
The first case in Shandong in the 1930s and the overthrow of Li Yanyu in Zhangqiu Nanbatian

author:Handsome and dashing cat

Jinping District, south of Zhangqiu, Jinan, Shandong, because the district office is located in Bucun Town, also known as Bucun District. In the 1930s, The Jinping tycoon Li Yanyu - Zhangqiu Nanbatian, also known as the "King of Jinping", was called lonely in the south of the Bucun area.

Li Yanyu was born into a landlord family. During the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, his father opened his own coal well in the Li Family Garden in the southeast of the town, and filled his private pocket with the blood and tears of the kiln workers. More than 130 acres of land were bought, and the family employed long-term workers, maids, and servants. Cars and horses were complete, and they lived exclusively on exploitation, and Li Yanyu lived a young master's life of "wearing gold and jade" since he was a child. He had seven brothers, the second eldest in line, so he was called Second Master Li. He was devious and treacherous, and he was good at picking and choosing marriage lawsuits. He had three wives, five sons and two daughters, of whom the eldest son, Li Jiajie, and the fourth son, Li Jiaping, were cunning and mischievous, no less vicious than his father.

In 1924, Li Yanyu, together with Jin Xiangpu, a black landlord of the Western King, opened the Shilingzi Coal Mine (now the No. 2 well of the Bucun Coal Mine) and made a windfall fortune. There were two shops in the town, namely the Longzen Hotel and the Longchang Pot Shop, which was once famous as Yangzhangqiu. During this period, his eldest brother Li Yanzhao was the mayor of Bucun, and he used this as a backer to play a big trick of political hooliganism, and successively married the warlord Chen Qiaoyuan and the Kuomintang reactionary politician Shi Yousan. Began to dabble in politics. Leaving the house and entering the house, such as walking on the door of the house. Deng ××, the pseudo-county magistrate at the time, personally called him Second Master Li. The local and town governments became his "royal" offices. He once said: "I Li Yueqing (Yueqing is Li's number) stomped my feet in front of the Grand View Gate, and Jinping Fangyuan had to rain for three days.' It was precisely when he was full of ambition and the masses of the people were afraid of him like a tiger, that Guo Hengxiang, the leader of the people in bucun, the first Communist Party member in our county, returned to his hometown.

Guo Hengxiang is a native of Xicun (now Buxi Brigade) in Bucun Town. Born in 1894. When he was young, his family was poor, and at the age of seven or eight, he went to the kiln in the coal well opened by the Li family. His entire teenage years were spent under the whip of the landlord's head. After becoming an adult, because he could not stand the abuse of inhuman life, he was introduced to Qingdao Sifang Machine Factory to work. Twenty years old. Married to Liu Shi, the daughter of the miners of the wood factory village, husband and wife and beauty, male workers and women weaving, sharing bitterness and happiness, and soaking each other.

In 1924, he was introduced by Comrade Deng Enming, head of the qingdao underground party organization, and joined the Communist Party of China. He led the workers to organize the "Christmas Party". The workers were organized many times to carry out the struggle against hunger and persecution, and they cracked down on the unscrupulous capitalists. In 1925, Zhang Zongchang, the culprit of the disaster, single-handedly created the "May and Twenty-Nine" massacres in Qingdao. The reactionary authorities ordered the pursuit of Deng Enming, Fu Shutang, and other leaders of our party's underground organization. Guo Hengxiang was also arrested, and he was ordered to transfer Jinan. Around 1928, he returned to his hometown of Bucun Town, Xicun, and secretly developed an anti-riot organization.

In 1928, the bandit Zhang Mingjiu occupied Zhangqiu and burned and committed adultery. For a time, it caused the masses of × to complain, the yijing was strangled, and the people of Li were deeply trapped in the tragic situation of the soup fire. The local tycoon Li Yanyu took advantage of the chaotic times to recruit troops and buy horses, and with the support of Zhang Zongchang's regime, he established a volunteer regiment. Its members are the children of wealthy local families. It began with more than 200 people and later grew to more than 500 people. Relying on this ragtag procession, he ran rampant in the countryside and committed crimes. People called him "Nan Ba Tian", also known as "Jinping King". Soon, his brother Li Yanzhao, seeing that he was far ahead of his own, gave him the post of district chief. Li Yanyu became the head of the district regiment, shouldering two terms of office, and the literary and military powers were combined. He could collect grain from the local people at will, and the taxes he collected were as varied as cattle hair. When some people are unable to pay for a while, they are regarded as anti-grain recalcitrant people, and they are punished at best, and those who are kidnapped and tortured at worst. How many people were forced by him to destroy their families and their wives and children. At that time, there were more than 80 tobacco villages in bucun district, and almost all of them had blood and tear debts owed by the "Jinping King".

