
The "Creative Literature Series Interviews" continues to consolidate the effectiveness of creation, and implements the details to achieve the creation goals - visiting Fang Xingyu, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Municipal Cultural and Guangdong New Tourism Bureau

author:Jiujiang News Network

Jiujiang News Network News (Jiujiang Daily full media reporter Chen Cheng) "As a key task unit for creating the seventh national civilized city, the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Culture, Guangzhou, and New Tourism deeply feels that the task is arduous and the responsibility is heavy, and will conscientiously implement the work arrangements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government on creating a national civilized city, work with one heart and one mind, pool wisdom and efforts, start well and finish well, do a good job in the creation of civilized cities in the country." A few days ago, Fang Xingyu, member of the party committee and deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Guangzhou New Tourism, said in an exclusive interview.

According to reports, in accordance with the work arrangements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, combined with the responsibilities of the bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Culture, Guangzhou, and New Tourism has comprehensively grasped the task of creating literature around the construction of public cultural and tourism facilities, cultural tourism activities, cultural relics protection, civilized tourism, and the improvement of urban cultural quality.

Comprehensively promote the integration of urban and rural areas in the cultural and tourism public service system. The Municipal Bureau of Culture and Guangzhou New Tourism optimizes the public cultural service space of cities, counties, townships and villages, and continues to deepen the construction of "15 minutes public cultural service circles in main urban areas and central towns, 20 minutes in general villages and towns" and "15 minutes reading circles in central urban areas". At the same time, we will build the "Jiujiang Book Search" brand, continue to implement key public digital cultural projects such as the National Digital Library Promotion Plan and the Public Electronic Reading Room Construction Plan, and improve the service level of "Internet + Public Culture" in public cultural venues.

To promote the creation of reading for all, and constantly improve the cultural taste of the city. The Municipal Bureau of Culture, Culture, Guangzhou, and New Tourism fully relies on the resources and platform advantages of the Municipal Library to make the "Xunlu" cultural service brand bigger and stronger, comprehensively create and cultivate the "Miaomiao" series of children's service brands, enhance the interest of minors in reading and learning, guide parents to take their children to read and learn, and participate in activities, so that the "Miaomiao" and "Xunlu" series of service brands have truly become an indispensable "second classroom" for the citizens of the city.

Promote the creation of cultural education and beauty education, and constantly strengthen the main battlefield of the cultural front. Vigorously carry out activities such as the display of light cavalry into scenic spots and non-heritage scenic spots in the new era, and in combination with the volunteer service exchange platform, vigorously carry out voluntary practical activities such as sending culture to the countryside, opera into the countryside, and opera calligraphy into the campus; combined with star-seeking pulpits, lectures in the large lecture hall of Xunlu, and small theater activities in the city, it not only provides citizens with richer cultural products and enhances the cultural temperament of Jiujiang City, but also provides new cultural landmarks and new business cards for Jiujiang.

To improve the quality of service to promote the creation, and constantly improve the ability and level of cultural tourism services. Actively explore the "1+2+10" three-level tourism service system model of "urban tourism service center + regional tourism service center + county tourism service center" throughout the city, continue to exert efforts in creating an excellent tourism environment and improving management services, vigorously develop virtual tours and smart tours of scenic spots and cultural venues, promote the expansion of cultural creativity to the tourism field, and standardize and improve the skill level, service awareness and service attitude of front-line employees. At the same time, around the theme of "accompanying civilization and walking with health", we have extensively carried out civilized tourism publicity and practice activities, enhanced the masses' concept of civilization through theme education and street propaganda, guided the majority of citizens to travel in a civilized and civilized manner, promoted everyone to travel safely, happily traveled, and civilized travel, and acted as a communicator and practitioner of civilized tourism in travel, creating a good atmosphere for the whole society to pay attention to civilized tourism, participate in and promote the development of civilized tourism, and make their own contributions to promoting the creation of a national civilized city in our city.

In the next step, the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Culture, Guangzhou, and New Tourism will closely follow the pace of creating a national civilized city, gather forces, pressure responsibilities, and see actions, mobilize all factors that can be mobilized, mobilize all forces that can be mobilized, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, keep an eye on the shortcomings of the problem, accurately benchmark the table, coordinate and promote the implementation of various work, continue to consolidate the results of creation, implement the details to achieve the creation goals, and take the opportunity of creating literature to promote the high-quality leapfrog development of the cultural and tourism industry.