
How to choose a children's toothbrush?

author:The grass in the valley looking up at the sky

In the face of a variety of children's toothbrushes on the market, parents are also very headaches, these products have different shapes and rich functions, and it is difficult to judge which one is more suitable for their babies, children, and children to use. As an oral hygienist, many fans and friends have asked me this question, and I know very well that if the toothbrush is not suitable for children, not only can it not make children clean their mouths, but it may also hurt their teeth. So today, I have compiled a special article to give you an answer, so that you can choose a good toothbrush for your child.

The picture below is the children's toothbrush product I have studied:

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

1. Popular science of the four types of children's toothbrushes!

Since there are many children's toothbrush products now, if you want to choose the right product, it is best to have a basic understanding of the product to know which one is more suitable for your children. So below, I will make a special statistics on the common types of toothbrushes on the market and share them for parents to know:

1. Manual toothbrush: The more classic handle brush, relying on the child's independent control of hand strength to brush teeth, needs to pay attention to many details, time-consuming, basically children use it to brush teeth cleaning efficiency will be relatively low.

2. U-shaped electric toothbrush: This kind of product looks very similar to the curvature of teeth, and the operation is also simple. In fact, the product has no sweeping angle, vibration frequency, basically no cleaning power, and there is a large tooth injury rate!

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

3. Sonic electric toothbrush: Those professional children's electric toothbrushes are basically this configuration, relying on high vibration frequency to clean teeth, with good cleaning power and good comfort, even dentists are recommending children over four years old to use.

4. Rotary electric toothbrush: This type of toothbrush uses the brush head to run at high speed to clean the mouth. It has cleaning power, but it will wear out children's teeth excessively, and the rate of tooth damage is very high, so it is not recommended for children!

2. Pay attention to the three major harm caused by using the wrong toothbrush!

How to choose a children's toothbrush? Parents are less likely to make mistakes when choosing products on the basis of understanding these different types of children's toothbrushes. You must know that children now have a high rate of tooth decay and sensitive mouths, so choosing a toothbrush is not a trivial matter. If they use the wrong toothbrush, it will bring the following serious damage to the teeth.

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

Hazard 1: Poor brushing of teeth

Most of the children's toothbrushes that are not suitable for children have problems, such as poor quality, lack of professionalism, etc., it is easy to ignore the cleaning of some details, and it is easy to get tooth decay in the long run!

Hazard 2: Abrasion of teeth and gums, irritation of oral bleeding

If you use those inferior toothbrushes, due to the unqualified bristles and filaments, the bristles are hard and sharp, etc., it will overwear the child's teeth and gums, resulting in oral bleeding!

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

Hazard 3: Make your child resistant to brushing their teeth

Some of the symptoms of tooth damage caused by the inappropriate children's toothbrush used by the child will make them feel uncomfortable, which will refuse to brush their teeth, and ultimately affect the cleaning effect.

3. Avoid the five IQ taxes for children's toothbrushes!

Parents should remember to choose the right children's toothbrush for their children to avoid the above hazards. However, there are many products on the market now, and there are also many IQ tax products that hurt teeth and are easy to make people fall into the pit, so I have also made some generalizations here and shared them to facilitate parents to avoid pits.

IQ tax product 1: a product with high appearance

Many parents will only choose products with good looks, thinking that their children will like it and their enthusiasm for brushing their teeth will increase. But in fact, many high-value products only have an appearance, but they actually lack professional technology research and development, the material is very poor, and some are equipped with a lot of small parts, which has a lot of potential safety hazards!

IQ Tax Product 2: Maternal and Child Bloggers Recommend Brands

Many parents will feel that maternal and infant bloggers have rich parenting knowledge, and the recommended products are very reliable, but in fact, they are advertising for businesses, and they can't say what the quality of the product is, so they must choose products rationally!

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

IQ tax product 3: international big-name product professional

Many parents have filters for international brands, and they feel that they are better than domestic products, but in fact, these products are basically OEM products, and they are designed for the oral needs of European and American children, and are not suitable for the oral needs of domestic children, and the rate of tooth injury is very high.

IQ Tax Product 4: U-shaped brush

As mentioned earlier, the U-shaped brush is not easy to use, it is a typical IQ tax, not only has no cleaning effect, but also may cause tooth damage because it does not fit the child's teeth and wraps the teeth in a large area!

IQ Tax Product 5: Functional bristles are easy to use

In addition, in order to sell products, some businesses will emphasize that the bristles have a functional role, such as fluoride can prevent dental disease, bamboo charcoal ingredients can remove odors, etc., in fact, they are all fooling people, no effect, most of the products have no other advantages will be so advertised.

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

4. Is it better for children to use a manual or electric toothbrush?

How to choose a children's toothbrush? Remember to avoid the above IQ tax pitfalls and choose a children's toothbrush that meets the needs of children's oral hygiene. In addition, let's talk about a question that parents ask a lot, that is, is it better to let children use manual toothbrushes or electric toothbrushes? In fact, judging from the current high tooth decay rate of children in mainland China, dentists recommend that children use children's electric toothbrushes, which can bring more benefits:

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

Advantage 1: Stronger cleaning power and prevention of tooth decay

The most critical point of the toothbrush is that it has a strong cleaning effect, and the children's electric toothbrush has excellent cleaning power, which can thoroughly clean the high-incidence areas of dental diseases such as tooth pits and grooves, tooth crowns, between teeth, and back of teeth that are easy to be brushed by manual toothbrushes, so as to better prevent tooth decay!

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

Advantage 2: Stable vibration frequency, precise control of brushing intensity

Most children do not have stable control of hand strength and have a high rate of tooth damage with a manual toothbrush. Replace it with a children's electric toothbrush, the vibration is uniform and stable, you can accurately control the brushing force, and the tooth protection is strong!