In the name of suppressing bandits, Li Yanyu personally led a volunteer group to the area around Artemisan Village to carry out open robbery. The trumpet soldier Li Jiake (Li Yanyu's nephew) found that a woman was quite beautiful, so she was taken into captivity in the army. When they returned, the district office ordered the people of the town to beat gongs and drums and marched to welcome the "victory and triumph" of the volunteer regiment. People only saw five iron-wheeled carts, full of cabinet cages. The most striking thing is a young girl sitting in a car. In order to hide his eyes and ears, Li Yanyu said that the belongings on the car were all discarded by bandits, and the girl was the sister of the thief. Therefore, people called this young girl "Thief Ni". That night, Li Yanyu gave this so-called "thief" to Li Jiake. Immediately, they became relatives and entered the cave room. The girl misses her parents with tears on her face. On the "wedding night", he was severely beaten by Li Jiake. Later, this "thief" actually became a member of the Poor People's Association and secretly reported to Guo Hengxiang the activities of Li Yanyu and the volunteer group.

Li Yanyu set up a volunteer group, and after becoming the mayor of Jinping District, his appetite swelled, his desires were difficult to fill, and his ambitions became bigger and bigger. So the Latins gathered together to enrich and expand the armed forces. He set up a gun-making furnace without permission, and from the coal mine opened by the capitalists in the boot barrel land, he built five lathes and a diesel engine to produce guns from the motorcycle. The technician was hired from Jinan by a capitalist. They all worked in Zhang Zongchang's arsenal. The workers were recruited on the spot, and there were more than sixty of them. On average, 3-5 rifles are produced per day. In addition to being issued to the conscripts, the rest were sold to large local landowners. Li Yanyu stipulated that anyone who had enough one or two taxes of silver (one or two taxes and silver for every fifteen acres of land in the city) should buy a gun for self-defense.

In the summer of 1928, the warlord Chen Qiaoyuan and the reactionary politician Shi Yousan, through Zhang Zongchang's connections, made Li Yanyu the deputy head of the Zhangqiu Security Regiment (the head of the regiment was Meng Huafeng) and the head of the Jinping District Volunteer Regiment, and granted him the privilege of "any dissident to the Communist Party and a recalcitrant bandit may be tried on the spot." Since then, Li Yanyu has not only gained political titles and backing, but also has the power to kill people in the judiciary. There is no fear. A penal hall was openly set up in the district office. Where all civil disputes and criminal proceedings in the district do not need to go to the county court, he can sit in court and ask questions. Later, when there were more lawsuits, they ordered the Li family to open an inn in the south gate, which was specially used to receive people who came to complain, so as to extort extortion and take bribes.

Li Yanyu's district offices and volunteer regiments, as well as all military salaries, were supplied by the people of the entire Jinping District. His excuse was that the volunteer regiment belonged to the army that guaranteed the safety of the people of Li in the whole region and should pay for grain. Under this pretext, they plundered the people's wealth. Niu Xiuchang of Nanming Village, Hao Tingbai of Dishuiquan, was dissatisfied with Li Yanyu's arbitrariness and harsh atrocities, and called on the local people to resist grain and boycott. They openly publicized to the masses: Nanming and Dishuiquan are located in poor rural areas, the people are poor and poor, and there are no thieves to be afraid of. The volunteer group gathered in the villages and towns of Bu, only for the "Jinping King" to protect the family nursing home, and we should not pay for them. When Li Yanyu learned of this, he immediately started Tuanding, went to Nanming and Dishuiquan respectively, and killed Niu and Hao on the spot. Zhang Zhaohu, the three defans, organized the Poor People's Association to mobilize the poor people to resist grain donations and oppose the "Jinping King". Li Yanyu immediately sent his third son, Li Jiatai, to take several murderers into the village at night and kill Zhang Zhaohu in the courtyard with a machete. Not long after, in the name of being a guest, he tricked Jin Huaguang, who was in contact with Guo Hengxiang in the Western King's black village, to the banks of the Bagu River and shot him to death. Within half a year, the "Jinping King" killed four people in a row, shocking the whole county and frightening everyone. At that time, Wang Han, a man from Bucun Town, once secretly wrote a couplet mocking the ferocity of Li's father and son:

"Harrier" wolf heart Yokono claw grabbing hall envoy Zhang Yi shocked,

"Lion's" color gall bag heaven shot Zhaohu Jinpingwei.

At a time when the "Jinping King" killed dissidents, injured several people, and caused a terrible situation in the Bucun area, Guo Hengxiang, a communist party member, organized the first poor people's association in our county, had grown and developed, with more than 500 members.

