jinkui Kidney Qi Soup to add or subtract.

Dry eyes, sore legs and feet, low immunity, I use a clever plan to turn the tide, nourish the liver and kidneys, and be full of yang!

And the deficiency is in the liver: weakness, palpitations and shortness of breath

Traditional Chinese medicine says: The liver is the foundation of the extreme, and the liver is fatigue. For many friends with liver deficiency, the most obvious feeling is that they are tired and tired after a little work. In addition, the liver is drained, which can maintain the movement of qi and blood throughout the body. If the liver qi is stagnant, it will lead to excessive consumption of qi and blood, causing palpitations and palpitations, and sleeping at night is not stable, always dreaming. In response to this kind of problem, we must timely relieve liver depression and nourish liver qi. That golden bell is a very good choice.

Dry eyes, sore legs and feet, low immunity, I use a clever plan to turn the tide, nourish the liver and kidneys, and be full of yang!

Finally, the deficiency is in the yang energy, the cold is afraid of the cold, and the resistance is weak

Yang energy is the foundation of life, and with the growth of age, the yang energy in our body is constantly lost, when the yang energy is insufficient, we are easy to be afraid of cold, even if the wear is thick, the quilt at night is not warm hands and feet, which is why many friends are afraid of cold, even if the temperature drops a little, they will catch a cold, fever. Only when the yang energy in our body is slowly filled, the hands and feet are naturally cold, and the problem of low immunity disappears. It can be added or subtracted with the four inverse dispersions.

Dry eyes, sore legs and feet, low immunity, I use a clever plan to turn the tide, nourish the liver and kidneys, and be full of yang!

Well, these contents are only for your reference, and they are not universal, if there is a problem, you should also seek medical attention offline in time to avoid delaying the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.


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