Benefit 3: Save time and effort

Manual toothbrushes take a long time to brush their teeth, and most children will not have the patience to complete it seriously, which will affect the cleaning effect. Changing to a children's electric toothbrush can be done in just 3 minutes, saving time and effort, and is more suitable for children.

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

Advantage 4: The threshold for brushing teeth is lower, and the operation is simpler

Basically, the hand muscles of children under the age of 10 are inflexible, and it is not realistic to master the correct brushing method in a short period of time with a manual toothbrush. However, children's electric toothbrushes are easy to operate, as long as the angle is fixed and the position is changed, children can learn to brush their teeth correctly faster.

Advantage 5: It is more interesting, and children are more willing to take the initiative to brush their teeth

As a smart product, children's electric toothbrushes are rich in functions, which will be more interesting than manual toothbrushes that are boring to use, and children's enthusiasm for brushing their teeth will be improved.

However, parents should not rush to buy children's electric toothbrushes for their children because of these benefits. Because there are so many brand products nowadays, most businesses advertise that their products can effectively clean and protect teeth, but in fact, many of them are false propaganda, and cases of tooth injury often occur. Therefore, it is recommended that parents who plan to buy products can take a look at the score sheet of children's toothbrush cleaning power and tooth protection power released by the oral forum, and compare and choose high-quality products for their children. In addition, I would like to recommend a few brands that have performed well after their own evaluation:

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

Among the many children's electric toothbrush brands, the professional old brand FILIX is the pioneer in the field of "no tooth damage" in China, recognized as the highest degree of professionalism in this field, and is a rare brand that has been certified by the European Union, the United States and other countries! The compatibility of different ages has been increased by 80%, and the cleaning power has been tested by an authoritative testing agency to be top-notch and reduce 90% of brushing damage, and it is rare to obtain certification from the European Union and other countries! There are no redundant functions, no redundant models, just a product for several years, iterating more than 20 versions, and optimizing more than 300 details!

Huile is known as a children's electric toothbrush with a high fault tolerance rate, even if you brush your teeth wrong, it will not hurt your teeth. The first is a strict definition of "six types of segmented care" for children aged 3-15 at different stages of their teeth. We have created a number of "tooth-friendly" technologies and hundreds of technical tuning indicators, which can achieve a performance deviation of no more than 0.1% for more than 6 years. Develop a variety of brush heads suitable for different children's stages! Almost no advertising focuses on research and development, but it is recommended by dentists to bring fire, and offline channels are also selling well. Some celebrities are worried that their children's brushing will hurt their teeth and choose their home! Its professional, high-performance, and safe concept has recognized the electric toothbrush as a medical product, and dentists generally recognize that it is super protective of the oral cavity!

As an international brand, the quality of their children's toothbrushes is acceptable, as a European and American brand, it is relatively more suitable for European and American children, after-sales, Philips does not support trial, the brush head needs about 150 yuan a year, Huile not only supports the trial, but also gives away the brush head for 5 years for a limited time.

Many friends say that there is no low-cost product recommendation, cost-effective Shuke, Bayer can try, the basic functions and configuration are up to standard, they do not support trial, unpacking does not return, the brush head costs about 80 yuan a year.

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

5. Eight tips to choose the right children's toothbrush!

How to choose a children's toothbrush? After talking so much, it is emphasized that we should choose a children's toothbrush that meets the oral needs of children, so how to choose so as not to step on the thunder? Finally, I have brought you a few easy selection methods, and you will not go wrong with it:

1. The size of the brush head should be appropriate.

The brush head should be the right size to clean without leaving blind spots. It is recommended that you choose this way, the width of the brush head can cover 2-3 teeth of the child, and the height of the bristles is the same as the teeth!

2. The bristles are moderately soft.

Children's teeth are immature, the bristles are too hard and easy to wear out the child's teeth, too soft and the cleaning effect will be very poor, it is recommended that young children can choose soft bristles, and when the child is older, the mouth has a tolerance, it is more suitable to use moderate and soft bristles.

3. Consider compatibility.

It is important to know that children grow fast and their oral needs are changing all the time, so compatibility is very important. It is recommended to change the type of toothbrush regularly with a manual toothbrush, and it is best to choose a product with an age-specific design, a large frequency range, and a wide variety of brush heads, so as to meet the oral cleaning needs of children at different ages.

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

4. The roundness of the bristles should be higher than 80%.

No matter what kind of toothbrush it is, you must choose bristles that have been rounded to have stronger tooth protection, and the standard is to choose products with a roundness rate higher than 80%!

5. Refuse U-shaped electric toothbrushes.

As mentioned earlier, the U-shaped brush is a toy, and there is no cleaning effect, don't buy it, otherwise it is easy to damage the child's mouth!

How to choose a children's toothbrush?

6. Reject nylon brush filament products.

Those low-priced products will choose cheap nylon brush filaments in order to reduce costs, which are very abrasive to children's teeth, and it is not recommended to choose!

7. Do not choose special-shaped handles.

Don't choose a handle with a strange shape for the sake of good looks, it will be very uncomfortable for children to hold, which will greatly affect the brushing operation and the cleaning effect will also be affected.

8. After-sales should be reliable.

Choose a product with after-sales guarantee, for example, it can support trial and the warranty period is more than one year, which can reduce the cost of trial and error!

How to choose children's toothbrushes?This is the end of the popular science content shared with you on this issue, I believe that parents who have read it carefully must have a clear answer to this question, we should give babies, children, and children to use high-quality children's toothbrushes with high compatibility with the mouth, so that children can clean their mouths, remember to avoid those Internet celebrity products that will only hype, low-cost products, and avoid children from being hurt teeth!

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