After Guo Hengxiang returned to his hometown, he witnessed Li Yanyu's various crimes and resolved to organize the peasants to wage a tit-for-tat struggle against them. At that time, the "Red Gun Society" was prevalent in the area of the village, and they believed in the gods to worship the altar and swallowed the spells and chanted the mantra, which was said to have the secret protection of the gods, and they could not enter the war with guns and knives. Once the Red Gun Society of Cao Fan in the north and south encountered the reactionary army in the area of Tingshan, and the members swallowed yellow charms, held red guns in their hands, and went into battle with bare arms, chanting "The gods help each other, and the guns and knives do not enter!" As a result, more than two hundred people were killed or injured. After Guo Hengxiang learned about this situation, he thought to himself that under the poison of the feudal Taoist association, the peasant brothers would be used by bad people to be deceived and suffered losses, or they would be victims of feudal superstition. In order to facilitate contact with the Red Gun Society in other villages and conduct ideological education to them, he provoked the cargo lang to bear the burden, took advantage of the opportunity of stringing the four townships, and successively established relations with the Red Gun Society organizations in The Villages of Beicao Fan, Zhai Jiazhuang, Pengjiazhuang, Wenzu, and Muchang. After he returned home every day, he and the poor brothers in the village, such as Zhang Yuheng and Xia Weichen, were united to help each other, and they worked together in the busy agricultural season, and the days were long, the relationship was close, they were like brothers and sisters, and they didn't say anything. Guo Hengxiang briefed them on the activities of the Red Gun Society in outer villages. More importantly, it is to introduce Marxism and Sun Yat-sen's New Three People's Principles of uniting with Russia, the Communist Party, and supporting peasants and workers, and to carry out revolutionary propaganda and class struggle education. He was not highly educated, but he was very eloquent, knowledgeable, good at oratory, and very popular with the poor. After having a certain foundation among the peasants, they consulted with Zhang Yuheng and Xia Weichen and decided to set up a poor people's association. The meeting site is located in the sanguan temple in the center of the village. In a month's work, the number of people required to join the association reached more than two hundred. Everyone elected Guo Hengxiang as the president, Zhang Yuheng and Xia Weichen as vice presidents, and Wang Hexuan as secretaries. On the day of the establishment of the Poor People's Association, a sign was hung on the left and right of the "Blue Sky and White Sun Flag" in front of the Three Officials Temple, and on the right was the Poor People's Association of Bucun Town, and on the left was the Red Gun Society of Bucun Town. In fact, the Red Gun Society is just a fictitious name, in order to socialize with the Red Gun Society in the outer village and gain their support. More than 500 members of the poor and red gun members who were invited to attend the meeting were invited to attend. At the meeting, Guo Hengxiang's mouth was like a hanging river, and he gave a speech for nearly six hours in one breath. From the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Twist army, the Boxer Rebellion, to the Xinhai Revolution. He introduced in detail the practical significance of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's proposal that "the tiller has his own land" to average land and control capital. He stressed that if the poor peasants wanted to have food to eat and clothing to wear, they must organize themselves and overthrow the local tyrants and inferior gentry. Finally, it is proposed that the Poor People's Association and the Red Gun Society are poor brothers, and they must work together to unite and unite to overthrow all oppressors and exploiters. Strive for their own liberation and realize that the cultivator has his own land. The members attending the meeting held their breath, washed their ears and listened, and praised and moved by it. Therefore, Guo Hengxiang's name spread among the masses. Since then, two opposing banners have been erected in Bucun Town: Li Yanyu's volunteer regiment and Guo Hengxiang's poor people's association. struggle

The Association of the Poor was established and required some funds for its activities. Such as the manufacture of red guns, daily expenses, where does the money come from? Guo Hengxiang thought of Huang Futian in the East Village of Bucun Town. Huang Futian, also known as Huang Xiaosi, is proud and open-minded. In his youth, he participated in the "May and Fourth" movements at Jinan Yuying Middle School. Deeply influenced by the new era, new culture and new ideas. He was in favor of the revolution and supported Sun Yat-sen's New Three People's Principles. Oppose the warlord division and the rampant hegemony of the landlords and gentry. Later, he inherited his father's business and opened two hotels in Lanling, with nearly 100 people working. The business is booming, and the daily income is thousands of yuan, which can be called the wealth of a township. He looked at Li Yanyu, who was arrogant and arrogant. Most of the men in his family run a liquor business in Lanling, and the adults in the family are female dependents. Land management, house repair, all have housekeepers to cook. Li Yanyu, who was jealous of power and wealth, already had a desire to threaten the Huang clan. Every time he issued servitude, taxes, military food, and salary, the Huang family bore the brunt of it. The floating wave disciples in the volunteer group also often harassed the yellow door female dependents. This naturally aroused Huang Futian's hatred for Li Yanyu. Around 1920, Huang Futian's clan, Huang Xiaoyu, was widowed in middle age and "became" a widow halfway through, and the two sons left behind by his ex-wife, Huang Ruzeng and Huang Rucheng, both smoked big cigarettes and squandered wantonly, and the family business went bankrupt. When he didn't have money to buy a big cigarette, he secretly sold his stepmother. His mother was angry, but went to the county town to accuse the second son of selling his mother to take drugs. The lawsuit was fought for half a year, and the case could not be closed for a long time. So the stepmother went to Li Yanyu, which was right in his arms. Li Qiao's lawsuit caused his stepmother to marry Huang Futian's father, Huang Sanma, causing the Huang family to suffer a lot of grievances. Guo Hengxiang's arrival made Huang Futian overjoyed, and the two talked for half a night, even to the point of surrender. Huang signed up for the Poor People's Association on the spot and publicly expressed his full financial support. Soon, Guo Hengxiang hired six blacksmiths and began to light furnaces to create red tassels and large blades, most of which were borne by Huang Futian.

