
With 600 children participating, this New Year's music festival bathes in traditional culture and immerses a beautiful childhood

author:Jinan Times - New Yellow River

From December 28th to 29th, 2023, Qingyi Kindergarten, Huaiyin District, Jinan City, held the second New Year's Music Festival of "Bathing in Traditional Culture and Infiltrating a Beautiful Childhood". A total of 600 children participated in the two music festivals and more than 500 parents watched the performance. Practice the fashion of the times, carry forward the new style of morality, inherit the traditional culture, and infiltrate the colorful childhood of children.

With 600 children participating, this New Year's music festival bathes in traditional culture and immerses a beautiful childhood
With 600 children participating, this New Year's music festival bathes in traditional culture and immerses a beautiful childhood

Through singing and dancing, picture book plays, stage plays, recitations, percussion and other forms of programs, the children will vividly express the moral connotation of "benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith"; they will vividly display traditional cultural treasures such as poems, songs, and Chinese characters...... In this audio-visual feast and in this cultural baptism, the children will turn the children's future into the seeds of hope and spread them in the fertile soil of Qingyi, and move towards the future together!

With 600 children participating, this New Year's music festival bathes in traditional culture and immerses a beautiful childhood
With 600 children participating, this New Year's music festival bathes in traditional culture and immerses a beautiful childhood

Director Liu Zhongxia said that the successful holding of this music festival is inseparable from the enthusiastic help of units and departments at all levels, and even more inseparable from the support of parents and friends. The music festival is based on traditional culture, and organically combines cultural connotation, moral education quality, and the fashion of the times, so that children can "learn through play". In the past year, the kindergarten has worked hard, pioneered and innovated, child-centered, and constantly enriched the education and teaching style, so as to achieve a different high-quality preschool education. In the new year, the kindergarten will also step on the waves, move forward bravely, and grow and progress together with the children.

Jinan newspaper all-media reporter Zhang Mengwen

Proofreading: High-tech

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