
When going to sea, you must know: how to buy volume to reduce costs and increase efficiency?


According to data from SensorTower, a third-party research institution, 2022 is a turning point for the global mobile game market, with annual revenue declining compared with the previous year, which is also the first decline since 2010, and the overall buying market continues to be sluggish since the second half of 2021.

When going to sea, you must know: how to buy volume to reduce costs and increase efficiency?

In the global economic downturn, the recession of the buying market has become the new normal, and how to reduce costs and increase efficiency is a real problem faced by every overseas promoter, especially the brand.

When going to sea, you must know: how to buy volume to reduce costs and increase efficiency?

Difficulty in buying volume

Overseas buying is a way to promote mobile Internet advertising in overseas markets, by purchasing a certain number of advertising impressions or clicks from overseas advertising platforms, attracting more potential users to pay attention to brands or products, and achieving sales, conversion and other goals. Buying volume plays an important role in improving the visibility and exposure of corporate brands, but there are also some problems in overseas buying volume, and many overseas promoters will encounter problems such as high cost, poor effect, and susceptibility to malicious traffic when buying volume promotion.

When going to sea, you must know: how to buy volume to reduce costs and increase efficiency?

1. High cost: The advertising cost of overseas advertising platforms is relatively high, and in the highly competitive market environment, advertising costs are also rising, increasing the cost pressure of overseas promoters.

2. Poor performance: Due to changes in advertising platforms and the variability of user behavior, the advertising effect is not stable, and sometimes the effect is not good.

3. Malicious traffic: There is a large amount of malicious traffic in overseas advertising platforms, and these malicious traffic may be clicked through automated robots and other means, which will affect the promotion effect of overseas promoters and increase the cost of overseas promoters.

4. Fake data: There is a certain amount of fake data on overseas advertising platforms, which may mislead overseas promoters to make wrong decisions, resulting in poor advertising results for overseas promoters.

When going to sea, you must know: how to buy volume to reduce costs and increase efficiency?

Solutions to reduce costs and increase efficiency

For the problem of overseas purchase, overseas promoters can take some measures to reduce costs, improve results, and achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase.

1. Choose the right ad platform

The choice of advertising platform has an important impact on the effect of overseas purchases. Overseas promoters need to understand the characteristics of different advertising platforms, advertising display effects, etc., and choose the appropriate advertising platform based on their own promotion goals and budget. At the same time, overseas promoters also need to pay attention to the security and credibility of the advertising platform, and choose a service provider with a certain reputation and strength.

When going to sea, you must know: how to buy volume to reduce costs and increase efficiency?

2. Carry out precise delivery

Precise advertising is an effective way to buy overseas, which can greatly reduce advertising costs. Before placing the purchase volume, overseas promoters can understand the interests and hobbies and behavioral Xi of the target users through market research and data analysis, and choose the appropriate advertising channels and advertising forms to improve the advertising display effect. In addition, overseas promoters can also use the precise delivery tools of the advertising platform to accurately target advertising, select target groups to place advertisements, and improve advertising click-through rates and conversion rates.

When going to sea, you must know: how to buy volume to reduce costs and increase efficiency?

3. Optimize ad creatives

Optimizing creatives is also an important way to improve ad performance. Overseas promoters need to produce advertising materials that meet the preferences of target users, optimize them from multiple aspects such as text, pictures, and videos of advertisements, attract the attention of target users, and improve the click-through rate and conversion rate of advertisements.

When going to sea, you must know: how to buy volume to reduce costs and increase efficiency?

4. Accurate monitoring and data analysis

Accurate monitoring and data analysis is an important part of overseas purchases. Overseas promoters need to monitor and analyze the click-through rate and conversion rate of advertisements through the data analysis tools provided by the advertising platform, adjust the advertising strategy in time, and improve the advertising effect. At the same time, overseas promoters can also use third-party data analysis tools to conduct in-depth analysis of the data provided by advertising platforms, understand users' behavior Xi and interests, adjust advertising strategies, and improve advertising effectiveness.

When going to sea, you must know: how to buy volume to reduce costs and increase efficiency?

5. Protect against malicious traffic and fake data

Preventing malicious traffic and fake data is an important measure to ensure the effectiveness of your ads. Overseas promoters can use the anti-fraud tools provided by the advertising platform to monitor ad clicks, find and eliminate malicious traffic in a timely manner, and reduce advertising costs. At the same time, overseas promoters can also use third-party anti-cheating tools to conduct multi-level monitoring and analysis of advertisements to prevent malicious traffic and fake data and improve advertising effectiveness.

6. Work with a trustworthy service provider

In the process of going overseas to buy volume, overseas promoters can choose to cooperate with reliable service providers, so as to obtain better advertising results and lower advertising costs. Reliable service providers usually have rich experience and industry resources, and can provide overseas promoters with customized overseas purchase solutions and all-round service support to help overseas promoters achieve the goal of reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

When going to sea, you must know: how to buy volume to reduce costs and increase efficiency?

7. Dynamically adjust according to market conditions

Overseas buying volume is divided into different stages, and the problems faced at each stage are different, which need to be continuously Xi and adjusted. Moreover, overseas promoters need to always pay attention to changes in market dynamics and user behavior Xi, find the most suitable marketing methods, and constantly adjust advertising strategies to improve advertising effects and reduce advertising costs. At the same time, promoters can also learn from the successful experience of other industries, learn lessons from them, and provide reference and reference for their own overseas purchase work.

When going to sea, you must know: how to buy volume to reduce costs and increase efficiency?


In the process of going overseas to buy volume, reducing costs and increasing efficiency is an important goal. Overseas promoters can achieve the goal of reducing costs and increasing efficiency, improving advertising effectiveness and reducing advertising costs through precise placement, optimization of advertising creatives, accurate monitoring and data analysis, prevention of malicious traffic and fake data, mastering new technologies, cooperating with reliable service providers, and dynamic adjustment according to market conditions. At the same time, overseas promoters also need to pay attention to changes in market dynamics and user behavior Xi, constantly adjust advertising strategies, and constantly innovate to achieve better advertising results and lower advertising costs.