The poor members had red guns and large knives, and they were more powerful. Every morning out of the exercise, Guo Hengxiang personally led the team coach. And sing songs. They often sang a song with lyrics that were roughly: "In the year of the first birthday, the Japanese invaded us, shelled our ships, and smashed my steamships." The traitor Yuan (Yuan Shikai) sent troops to 'oversee Taiwan.' Gave the foreigners Daliankou, and then paid compensation to cut Taiwan..." (lyrics, the recaller is not very clear that there may be discrepancies, the author's note). The loud song was like an invisible sword, poking at the heart of the "Jinping King". After the exercise, they went home to work. In the evening, I went to the night school for the poor to listen to Guo Hengxiang's lectures. It is said that a word "poor" is spoken overnight. At the same time as giving lectures, he also told the students about the crimes of the Qing Dynasty, the Beiyang warlords, and the one-man thief Chiang Kai-shek in uniting imperialism, plundering our wealth, and killing our compatriots. The ideological awareness of the members of the poor has been further enhanced, and the number of people who have been asked to join the membership is increasing. From more than 200 people at the beginning, it has grown to more than 500 people. This is a serious threat to the "Jinping King". Li Yanyu, who was scheming and scheming, knew that it was inappropriate to take an extreme approach to Guo Hengxiang, so he used the means of bribery and co-optation in an attempt to divide and disintegrate from within, and then eliminate the poor people's association. So he took the initiative to talk to Guo Hengxiang, talk about the neighborhood rankings, and call him a brother. He also falsely expressed that the volunteer group was willing to join hands with the poor people's association to worship under an altar to jointly protect the border and the people. The poor will have difficulties, and the volunteer group will certainly help each other, regardless of each other. Guo Hengxiang, who had rich experience in struggle, immediately saw through Li Yanyu's conspiracy, but secretly guarded against it. One night, as dark as ink, Guo Hengxiang, Zhang Yuheng, and Xia Weichen secretly discussed a plan to resist grain donations and strike at Li Yanyu economically, and everyone unanimously approved of li Yanyu's plan. Therefore, they openly publicized the masses and called on the masses in Buxi, Pengjiazhuang, Zhaijiazhuang, Wenzu, And Muchang to pay no heed to the harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes sent by the district offices and the volunteer groups. Because the volunteer regiment is the royal team of Li Yanyu and the landlord Lao Cai, it has nothing to do with the poor, and the people have the organization of the people and do not need the "protection" of the volunteer group. And they will not protect the poor. As a result, for half a year, they did not take anything, and the particles were not paid. The "Jinping King" became angry and decided to poison Guo Hengxiang and the poor people. At this time, the north village of Bucun Town was named Ru Liu Daidong. Wenxun took the risk and secretly found Guo Hengxiang and reminded him to pay attention to Li Yanyu's secret calculations, be cautious and careful, and "prevent problems before they happen." Guo Hengxiang was very moved. Liu Daidong praised the activities of the Poor People's Association and asked to join the Poor People's Association in person. Guo Hengxiang tightly held Liu Daidong's hands, looked at each other, and could not speak for a long time.

Liu Daidong is a highly respected old private school gentleman in the Bucun area, who is progressive in his thinking and good at accepting new things. He supported the bourgeois democratic revolutions of Kang, Liang, and Sun Yat-sen. The restoration diehards led by Yuan Shikai are deeply resentful. Li Yanyu was the remnant of a feudal loyalist. He supported Yuan Shikai as emperor and dreamed of the Qing Dynasty re-ascending to the Ninth Five-Year Plan, which naturally formed a discord between Liu and Li in ideological contradictions and political views. Because Li Junan Village, Liu Zhubei Village, the people of Bu Village at that time called the north and south factions. One year, on the fifteenth day of the first month, li Yanyu gathered a number of idle and idle disciples to beat gongs and drums in the name of pretending to be "playing tricks", and made some low-level and inferior so-called "programs" in front of Liu Dai's east gate. Liu knew that Li Yanyu was "Xiangzhuang Dancing Sword, intended to be Pei Gong". Suddenly born the heart of Lee. That night, the masses were organized to play a program to overthrow the local tycoons and inferior gentry, in order to pay tribute to the "Jinping King". When the "pretending" crowd arrived at the door of the district office, the volunteer group stopped the way and said that The head of the Li regiment wanted to enjoy the program. Who thought at this time, Nancun came to play "flower boat". Hidden in the ship are murder weapons such as "seven-section whip" and "whistle stick". Two groups of people fought against each other. The people of The North Village suffered a big loss when they were unexpectedly unprepared. Some were injured, some were beaten to the head and bleeding.

As early as a year ago, the bandit Liu Heiqi came to Zhangqiu and kidnapped Ma Xitian, a noble gentleman in Wenzu Town. Things caused a sensation throughout the county. Feng Yunhe, the puppet county magistrate, reported to the provincial governor's office, and Zhang Zongchangli sent a part of the army to lead five hundred "old Maozi soldiers" (white Russian troops expelled after the October Revolution of the Soviet Union) to Zhangqiu to suppress the bandit Liu Heiqi. When passing through the village camp, Li Yanyu deliberately put the garrison's house number in the north village. Overnight, the "old Maozi soldiers" indulged in drunken disturbances, raped and plundered, and slaughtered chickens and cattle, and the villagers suffered greatly. Afterwards, Liu Daidong said to the masses in Beicun: This is completely Li Yanyu's framing of us. The common people were filled with indignation. Soon, there was a fire in Li Yanyu's home, and the villagers could not "put out" it, and for half a month, the buildings and houses looked like ashes. The Jinping King "frightened his head" and "prayed to the heavens." The common people were secretly happy. Some say that the sins of the Li family are too deep, which is a manifestation of "heavenly reason"; some say that good and evil will eventually be rewarded. In the case of desperation, the "Jinping King" went to ask Wang Han to find a way. Wang deliberately teased Li Yanyu and told him that this was a "god" fire, and he didn't know which way the "immortals" were touched, or he asked for "gods"! The "Jinping King" had no choice but to invite a famous monk, Gao Dao, set up an altar and beat it, and tossed it around for two days, to no avail. Later, the masses saw that the Li family compound was almost burned, and they were afraid that the fire would extend to the neighbors, so they tried their best to put out the fireworks and extinguished the fireworks. Li Yanyu believed that the fire was the work of Liu Daidong's traitors, so he called all the poor people in Beicun to the district office and all those who lived in his home. One by one, they were tortured and questioned, and nothing was found. So Li Yanyu blamed the cause of the fire on Guo Hengxiang.

In the spring of 1928, the "Jinping King" hired landlords from Xintai and Laiwu Boshan to arm themselves with landlords from three counties, known as three regiments. In fact, there are only a few hundred people. Threatening to seize Zhangqiu City, his intention was to demonstrate to the Poor People's Association and the Red Gun Society in Bu Village, and to kill Guo Hengxiang under the guise of outsiders to eliminate the troubles of his confidants. He conspired with the chief of the three counties to ask the Poor People's Association to sponsor the military salaries. If he does not comply, it will be said that Guo Hengxiang is deliberately hostile to the foreign regiment and can be questioned for his crimes by resisting grain. In this way, Guo Hengxiang was arrested and sent to the regimental headquarters of the district office. Guo knew that this was Li Yanyu's "murder plan by borrowing a knife", so he sternly and euphemistically recounted that he was a poor and poor person, and that he had no hatred with everyone in the past and no hatred in recent days. The "Jinping King" hoarded grain and thousands of stones, accumulating thousands of dollars. He invited you from afar, did not open a warehouse to fund, but instead asked me, a poor egg who had no overnight food, and didn't he intend to get rid of me by your hand? I look forward to the crowd and think about it again and again. The leaders looked at each other and thought it was reasonable. They also felt that Li Yanyu was rich and unkind, and just to repay his personal grievances, he tricked them into coming here, and they also wanted to kill people for him and trap them in injustice, so they released Guo Hengxiang and left overnight. Early the next morning, when King Jinping learned that Guo Hengxiang was not dead and that the leaders of the three counties had not resigned, he was furious and scolded. In order to ease the atmosphere, he personally found Guo Hengxiang and falsely scolded the leaders of the three counties, how not to talk about friendship, and how to stir up trouble between them. In the future, the volunteer regiment and the poor people's association should work together in harmony and be in the same boat through thick and thin. Guo Hengxiang was furious in the face of the barking of this rabid dog, and really wanted to knock him down with one punch, but for the sake of the existence and development of the Poor People's Association, he temporarily endured. That night, Guo Hengxiang held a meeting of the backbone elements of the poor. He pointed out to the point that Li Yanyu's thief's heart was not followed, and the dog jumped the wall, and all kinds of signs showed that he was poisoning us and wanted to put the poor people to death. We must not allow its plot to succeed, let's preemptively attack. Tomorrow, we will march and demonstrate, put up slogans, and make a big noise to show the strength of the Poor People's Association and the Red Gun Society, and to burn the majesty of the Jinping King. The parade is over, and then study the next move.

On the morning of November 28, 1928, more than 600 people from the Buxi Poor People's Association and the Wooden Factory Red Gun Society gathered in the garden in front of the Three Officials Temple in Buxi. Flags are unfurled, silver guns are screened, the poor will be in front, the red guns will be in the back, and the front of the line will be opened by ten poor members with rifles. Guo Hengxiang gave an order, and the parade began. When the team came to the east and west gates of the ditch, they saw that the double doors were closed tightly and the big iron locks were put on. Guo Hengxiang immediately sent someone to inform the "Jinping King" that the four doors were open today, otherwise they would break through the door. In a few moments, the two regiments opened the west gate. The procession surged in, reaching the south gate, crossing the street around the north gate and exiting the east gate. Along the way, "down with the local tycoons and inferior gentry"! "Bring down the landlord bully!" Slogans such as "The tiller has his land" have risen one after another. As the party passed, the walls on both sides were plastered with slogans of red, red, green and green. Li Yanyu, who was huddled in the Longzen Hotel, was like sitting on a needle felt, and he was terrified. From time to time, a group of dings was sent to patrol the streets. In the afternoon, the red guns of the wood factory will return to the village, and the poor will line up to bid farewell. When they passed by the door of the district office, they shouted slogans and sang the song compiled by Guo Hengxiang: "This kind of resentment and hatred, we poor people can't bear it, in order to survive, we must fight with the local tycoons and inferior gentry..."

That night, Li Yanyu hurriedly ordered Tuan Ding to find Guo Hengzhang and Guo Hengji (these two were Li Zhi's dog legs), and he gritted his teeth and said something, Guo Hengxiang wanted to "rebel", and now he had pointed the muzzle of the gun at him Li Mou. Guo Hengzhang, Guo Hengji and Guo Hengxiang were brothers of the same sect, and they asked them to make up their minds for him. When the Guo brothers heard it, they couldn't help but be horrified. Qi said that Guo Hengxiang was dim-witted and bold, and let the second master rule. Li Yanyu smirked and immediately ordered someone to drink the wine and disperse the night. Plagiarism

After the parade of the Poor People's Association ended, Guo Hengxiang secretly invited Zhang Yuheng and Xia Weichen to their home to discuss the night raid on the volunteer group to capture Li Yanyu alive. Unexpectedly, Guo Hengxiang's uncle fell ill and died. The matter had to be discussed after the funeral.

On the afternoon of the twenty-ninth day, Guo Hengxiang had just returned from the funeral, and before he could take off his filial piety, he received an invitation from Li Yanyu. Zhang Yuheng and Xia Weichen would not let him go, but Guo Hengxiang insisted on not complying. Zhang was helpless, so he said I would accompany you. Guo Hengxiang still did not think so, criticizing Zhang and Xia for being too timid. He thinks that at present, the "Jinping King" does not dare to do anything to him. So he took off his filial piety, turned to his wife Liu Shi, asked a few words to take care of the funeral affairs, and entered the district office alone. At this moment, the sun was shining at night, and the silence in the courtyard was abnormal. There were no shadows in the office and the regimental headquarters. He suddenly felt that the situation had changed, turned to leave, and suddenly two regiments flashed out of the Three Qing Hall, blocking the way. Saying that the head of the district regiment was waiting in the backyard, Guo Hengxiang walked toward the backyard. Just after entering the moon gate, Li Jiatai, the executioner who was ambushed on the side, saw Guo Hengxiang's awe-inspiring and righteous, daunting anger, and was already timid for three minutes, and the hand holding the gun trembled, and the bullet passed by. Guo Turned sharply and was just about to pounce on the murderer, when the vicious Zhang Futang fired a second shot. Comrade Guo Hengxiang, who was unarmed, fell into a pool of blood with the sound of gunfire. Two bandits erected the corpses and threw them outside the polder wall on the west side of the courtyard. The first Communist Party member in our county was booby-trapped and killed by the big local tycoon Li Yanyu.

At the same time as killing Comrade Guo Hengxiang, Li Yanyu ordered the four doors to be closed, and the regiment was armed with live ammunition and guarded above the polder wall. The volunteer regiment was divided into two routes, the west road to capture Zhang Yuheng and Xia Weichen, and the east road to capture Huang Futian and Liu Daidong. Under the cover of the masses, Zhang and Xia had already moved; Huang and Liu Wenchang also disguised themselves and escaped from the dangerous situation and fled Jinan. The two groups returned empty-handed. Li Yanyu was both annoyed and frightened. After the shock, the bandits went to the West Village to smash the poor people's association and confiscate all its weapons and utensils. If there is resistance or complaint, arrest on the spot. Therefore, the first poor organization in our county, the Poor People's Association of Bucun Town, was snuffed out by the feudal landlord forces.

Comrade Guo Hengxiang's body was on the ground, the blood had not dried, and the "King of Jinping" ordered Tuan Ding to threaten Comrade Guo Hengxiang's family, and was not allowed to cry or complain. In this regard, the masses of the people saw it in their eyes and hated it in their hearts, raised funds to purchase a coffin, and buried it overnight.

A few days later, Huang Futian and Liu Daidong, who were far away in Jinan, secretly returned to their hometowns and secretly found the family members of Comrade Hengxiang and several poor members. Vowed to avenge Guo Hengxiang. Huang Futian has several private rooms in the Binxing Hotel in Jinan Whip Finger Lane, and temporarily settles down. Liu Daidong drafted a lawsuit and jointly accused Zhang Qiu of "Jinping King" Li Yanyu. Thus, the prelude to the first case in Shandong in the 1930s was unveiled.


In order to avenge Li Yanyu for Comrade Guo Hengxiang, Huang Futian opened a mansion in front of the provincial government. Anyone who comes to tell Zhangqiu "Jinping King" can enter the museum for food and lodging, and stay with guests. Liu Daidong said that in order to overthrow Li Yanyu, he was willing to go to the Tang Dynasty. Even if it is the liver and brain, it is not spared. The main reason why the Huang and Liu families were so resolute was that there was already water and fire between them and Li Yanyu. There are both old and new hatreds, so the death of Guo Hengxiang has sounded the fuse. Liu Daidong wrote a good form and consulted with Huang Futian: Did you pass the county pass first? Huang Futian said: "The county magistrate Feng Yunhe and Li Yanyu are in cahoots, and in some places the county grand master still has to listen to the "Jinping King." Find him a complaint, it is not a moth throwing fire, simply go to the provincial high court. ”

Since the "Jinping King" booby-trapped Guo Hengxiang, his heart was in a trance. An evil man came to file a complaint first, on the grounds that Guo Hengxiang, a communist member, had red-fashioned propaganda, demagoguered the people's minds, and incited the people to resist grain and boycott the donation. This is really a major local disaster, and my own duty has corrected it on the spot. Yu Dang Huang Futian and Liu Daidong reversed right and wrong, forcefully used words to sue their own posts, and overturned the case for Guo Bandit Hengxiang. The greedy provincial high court, believing that the two documents had their own origins, temporarily suppressed them. After Huang Futian learned about the internal situation through the relationship, he again went to Liu Daidong for advice, decided to find Guo Hengxiang's wife Liu Shi, and personally went to the provincial government to find Han Fuyu to complain about injustice.

A few days later, Liu Daidong secretly approached Guo Liu and explained the reason. Liu Shi fell to his knees, tears falling like rain. Liu Daidong pulled her up to comfort her, and then taught her how to stop the car and shout injustice, how to talk back to the church, and so on. After Liu Shi had memorized it, Liu Daidong handed her the pre-written form. That night, Liu Daidong and Liu's mother, son (daughter) arrived at the Huang Futian Mansion in Jinan.

It is said that Han Fuyu Sumu was a "Qing official" in history, and he once repaired the Bao Gong Ancestral Hall, and often took it as a pleasure to bend over and judge the case. Therefore, some people called him "Han Qingtian", and he was deeply happy about this. The reason why Liu Daidong decided to ask Liu Shi to go into the provincial capital to find Han to stop the car and cry out for injustice was because Huang Futian had an old relationship with He Siyuan, the then provincial education minister, and He Siyuan had close contacts with Han Fuyu's secretary, Zhang Shaotang. In February 1931, on a cold spring morning, Guo Liushi, in accordance with the instructions of Huang Futian and Liu Daidong, went to the provincial government to file a complaint with his dirty face, a rotten shirt, a son on his back, a daughter, and a bloody coat. The doorman did not allow her to enter, so she knelt down and pleaded, and the guard was touched, so she went to the chairman's office of the Wufeng Building to ask for instructions.

The secretary, Zhang Shaotang, had a good idea in mind and ordered the guards to call the complainant downstairs to wait for a while. In an instant, Han Fuji wanted to go out in a car. The secretary clerk waited in front of the car. Han Gang was about to get into the car, and Liu Shi dragged his daughter to kneel in front of Han, holding the bloody clothes in both hands, and cried loudly: "Han Qingtian, the people's wives have been wronged, please be the master!" When Han Fu saw this, he moved his "heart of compassion" for a moment. In particular, it was very pleasant to hear the cry of the "Han Qingtian" grand master to be the master of the people's wives. So the attendant lifted up Liu Shi and asked her if she was complaining or "filing" a complaint? Liu Shi was busy submitting the submission and handing it to Han Fuji with both hands. After he took a closer look, he told her to go back and listen to the rumors.

Guo Liushi returned to the Huang Mansion and repeated the complaint, and Huang Futian told Liu Daidong that Lao Han's case was a quick trial and a quick decision. Let's hurry up and write the second letter. So Liu Daidong immediately began to write. The petition lists Li Yanyu's ten major crimes: dominating Jinping, running amok in the townships, having no state law, arbitrarily engaging in trouble, setting up public courts privately, killing innocents indiscriminately, making guns privately, distributing silver and grain indiscriminately, washing charcoal on the people, and fish and meat. The next morning, Huang Futian passed the form to Han Fuji's hand. I received a summons at noon and entered the house in the evening. Han interrogated Guo Liushi and asked Huang Futian again. Immediately ordered the pursuit of the defendant Li Yanyu to the case. As a result, the messenger returned empty-handed. Han Fuyu jumped like a thunderbolt and sent a company of pistol brigades to Zhangqiu to arrest the "Jinping King". And painted a graphic posting a notice, going up to the clouds: "... If there is anyone who knows to repay, the reward is one hundred yuan." Someone secretly told the "King of Jinping" to hide in Song Shangzhuang and Song Jing. The pistol brigade surrounded Song Shangzhuang, and Song Jing came to tell Li Yanyu that Lao Han's pistol brigade had arrived, and Li Yanyu asked Song Jing to come back. Song came to the gate and said to the pistol brigade: "My Song family has been a scholar for generations, obeying the law, there is no man who breaks the law in the family, and there is no daughter who remarries at the door. "The pistol brigade will not listen and will enter the house to search. Song said again, "Although Li and I are sons and daughters, but the state king law is still rough, you want to search for it, but I have words first, if you search out, I am willing to sit in the crime of harboring, what if you can't find it?" The pistol brigade of 'Han Qingtian' is also responsible for framing good people! The pistol brigade had no choice but to return to the village, kidnapped Li Jiajie, the eldest son of the "King of Jinping", sealed his door, and returned to Jinan to return to Han Fujie. Passing through the hall, the Han law enforcement officer beat Li Jiajie with forty military sticks and put him in prison. Wait for the "Jinping King" to come to the case for retrial.

Soon, the news came that Li Jiajie had been beaten and imprisoned, and Song Jinglai told Li Yanyu the truth, knew the stakes, and persuaded him to surrender. And offer countermeasures: as long as you insist on killing Guo Hengxiang, because he is a communist red element. Han Fu zhi is like a vendetta, forgive him will not be punished on you. Or can it turn the danger into a disaster. At this point, the desperate "Jinping King" had no choice but to "break the cauldron and sink the boat".

It was when Li Jiajie was imprisoned for his father's execution that the "Jinping King" surrendered. He was served by his fourth son, Li Jiaping. They first went to the provincial high court to find the "relationship" and then reported Han Fuju. The next morning, I entered the house. In the middle of the lobby are four screens. There is a two-story platform in front of the screen, and When Han Fuji asks questions, he always stands on the second floor platform. Huang Futian, Guo Liushi, and Li Yanyu, the people involved in the case, came to the lobby and saw the soldiers of the pistol brigade and the law enforcement team standing sternly in front of the hall, and a large bundle of ropes and a dozen or so military sticks were placed on the ground. As soon as the military judge said "stand upright," Han Fuji went to the court for trial. Because Li Yanyu's two passes had not arrived, Han was already angry. Therefore, without asking about the facts of the case, he was beaten with twenty military sticks and thrown into prison for introspection just because he resisted the order and refused to be ×. The indispensable "Jinping King" never dreamed that he would suffer such a bitter punishment and be imprisoned.

After Li Yanyu was imprisoned, Li Jiaping panicked and ran on all sides, moving in all directions. Two provincial lawyers were hired to defend his father. Huang Futian also hired Wang Yuting, a lawyer from Wang Zhuang in the north ship of Zhangqiu City, to live in the museum. At each court, lawyers on both sides each side held one end to defend their master. One party's reason: monopolizing the township, taking people's lives, killing innocents without permission... It is a crime; one party has a reason; it is a good idea to incite the people, to plot riots, and to kill them. "Han Qingtian," who has always been rigid and self-conscious, acting arbitrarily and arbitrarily, and taking self-determination as a quick decision and speedy judgment as a matter of expeditious judgment, feels very troubled by this and has no way out. Therefore, he took advantage of the fact that he was entangled in government affairs and had no time to inquire about it, and entrusted the case to the Provincial High Court for handling. Li Jiaping was overjoyed when he heard the news, and went to the High Court with a heavy amount of money to find "relationship" accommodation. After only one meeting, the case was turned over, and the Huang and Liu families were sentenced to block the lawsuit and shield the "communist bandits." He immediately gave the "King of Jinping" freedom and threatened to detain Huang Futian, Liu Daidong, and Guo Liushi. Huang Futian went to Puji for refuge. Liu Daidong fled back to Bucun. Guo Liu is still in the Huang Family Mansion. Li Jiaping returned to bucun town and started Tuan Ding to arrest "Five Liu And Three Yellows". [Note:] As a result, only Liu Shanqing (Liu Daidong's nephew, one of the five Lius) and Hu Puzhai (an activist involved in denouncing Li Yanyu) were obtained, and after severe torture, Hu Puzhai was hung upside down on a large locust tree on the left side of the Sanqingguan Gate, and let passers-by hit randomly, which was called "hanging and flying". Li Jiaping asked while hitting, "Are you still not telling?" The answer was: "As long as there is a breath, it will be sued to the end." Liu Shanqing was tied to the pillar of the "Wang Lingguan" temple platform on the right side of the Grand View Gate and beaten and insulted in every way.

Huang Futian, who did not tell the King of Jinping to die, with the encouragement and support of Liu Daidong and others, once again sought out He Siyuan and Zhang Shaotang and told the "King of Jinping" three times. At first, Zhang Shaotang said that there was nothing he could do. He Siyuan proposed that he stop the car and shout at the wronged person to kneel down to Chairman Han again and complain bitterly about his grievances. The Overseer's temper is that he will do what he pleases, and he will do what he wants. He personally interrogated the case and promised to seek justice for the women. At the same time, he also ordered the pistol brigade to go to Zhangqiu to arrest the father and son of the "Jinping King" and imprison him. At this point, without real evidence, it was concluded that Guo Hengxiang was a communist party and the original judgment was overturned. If there is an accident, Chairman Han can be swept away by reputation. Zhang Shaotang immediately understood the meeting, and according to He Siyuan's will that night, he reported Han Fuji.

Zhang Shaotang was not only Han's secretary, but also his "military master" and confidant, and Han's advice to Zhang was naturally obedient. Early the next morning, Han Chuan ordered a retrial of Zhang Qiu's case. The two sides of the court were: plaintiff Liu Daidong and Guo Liushi, and defendant Li Yanyu. After Han Fuju's strict interrogation, he asked the two sides to confront each other. As a result, Li Yanyu's words were poor and reasonable, and he was defeated by Liu Daidong's righteous and righteous words. In the end, Han Fuju scolded Li Yanyu, cunning and treacherous, bold and bold, dominating one side, calling wang a good politician and killing people at will. After the evidence of the crime is conclusive, he still dishonestly obeys the law, instigates his son to be accommodating from top to bottom, bribes the judiciary, and vainly attempts to overturn the case. With a wave of his hand, he went down to the church. The magistrate pronounced Li Yanyu guilty of death and suspended execution.

At this point, the lawsuit has lasted for three years, and both sides are in the predicament of exhausting their finances. The Li Jiaping brothers discussed: "The lawsuit is final and irretrievable. Instead of letting the Father be shackled and dragged in a different place, it is better to let him commit suicide and become a corpse. In this way, public opinion knows that the father died of illness in prison, and the case of death was cancelled. This is beneficial and harmless to our lee descendants. So Li Jiaping bought the "joint" and sent handwritten books and opium to his father. When Li Yanyu saw this, he did not feel the old tears flowing, and knew that the road to life was over, so he took poison and died in prison.

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